i'm not so sure if intense really explains very much. and from my experience in Asia and what i have read the cultures in many countries seem to be the opposite. there is a lot of formalism and cultural norms that are quite rigid. there is of course lots flashy art and music but it seems almost like an over the top escape from the underline rigidity and predictability of social interactions and hierarchy.
I live in Korea and have known dozens of people from different asian groups very well for several years, not to mention I teach, and I can tell you their lifestyle as youths is quite extreme. I teach kids in the evening; they come to me after they finish their first school, and their second school; I work at their third; they leave at 9:45PM. That's because of the recession, and their parents can't afford any more education. Before my time, they finished up at 11PM at night. They are currently on their summer vacation, which is only about 4 weeks long. They still come to my school every evening, around 200 of them; and the other private schools (around 5 in my block alone) are all packed too. During summer vacation and year round.
Think of this though: The chinese population is ginormous and the internet-cafe culture is huge, so it's merely by random genetic chance that this kid ended up with this.
He's not the only kid having done these marathons by far.
i think there is a few different ways to interpret 'extreme'. for instance when i think of 'extreme culture' what comes to mind is the extreme subcultures that have come out of the west, mostly the music and art subcultures. i think that subcultures make up fairly large groups in urban cities so this can to some extent be part of the mainstream culture and considered the extreme end of the spectrum.
but you can also say that highly competitive highly structured cultures are 'extreme'. so i guess that is how your using the term. that is my impression of the situation in mainstream Asian culture. in that sort of environment people seem to need 'escape' activities. where they can just let it all out and get rid of the stress. games are sort of the ultimate for that. so i guess if you have a lot of stress then you would need a lot of escape time playing games. if your not that good at school then that sort of situation is probably utter hell. i could see kids getting addicted to games because they can't deal with all that pressure, not getting good grades etc. basically the society says your a looser if your not the best student so people escape into games where they have some freedom and a sense of accomplishment and self worth.
the drunken passed out salaryman phenomenon in japan seems to be the same sort of extreme stress release. where almost every day you see some guy passed out in the street in a suit. no body even notices they just walk right past him. these guys go out and get totally smashed and pass out on the street. presumably on a regular basis.
to me it seems a bit funny to think of extreme as people who study hard and people working hard because every culture does that. you go to any major city and you see that sort of culture. i consider that as sort of the normal boring culture. the only thing extreme about it is that it is a meat grinder that sucks the life out of people. and you end up like the dude in the picture.
another thought is that in most countries there is some forms of recreational drugs. and a lot of people smoke pot to relax. but Asian countries have almost no drug use and the laws are extremely harsh even for pot. so games are used sort of like a drug. so some of the same problems of addiction you see in other countries around drugs you see with games in Asia. its just a hunch tho.
maybe we need to send more pot to china they have and extreme cannabis shortage over there .
hate to say it but natural selection at its best here
We really don't know about the specific situation to be making such harsh statements IMO. I'll admit, it was my first thought too. Sure, there's a fairly decent chance that this happened cause he was a pretty dumb guy. But it also could be the case that he was trying to get loot to sell so ol' gran could get that hip replacement. The article is pretty scant on a lot of important info IMO.
poppycock. there is nothing to argue about. there are no guns involved and it has nothing to do with the USA. that eliminates 99% of the issues that nationalist are interested in.
I don't have time to read the whole thread and I'm not sure if it already came up or not but in 2010 Brad Meyers (a fellow polycounter) had a clot that traveled from his legs to his lungs and was incredibly serious. I think it happened after a marathon session to get a few art tests done, which I think landed him a job >.>
I seem to remember that he also had some kind of (unknown to him at the time) medical condition and will be on meds the rest of his life.
So in the case of this D3 guy, we really don't know if the guy was just a dumb ass, mentally ill, had a medical condition or he felt societies pressure to succeed in some way, we just don't have all of the facts. It could have been a mix of everything who knows...
We really don't know about the specific situation to be making such harsh statements IMO. I'll admit, it was my first thought too. Sure, there's a fairly decent chance that this happened cause he was a pretty dumb guy. But it also could be the case that he was trying to get loot to sell so ol' gran could get that hip replacement. The article is pretty scant on a lot of important info IMO.
Either way the fact is he died due to sitting to long in 1 position, intentional or not. Every User HAS to know it very serious, you gotta get up and move around or you can die from a clot
Honestly I don't know how its physically possible to even sit that long, if I sit for a few hours straight without moving I get antsy. If I skip a meal, let alone two I get a bit shaky(low blood sugar maybe). Not to mention shitting/pissing myself after 40 hours, jesus christ.
Honestly I don't know how its physically possible to even sit that long, if I sit for a few hours straight without moving I get antsy. If I skip a meal, let alone two I get a bit shaky(low blood sugar maybe). Not to mention shitting/pissing myself after 40 hours, jesus christ.
I also get shaky if I skip meals, but im not diabetic
I get shaky and cranky if i don;t eat. Me and my co workers were just talking about this, what about eating peeing, taking a dump or even sleeping? Did he literally just sit
I also get shaky if I skip meals, but im not diabetic
I'm not diabetic either, low blood sugar is like the opposite of being diabetic.. Most likely the guy passed out from low blood sugar.
