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Dawn Of Darkness Official 2012 Recruitment Thread. FRESH NEW LOOK!

Who are we?

We are a small group of individuals that make up Dark Lion Games. who are passionate about making games and want to take our project, Dawn Of Darkness to the next level.



How to apply:
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All Applicant Requirements
Fluent reading, writing, and listening in English.
Must be a team player and be able to work in a team environment.
Must use project management tools provided.
Must be able use common tools, such as DropBox, SVN, and FTP.
Must be able to use skype/teamspeak.
Passion for the game industry
Desire to learn or currently understands of the game development process.
Strong self-starter. Must be able to take action and break down progress barriers.

Contact via thread or email;

Please provide us with:

BEST METHOD OF CONTACT: Phone(if in usa)/skype(outside of usa or if you prefer skype for voice contact)
Email: mobile_ai@yahoo.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/darkliongames

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What is the goal?:

Bringing Survival Horror Back to Survival Horror Games: Survival Horror games have slowly begun to lose their focus leaning towards a more action oriented approach. In most "horror" games of late, you equip the largest weapon available and kill dozens of horrific things, yet you don't have a true sense of fear, you feel empowered. We aim to change that. We want to bring the fear back to gaming.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT YOU ME US?: Our goal is to create all the way to the end of chapter(level 1); It will be fully playable and at AAA quality. The goal then will be to shop the level around to find a publisher that feels the game is compelling to pick up, gather funding based on a proposed budget after working out costs of all assets, and continuing as a fully paid project. (We may even talk about self publishing if the team thinks that to be a better alternative.)

Core Gameplay: You play as Hikari Kurayami. Hikari never imagined she would be invited to attend the Saint Lumina Academy. Little is known about the school, even its exact whereabouts are unkown and kept in strict secrecy. But those who graduate are the most powerful, wealthy and influental women in the world... You just don't refuse.

After a long month of tiring and demanding curriculum, Hikari awakens from a terrifying and horrific nightmare . She dreams her best friend and roomate April Yang is brutally murdered by something horribly inhuman...it seems all too real ... She wakes in her dorm room to a harrowing message... the very same message that April sent her before her death in the dream.

"Help me ... The darkness....it has us... "


Terrified... Hikari sneaks out of her dorm room to save her friend... and unkowingly begins to discover how dark shadows can be...

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Key Features:
Immersive and semi-free-roaming environment, brought to life using UDK
Horrific, yet emotional story carried out over nine chapters.
Unique and Innovative combat system that favors cleverness and wit over twitch-trigger responses.
In Depth RPG elements so that you may customize your character to fit your play style.
PC/Mac Platform
High Quality Models and Textures
High Quality Sound effects and
Professional Music Score
Saved stats

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Dawn of Darkness started out as a solo project for the Ipad 2 and has slowly iterated and been refined over the span of a year and a half into a PC game.

Here are some Screenshots of just some of the work we have done.




here is a short animation clip of an enemy in action


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About Myself: I am 29 years old. I work as a Sr. Level Software Engineer in the Web Application Space. In my free time I learn new languages such as C++, and work on many indie projects such as this simple 2d puzzle game for facebook. http://www.facebook.com/kyubiko.

I would consider myself to be a strong generalist. I have skills in nearly all aspects of game development, and have had the opportunity to work with some mature (and some not-so mature) individuals. Making games is not easy. There will be many who start and quit. I know how much time it takes to create assets, sound, textures, sculpts, and I appreciate the talent it takes to do all of those things.

I just can not do it all alone, and neither can our small team of 4. That Brings us to you.

What are we looking for?

Macro requirements:

Have enough time to devote to a project. Having to manage 20 people who can work 2 hours is harder than working/interacting with 4 people who can work 10 hours a week. People who can devote more time to the project will be given higher consideration.

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Concept Artist x5

Strong Artistic Style(Ability to work within a particular style as well as adhere to consistency.)
Excellent drawing skills in both traditional and digital formats.
Excellent grasp of environment design and competent understanding of character design.
Strong understanding of Anatomy, Perspective, Figure Ground.
Ability to scan and upload hand drawn artwork.

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Programmers x2

We currently have 2 programmers, one is in the UK, and the other is myself. I will be stepping back from this role to focus more on the managerial aspects as we have already established quite a bit of custom code for the game.

Jr. level Programmer.
Thourough Understanding of Uscript with the willingness to learn C++(with tutelage) If UDK4 is released at a point in our development cycle where it would be feasible to migrate the project and take advantage of it.

Sr. level Programmer.

Mastery of C++ and object oriented methodologies. (pointers, structs, memory management, etc.) and willingness to learn Uscript. Have STRONG artificial intelligence development background.


