Hi I have accumulated alot of high poly and low poly models that i want to texture and finish so I have started with this pipe segment and I was hoping to get some help on continuing with texturing it cause I was going for something with the texture detail of like the ones that are in UT3 that have amazing details, but mine don't yet. Any help or crits would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Closeup of where the paint has come off

And The diffuse Texture Flat at full res

Basically you'll need to look at actual reference and pay attention where things like rust/scratches and wear naturally occur. Also think about what kind of metal you're making for it to look believable. Is this thing copper, brass, steel, etc?
Any crits would be much appreciated. Thank you
- Bit too monochrome (especially the pipe) add some more soft colour variation in there with a low opacity layer in your PSD
- The undersurface on the pipe is too similar to the pipe texture. Would be something else. More worn down. Needs more transition from pipe to under surface.
- occlusion (black lines) are too black, try and a dark blue or brown?
- Cabinet needs a bit more work on the edging, you have a soft lighter edge which is cool but it's a bit too consistent and clean which goes against the more run down look of the texture.
- You have overlayed that splatter photo on the cabinet but it's focused on one area a bit too much. It's the only interesting detail and the eye just rests there and gets bored with the rest. Maybe try and add more worn surface in other areas to and make the detail more uniform. edging will help with this too.
This is a common tutorial used for this sort of thing if you have not seen it already.
and here is a old example of something I worked on. Obviously this is worn down a bit too much but might give some inspiration. I think the key thing to notice here is the discoloration. Hope this helps!
Any crits welcome. Thank you
Another thing i noticed, is that the rust doesn't seem to be effecting that top trim, which seems out of place to me.