Hey peeps....
I've got 2 weeks off coming up and I'm planning to use it to make a few portfolio pieces...
was also planning a 24hr max-a-thon... mainly to reaquaint myself with max as I'm in the middle of a massive blender project...
I'm not a fantastic modeller and potentially looking to learn a bit of zbrush as part of my modelling...
I'm thinking of doing a full 24hr stint with the possibility of running a live stream... mainly so that peeps can come on and point out what i'm doing wrong!!

would anyone be interested in this or am I being daft?
I'm planning on a scene based on Dune, the Frank Herbert novel rather than the film... altho some of my plans have been slightly influenced by it...
if people aren't bothered about a live stream I may just post updates occasionally...
if this is the wrong place then please move it...

Switch from blender to max, learn sculpting, do a lot of modeling, do an entire environment.
I also agree that doing a 24hr marathon will only be counterproductive. There is a point that you actually just do more harm than good. There are studies (I don't have time to look them up) that show after a certain amount of time your cognitive function will drop to the point that you would be better off working at 30k feet without oxygen. You actually become blind to your mistakes and not only do you not realize you are making them but at the time you actually think its the right thing to do.
You end up passing out and waking up in a pile of crap that you have to fix. Just work normally and don't screw off on the internet.
But i like the idea of a livestream of all creating process, it is can be interesting
the project was just a Portfolio piece so wouldnt be used for games... was mainly wanting to try to get some finished works to put in my Portfolio... but starting to feel i may not be up to this now.... I'll just work at a steady pace and post updates along the way... wish me luck
To be completely honest, I wouldn't really be interested in just watching somebody else learning software. Thats just me...but you could potentially seek out some google hangouts while your working, as people are typically working on stuff in those...then you can voice chat a little and get some feedback/help if you get stuck, etc..
As for your goals, I dont think a 2 week environment is unreasonable; especially if you are taking a modular approach. When I was in school we had 2 weeks to finish an environment project. So its doable, and not unreasonable. its setting goals like that for yourself that make you a quick worker. I know it benefited me in the end; I can now fully realize a series of quality modular assets in a couple hours, and that skill is worth alot of money to any employer.
feel free to knock me down a peg or two!
added a camera and attempted some fog type effects as per the vid... not sure if I'm feeling the fog but it looks a lot better... tiled a couple more times for testing porpoises... camera's at quite a high angle and I know that i dont really want it that high for the final but will come to that once i get something to put in it...