It's simple really: As a game artist what 'type' of game art do you enjoy creating?
We're hoping to launch a contest soon where after it is over I'd like to get back to more regular challenges. I'm making this poll a multiple choice one, where you can tick off more than 1 response. If you do characters but want to do environments as well, feel free to tick off both.
Seeing where the communities rests in terms of strong interests will let us come up with better challenge ideas for you guys.
Love this suggestion. One of my favorite parts about being an environment artist is lighting.
I also find making print ready toy models a lot of fun.
IF there were enough, you could always take a default level from UDK and do the lighting for it as a contest.
animation and FX for me
Or an open brief ;P
The title says 3D artist so I'm not sure if that would be related?
Is there any sort of window wherein "soon" might fall? I'd love to take on another contest soon; it's been way too long since I was able to do any personal art.
Yes.... I know there's a concept category in the poll.... I mean, Can we please have one in whatever the contest/challenges end up being.
Unfortunately the 'soon' aspect is out of our hands. I just know we all want it to happen ASAP.
Where the road leads, I don't know.
In my early game-art years, I just did guns and other hard-surface stuff, so I'm dog-tired of that now. When seeing grandiose sub-d modelling, I cringe just by thinking of all the support-edges and whatnot.
I chose concepts, weapons, and environments
ooooooohhhhhh, am I smelling the sweet scent of a partnership or tie in?
I'm surprised so many has chosen environment over character when P&P seems to pretty much be flooded with that and mix between vehicle/weapon. Guess people have overdone environment and starting to do characters instead, but still love to do those environment.
to me, the overall effect is most important
edit: ooh multiple choice- ok that does work then
Am I blind or too demanding ?
I do enjoy concepting and illustration but purely as a personal hobby, I wouldnt ever want it to be owned or constrained as in a game workplace, being a personal and expressive outlet. Lol that makes 3d sound evil haha, you know what I mean tho right lol no tech or time limits.
As an all arounder I dont mind what it is, aslong as I can build, though right now my focus lies on environments.
Just to play devils advocate a little, the question asked and the reason behind it are slight different. It seems it should have been "what do you enjoy most for contests". While im not saying that they are mutually exclusive, im just saying that they could be. Some people might love doing environments at work/home the most, but for a contest maybe they only like doing characters.
The reasons I thought of this was based on previous contests. When they were smaller/a more completable goal, there was always more participants. And more importantly, more people finished.
Smaller props that seem more fesable to finish like the TF2 Polycount Pack and Darksider weapon contest seemed to have so many more people enter and finish (this could of course be due to the fact that work went in game of course). Same with BRAWL characters. Not so much on the BRAWL environment side as environments generally just take more time to complete.
And yet right now environments lead as where most peoples "interests" lie. But from what I recall, the last environment contest was far less participated/finished compared to the weapon contest and yet that category is shows at almost half the interest as environments.
idk, just something to maybe think about.