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Character Modelers x4

Technical Requirements
2 years experience with 3D modeling: 3DSMax, and mudbox or zbrush.
2 years experience with Adobe Photoshop
Thorough understanding of the full character production pipeline, including concepting, sculpting, blockouts/retopo, game model, UV, material creation, rigging and skinning
Must understand character rigging and weighting and building game res meshes for animation
6 months experience with importing character assets into UDK.


Work with concept artists to create compelling human characters on par with current gen/next gen AAA titles. We would rather see characters that look like The new Lara Croft than have poorly designed characters and amazing environments. Strong female anatomy and experience creating female characters REQUIRED.
Creating female 3d characters tends to be an art unto itself, so please have strong examples.


work with concept artists to create horrific and unique creatures.
If you are more of a monster designer this is a good fit for you as anatomy is a bit less strict in this area.

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Character Animators x2

Technical Requirements
2 years experience with one or more 3D modeling & animation programs such as: 3DSMax or Maya.
1 year experience with rigging, skinning, animating a character realistically/naturally.
6 months experience with AnimTrees in UDK.
Proven understanding of the character development process.


Work with Character Modelers to create needed character animations.
Work with level designers for animation of interactive Environment Meshes

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Prop/Environmental Artists x5


1 year experience with: 3ds Max and Zbrush
6 months of experience creating basic animations for environment props and weapons.
6 months experience with AnimTrees in UDK.
3 months experience with weapon reload, idle, and firing animations.
Experience with importing animations into UDK using ActorX.

Communicate with Level Design and Modelers to create needed environmental/prop/weapon art and some animations.

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Level Designer x4
Technical Requirements
1 year experience creating maps/levels inside UDK.
6 months experience with UDK Kismet 6 months experience with UDK Matinee
Strong understanding of Level Streaming.
6 months experience white boxing (blocking out) a level/map
Ability to hand draw a top-down map and other concept views of the map.
Ability to translate mood boards, character, and art assets, and sounds into a believable map/level.
Strong understanding of lighting and level optimization.
Very strong organizational experience with UPK assets.


Communicate with leadership to ensure vision of game is maintained.
Communicate with all support teams in regards to level design team needs..
Communicate with Uscript teams for any scripting functionality that cannot be easily done within Kismet.

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Scaleform/Flash Specialist x1

Technical Requirements

1+ years of game development experience (UDK Preferred)
1+years experience with scripting languages with Flash/Actionscript 3.0 and working with 2d/3d UI frameworks.
6 months experience designing flow charts / UI layouts.
1 year experience with Photoshop
6 months experience with Scaleform.
6 months experience with UnrealScript.


Communicate with Level Design and 3D Art lead to best translate the style and feel to matching the Menu system and HUD (GUI).
Communicate with texture artists to facilitate needed textures.
Communicate with 3D art team to facilitate needed 3D art.
Communicate with the Uscript Team to facilitate any additional code not easily accessible via the scalreform tools.
Should be able to deliver 3 menu and/or HUD revisions per week.

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Sound Designer x2


1 year experience as an Audio/Sound Designer for film or video games.
Strong understanding in creating, designing, and mixing sound FX.
Ability to deliver stems upon request.
Strong understanding including vocal recording and mixing.
Strong understanding of the game development process.
6 months experience of UDK audio integration / implementation to create a virtual sound scape.
Large Sound Library to build sfx from during crunch time.
Must use a professional DAW system. (Audacity or Sound Forge by itself is not a professional DAW)


Communicate with 3D art lead facilitate the creation sound fx for immediate props and environmental models.
Communicate with Level design team to facilitate the creation of sound fx for atmos/ambient sounds and planning of sound placement as processing.
Communicate with composer to provide feedback and provide sound fx to sweeten composition depending on level design needs.
Will report sound assets to lead sound designer.

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Texture Artist x2

Strong understanding of the general art asset creation pipeline for 3D games.
2 years experience with Photoshop.
6 months experience with importing art assets into UDK.
6 months experience creating high quality texture content for games.

Bonus Skills/Experience
Formal Art Education
Familiarity with 3DS Max and other 3D modeling programs.


Communicate with Level Design and 3D Art lead to best translate the style and feel to matching textures for models and 3D artwork.
Communicate with modeling team to create textures for needed assets first.
Will report art assets to the 3D Art lead for approval.

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Application Process - Each applicant will have a 3 step application:

Application (Can you follow directions / introduction / information / questionnaire)

Review of Demo Reel / Portfolio (what have you done and who trusts you)

Speaking with Nick (Darkliongames) via Phone/Skype. (Does your personality fit in with our leadership)

If during any of those steps we feel that it's not a good fit for both the applicant and our dev team, we'll let the applicant know right away to ensure no misunderstandings. If after those 3 steps we feel you're appropriate for the role, we'll bring you on board and have you start right away!
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