Newb here. I made a helicopter model in Maya and UV'd it with the intention of having the cockpit use one diffuse map and the rest of the body use another. The cockpit UVs are in 0-1 space and the body is -1 - 0. When I bring it into MudBox, it doesn't bring the textures with it, for some reason, but it does have the two separate materials. When I apply the texture to the cockpit, it repeats it over the body as well. When I apply the texture to the body material, nothing happens. Is the problem that the cockpit and body are just sections of the same object? Would separating them into two different objects fix this? I was avoiding separating it into 2 objects because I was worried the detail sculpting won't look as seemless.
Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question. I'm still learning the ropes. Any advice you could give me on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
if you want to import a set of textures right-click in the textures window and do an import layer.
you have to name your sequence of textures correctly for mudbox to read them in and put them on the right tile.
they should have names like tex1_u1_v1.tif, tex1_u-1_v1.tif, tex1_u2_v1.tif etc...
make a text scene with multiple tiles to see how the naming works.,topicNumber=d30e24491