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This is a model of a building from a local Fort. The images are from within Unity3D Free version.

Let me know what you think. The texturing isn't complete either, I have to play with the UV's for the brick around the windows to have the mortar line up correctly (especially the inside area with the stretching).

Textures: Wood - Spiral Graphics Woodworkshop
Grass - Default Unity All others were created by me from source i
Norm and Spec maps: CrazyBump



  • Fwap
    Offline / Send Message
    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    There too many unnecessary polys, especially the higher windows. the hinges can be baked into the texture. from ground level you won't even notice, unless the purpose of them is to be viewed up close by the player, i'm assuming not though.

    You could use those spare polygons for the silhouette or even some base fortification between the ground and the building.

    That's all my expertise is allowing me to comment on without sounding like a tool.

    p.s Welcome to the forum
  • BertR
    Offline / Send Message
    BertR polycounter lvl 7
    The model needs some clean up. You should collapse verts like in the red cirkles, and move them to the corners. Also, you can save you a lot of tri's if you'd make the windows a floating geometry (loose element, not cutted out in the building).
  • Surferdude
    BertR: Some of the verts can be cleaned up, but in instances like the last image that you posted the building is made up of sections (each row of windows for instance is one) so I cant move some of the verts without combining the meshes. While this would be better overall I didn't want to make it that permanent for now. Although the top window doors defiantly need to be cleaned up.

    FWAP: Good point, the only reason that I modeled things like those hinges was simply because I was using just tillable textures (it was presented as a challenge by my teacher). Also thanks for the welcome :)
  • Surferdude
    So I fixed all of my texturing issues, everything is made up of tillable textures. I used source images from my visit of the location for all of the textures execpt the grass (re used from an older assignment, but also an image I took from grass from my back yard), the window glass (pure photoshop and I know it is not perfect), and the wood textures (Wood Workshop). I did not clean up the verts yet (will school back in session and it being my last year of college I am putting alot of work into my current courses/look at my post above this one). I also rendered some views using mental ray production quality.
    Mental Ray
    Maya high quality
    [IMG]http://danpr.files.wordpress.com/2012/08 /fort_niagara_maya_view_0008_layer-1.jpg[/IMG]

    Feel free to let me know what you think, from good to bad, lack of skill to potential. As a senior I will be looking for paid internships and jobs for fall of 2013and while I don't expect to start working at a AAA title studio (it would be nice) maybe an idea of what places expect would be welcome also.
  • letronrael
    Calice c'est quoi ca?
  • Benton
    Tiling texture anyone?

    It's really obvious.
  • Selaznog
    Offline / Send Message
    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    If you're looking for brutal honestly, it's not looking so great :/

    HOWEVER that leaves you with plenty of room to improve!

    Some areas that stick out to me the most are:
    1. The shape. It seems to be a big cube. Everyone can model a big cube, and if you want to stick out, you're gonna wanna make it more than just a cube.

    2. Ambient occlusion. This is an easy fix! You basically need to add darkness and shadow where two objects meet.

    3. The wall textures...Look into vertex painting. You're using the same tiling texture over everything, and it's probably the most noticeable problem.

    There are a few other things, but I think a lot of your issues could be solved if you have a look at some more reference. Just keep hammering away at this thing
  • Surferdude
    As far as something to create that "dazzles", are there any kind of general things that is recommended (besides characters, I haven't tried them yet and I do not have time to get that detailed right now). I was considering doing a car (sports or race like indy/f1 or ferrarri/lotus) or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks again everyone :)
    letronrael wrote: »
    Calice c'est quoi ca?
    If google translator is working correctly, you asked "Chalice What is this?" (not really sure the chalice part??)

    *This is fort Niagara in lewiston NY. Sadly it is cube in real life and the project was to make it look like the place (gonna have to look up ambient occlusion and vertex painting stuff, thanks :) ) . Also the building is made up of the same materials (source images below). As for the texturing the tile-ing was on purpose (although I do agree that it is not the best [limited resources on my behalf at the time of creating this] along with my professors suggestion to use all stone rather then stone/plaster since the plaster was done later in the forts lifespan) but I also do not pretend to be an expert at creating textures.

    *Please keep in mind that I am new at this and I may be coming off as a jerk. I simply am trying to explain myself and the reasons I did certain things certain ways (some forced, some creative decisions) and any thing I choose that is 'wrong' I do think and consider your inputs (and usually take the opinions and use them on future projects).

    Source images since I forgot I should probably post some.
  • Selaznog
    Offline / Send Message
    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Surferdude wrote: »
    *Please keep in mind that I am new at this and I may be coming off as a jerk. I simply am trying to explain myself and the reasons I did certain things certain ways (some forced, some creative decisions) and any thing I choose that is 'wrong' I do think and consider your inputs (and usually take the opinions and use them on future projects).

    Don't worry, you don't come off as a jerk at all. I know sometimes I feel the exact same; I'll get a critique on something and I dont apply it because I'd rather start from scratch (you can't polish a turd :D), and I think people sometimes think I'm lazy

    But yah, for sure look into vertex blending and ambient occlusion. As for the stone wall, you really just need to make it look more like stone, because from far away it's just a jumbly mass of noise. They need to read as stone chunks more
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