Anyway my point was: How the hell is it even possible to do this, my body has all these built in functions to let me know I need to drink, eat, piss, shit, etc. How was he even physically able to do it for 40 hours straight?
Also, you can rent rooms at internet cafes? Like a sort of over-night wank closet? That mildly disturbing.
I'm not diabetic either, low blood sugar is like the opposite of being diabetic.. Most likely the guy passed out from low blood sugar.
Anyway my point was: How the hell is it even possible to do this, my body has all these built in functions to let me know I need to drink, eat, piss, shit, etc. How was he even physically able to do it for 40 hours straight?
Also, you can rent rooms at internet cafes? Like a sort of over-night wank closet? That mildly disturbing.
He probably passed out from the clot the DVT threw that embolised in one of his heart valves. :poly124:
Yes, in some countries (especially especially Japan) you can rent small cubicles with computers, a comfy chair, manga, dvds, whatever. Lots of people rent them cause they were too trollied to catch the last subway train home :P It's very cheap, much cheaper than capsule hotels, which are actually more pricey than you'd think.
I'm not diabetic either, low blood sugar is like the opposite of being diabetic..
as far as i'm aware, diabetes is an insulin deficiancy. and it can go in BOTH directions. with some cases your body produces too much insulin, which causes low blood sugar. and in other cases your body doesn't produce enough, which causes too high blood sugar.
I live in Korea and have known dozens of people from different asian groups very well for several years, not to mention I teach, and I can tell you their lifestyle as youths is quite extreme. I teach kids in the evening; they come to me after they finish their first school, and their second school; I work at their third; they leave at 9:45PM. That's because of the recession, and their parents can't afford any more education. Before my time, they finished up at 11PM at night. They are currently on their summer vacation, which is only about 4 weeks long. They still come to my school every evening, around 200 of them; and the other private schools (around 5 in my block alone) are all packed too. During summer vacation and year round.
He's not the only kid having done these marathons by far.
but you can also say that highly competitive highly structured cultures are 'extreme'. so i guess that is how your using the term. that is my impression of the situation in mainstream Asian culture. in that sort of environment people seem to need 'escape' activities. where they can just let it all out and get rid of the stress. games are sort of the ultimate for that. so i guess if you have a lot of stress then you would need a lot of escape time playing games. if your not that good at school then that sort of situation is probably utter hell. i could see kids getting addicted to games because they can't deal with all that pressure, not getting good grades etc. basically the society says your a looser if your not the best student so people escape into games where they have some freedom and a sense of accomplishment and self worth.
the drunken passed out salaryman phenomenon in japan seems to be the same sort of extreme stress release. where almost every day you see some guy passed out in the street in a suit. no body even notices they just walk right past him. these guys go out and get totally smashed and pass out on the street. presumably on a regular basis.
to me it seems a bit funny to think of extreme as people who study hard and people working hard because every culture does that. you go to any major city and you see that sort of culture. i consider that as sort of the normal boring culture. the only thing extreme about it is that it is a meat grinder that sucks the life out of people. and you end up like the dude in the picture.
maybe we need to send more pot to china they have and extreme cannabis shortage over there
We really don't know about the specific situation to be making such harsh statements IMO. I'll admit, it was my first thought too. Sure, there's a fairly decent chance that this happened cause he was a pretty dumb guy. But it also could be the case that he was trying to get loot to sell so ol' gran could get that hip replacement. The article is pretty scant on a lot of important info IMO.
poppycock. there is nothing to argue about. there are no guns involved and it has nothing to do with the USA. that eliminates 99% of the issues that nationalist are interested in.
I seem to remember that he also had some kind of (unknown to him at the time) medical condition and will be on meds the rest of his life.
So in the case of this D3 guy, we really don't know if the guy was just a dumb ass, mentally ill, had a medical condition or he felt societies pressure to succeed in some way, we just don't have all of the facts. It could have been a mix of everything who knows...
Either way the fact is he died due to sitting to long in 1 position, intentional or not. Every User HAS to know it very serious, you gotta get up and move around or you can die from a clot
I'm not diabetic either, low blood sugar is like the opposite of being diabetic.. Most likely the guy passed out from low blood sugar.
Anyway my point was: How the hell is it even possible to do this, my body has all these built in functions to let me know I need to drink, eat, piss, shit, etc. How was he even physically able to do it for 40 hours straight?
Also, you can rent rooms at internet cafes? Like a sort of over-night wank closet? That mildly disturbing.
He probably passed out from the clot the DVT threw that embolised in one of his heart valves. :poly124:
Yes, in some countries (especially especially Japan) you can rent small cubicles with computers, a comfy chair, manga, dvds, whatever. Lots of people rent them cause they were too trollied to catch the last subway train home :P It's very cheap, much cheaper than capsule hotels, which are actually more pricey than you'd think.
as far as i'm aware, diabetes is an insulin deficiancy. and it can go in BOTH directions. with some cases your body produces too much insulin, which causes low blood sugar. and in other cases your body doesn't produce enough, which causes too high blood sugar.