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Alan's game props

polycounter lvl 8
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demilich polycounter lvl 8
Hello polycount, this is some portfolio work I did for a 3d 1 class with TAD- The Art Department this spring semester. Instructor is Brett Briley and I recommend his class to anyone. Learned a lot and really pushed me as an artist to improve quickly. Feedback and critiques are welcome.




  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    These are really good man, great work!
  • DannSw
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    DannSw polycounter lvl 10
    I absolutely love that chair, the texturing is fantastic, specular really brings out the material. Great work.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    from a student portfolio i wasn't expecting much, but im glad i was wrong!

    awesome job man all the pieces are fantastic!
  • PolyTech
    great variety, it shows off your understanding of multiple material types. excellent use of complimentary colors in the spec maps. great presentation shots also.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    that chair looks beautiful! the space helmet thing looks like it could use more definition of materials - it seems too pink on the visor and the reflections and speculars arent reading very well
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome job man!I think that on your bike you should try to fix the tire as the pattern is lost and looks completely black.
  • Ehsan Gamer
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    Ehsan Gamer polycounter lvl 6
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    Very good work, sir!

    A nit-pick: On the helmet, it doesn't appear the weft texture overlay of the interior padding hasn't been laid down with much concern for the actual detail of the sculpt (which look so great!). I think it would be worth the few minutes of going back and editing the overlays so they coincide with the directionality of details. It's painfully obvious that you didn't put much effort into that one bit, which is a shame because the rest of the peice/portfolio has such attention to detail.

    Keep it up! :thumbup:
  • Krissleh
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    Krissleh polycounter lvl 5
    Well if this isn't an argument for taking their classes, I don't know what is. Too bad that the bandwidth available in my country is not sufficient for streamed classes. Excellent work!

    A question on the chair: What is the miniature grey-scale map on the diffuse texture? AO?
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
    gilesruscoe: thanks man

    DannSw:yea i really like how the chair came out too. thanks!

    ae.: cool man, I'm glad I surprised you.

    PolyTech: thanks, color spec maps are tricky, its really a subtle balance. I'm always aiming to improve my spec maps.

    Ged:thanks for pointing that stuff out on the helmet man, it really helps and I'll rework those.

    ivanzu:thanks man, ill look into the tire for sure, I agree it does look too black.

    Ehsan Gamer: thanks!

    Jeremy Tabor: hey man, thanks alot for pointing that stuff out on the helmet, I agree it does need some fixing and I'll rework those areas.

    Krissleh: actually TAD online does decently on slow bandwith, I used to live in a farm where the only thing i had was satellite internet which was slow, but it was good enough for online streaming.
    One a side note, the little grey scale map are the parts that were mirrored while i baked the normal and ao maps. I should of cleaned that out, I somehow missed it. :)
    its a trick i use in 3ds max to avoid that middle line seam, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt, depending on edge padding too.
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    That chair is amazing. Specular makes it pop. I think you nailed the texture. Great job man!
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    thats some amazing work youve got there. i love the chair but i think the reflection on it is a bit too much. makes it seem almost as if its wet.
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated.
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    hot diggity nice work. I love the chair. Your modeling and texturing is very good
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
  • imijatov
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    imijatov polycounter lvl 14
    No crits, man! Great game props. I'm especially digging the skull and helmet. Some great, realistic texture work going on with the helmet.
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
    thanks imijatov, that skull was done in sculptris :), by the way your celestia character is awesome, that left hand pose is powerful man,
  • turistainc
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    turistainc polycounter lvl 9
    Dat chair... Amazing work.
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    Great work man, looking really sharp.
  • Bee-Bee
    Alan, I usually don't checkout that many props threads but now I'm starting to question that. I'm really impressed with your texturing, UVs and treatment of materials. I'm not sure why you're using a cool color palette on the chair's spec map in addition to so much reflectivity (maybe to simulate the chair being outside, reflecting a blue sky?) but it still looks really nice.

    - a few nitpicks/suggestions: You have such a large and bright metal surface area on that helmet (bottom half of UV sheet). You could probably exaggerate a lot on the spec map to introduce scratches and dirt buildup that aren't seen clearly on the diffuse (maybe make them very dark to block the light). Might look really nice as the light catches that area.

    Also, on that skull - it would be great to see another render with some more dramatic lighting (maybe warm/cool 3 point lighting setup? ) Once again, sweet work man!
  • Bbox85
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    Bbox85 polycounter lvl 9
    Awesome!!! I think that helmet and chair are new since I last saw your work. Great stuff man!!
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    i really like the helmet, the chairs great too, but the reflectivity of the leather is far too high, it should be just slightly glossy spec, not reflective. It makes it look more like pvc or something
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    hey alan, you've come a long way in your texturing. I think it's time i pick your brain again haha. Hit me up via email and we'll skype or something. These are great props btw man. Great job
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
    turistainc: thanks man

    Sebeuroc: thanks!

    Bee-Bee: Thank you very much for the feedback, greatly appreciate it. I agree with the chair, I have to go back on the chair and reduce the reflectivity and fix the spec map. Also thanks for the suggestion on the helmet spec map, I will take your advice and make that spec map better. Little details fill certainly pop out better.
    By the way, killer texturing work on your russian heli, very inspirational!

    Bbox85: Hey Tris, whats up! Thanks for stopping by on my thread. :)

    mr_ace: Thanks for pointing that on the chair, and for the comment.
  • demilich
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    demilich polycounter lvl 8
    hello all, a wip on a traveling water buffalo. still needs a lot of work but it can give you an idea of what direction i'm taking this character to.
    any suggestions and comments are welcome. a lot of pieces haven't been sculpted or properly finished.
    usually with traveling work animals, i've seen yaks, oxen, camels, donkeys, etc. but not a water buffalo to be exact, but I decided to use this type of animal as I thought it would be interesting to use. the main idea behind this character is that it travels from town to town delivering necessary items to people, food, water, basic necessities. but over all this add the aged but though look. still things to play around with.
  • Bbox85
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    Bbox85 polycounter lvl 9
    So sick!!!! Could use more guns and rocket launchers :P
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