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Teen dies after 40 hour D3 session



  • zicoV
    I know this is a tragic story but the first thing i though after reading it was "Your deeds of valor will be remembered"..

    Am i a horrible person?
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11

    It's not a Blizzard game until some Asian dude dies.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Game over anyone?

    Seriously though, it is tragic.
    But as someone has stated before it's not the first time this happens and most certainly not the last.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    that's dedication says I
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    Story feels incomplete without them mentioning if he did beat Diablo on inferno.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    ...I'm not sure what to think or say. It's tragic for sure but heck... to deny your own basic needs sure feels stupid to me. It's not that hard to order a pizza to your desk or something...

    Something must've been wrong from the start else this wouldn't happen right?...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ...I'm not sure what to think or say. It's tragic for sure but heck... to deny your own basic needs sure feels stupid to me. It's not that hard to order a pizza to your desk or something...

    Something must've been wrong from the start else this wouldn't happen right?...

    Could have gotten a blood clot from sitting so long
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    ^ that blood clot thing made me say "aw fu-k you!" to myself when I read the story, now I want to use the standing desk option now...
    [Starts]- Jesus we can't even sit down anymore...(sarcasm)[ends]

    Well now a days people should get the hint to put some kind of timer in games with an auto lock option, the game logs your play time and eliminates It after 16 straight hours (closing restarting the game would not affect the timer) for an 8 hour period after the 16 straight game hours (pop up message for 1:00 minute warning) restarting the PC or putting back the PC clock would not affect It, the game would access a Local Internet site for actual time from some site then re-enables It when It's reached It's limit. To add then the game will lock completely if someone tampers with the time or code to cheat the system. (Off-line gaming would speed up the timer if you adjusted your PC clock back.)

    Is that hard to add? I figure if company's have servers that host access to on-line gaming can't they make this a possibility?

    Sorry to hear this news I am sure his parents are like, wtf...
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    No one dies from 'playing 40 hours of Diablo', or any amount of time on any game. You die from being unhealthy, lazy and fat (in these kind of stories, obviously there are a million and one causes of death...). These kind of articles are the reasons parents think video games are dangerous to youth. The article should read "Dumb ass teen dies due to his own fault", or read nothing at all, because there is no story. These kind of stories really bug me, people need to be accountable for their own stupid actions, not video games, other media or other people.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yes, I would be curious to know if he had a weight problem. That could have heightened his risk of getting a blood clot.

    Wonder how much 40 hours in an internet cafe cost him.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    Ok seriously Ive been wondering this for a while (and all you wow boys like Cory and Pior fess up on how you feel on this one)

    But Ive worked on some titles before...but nothing (to my knowledge ) anyone has ever played SO much that they died playing it.

    Does that in your eyes mean youve made the best game EVER. Or made something so horribly addicting its killing people like if it was a new drug on the street?

    Personally Im probably reading to much into this, but Ive thought about this before, and the idea has always made me unsettled :S

    I hope to work on widley awesome games that are in a huge profit margin and are fun...but man I hope no one dies while playing it!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    A few years ago I read an article about the "wonderful" act of poop-socking. The article was about wow players who would rather poop in a fucking sock than leave the game for a few minutes.

    I don't want to say Blizzard is evil, but there sure does seem to be some weird shit (:poly122:) around their games...
  • Bacn
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    Bacn polycounter lvl 13
    seforin wrote: »
    Does that in your eyes mean youve made the best game EVER. Or made something so horribly addicting its killing people like if it was a new drug on the street?

    Might mean that society has pressured some people too much into succeeding, reality never gave them a chance to live up to the extremely high standards that their culture idealizes and you offer the easiest, albeit unhealthy, means of quelling their over-inflated sense of duty.

    But that's just how it always seemed to me.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Ok didn't read any more on this in the thread, but want to expand on what Justin said. Folks on international flights have been known to stand up and drop dead from a blood clot in the leg after long term sitting.

    As no biologist, nor doctor, you should never take medical advice from Polycount or you're an idiot. However, my mom had a horrible scare with a blood-clot in the leg a few years back, and as easy as it can happen it's a deadly serious issue.

    But let's be real, if you didn't have to get up to pee within an eight hour period, you may be close to death by dehydration.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »
    Yes, I would be curious to know if he had a weight problem. That could have heightened his risk of getting a blood clot.

    Wonder how much 40 hours in an internet cafe cost him.

    The last "gaming fatigue" related death the guy was skinny.

    Just reminds you to go out and walk around a bit after a few long sessions of sitting down
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Theres undernourished skinny and then theres stealthy-fat, but blod clots are largely by chance or genetical unless obese right?
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    How many people die in car accidents, drug overdoses, domestic violence, drinking too much alcohol >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> marathon gaming,

    Whose death gets the most media attention? I dont really think gaming has a problem quite yet.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    cholden wrote: »
    As no biologist, nor doctor, you should never take medical advice from Polycount or you're an idiot.

    Excuse me...I take medical advice from PC all the time. Which explains the bionic arm and laser eye :thumbup:
  • Overlord
    Most people don't play games for forty hours straight. And those that do certainly have preexisting issues that lead to such behavior. If the person in question had been into hard drugs and died from that, no one would create a media circus around it. However, video games are still considered a "toy" for children. Thus, when you connotate something as being "for children" and someone is harmed by it, attention whores the world over pounce on it as a tool to push their personal agendas/vendettas. People hate and fear what they don't understand or what conflicts with what they think is right. So many people live in this little box of what they think reality is and when you start poking holes in it, they panic because they don't possess the tools to deal with what is out there. They demonize anything that seeks to pierce the veil. They're like Vault 101.

    Like others have said: It wasn't the game that killed him, it was his lifestyle and personal issues that did him in. If not the game, it might have been something else. The kind of people that would put in that much time already have issues and a game isn't going to make an otherwise stable person croak.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
  • ikken
    the word "nolifer" just got a new & horrific definition imo
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Could have gotten a blood clot from sitting so long

    Oh right, scary stuff indeed then. I might actually ask for an adjustable desk when I get to work again ^^ the guy next to me usually sits half a day and stands the rest.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    there was an awesome stool i sat on once, i really should try to find it again. basically it's at an angle, and your feet are pressed against a surface, so you're half standing half sitting. it was really comfortable.
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Man talk about N00b... ¬_¬
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    welp..thats terrible..
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I've had like 15hr marathons before. But not 40, yeow. You really do need to get up and stretch/walk for a few minutes every hour of sit time.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    What he dropped ?

    ...srsly - poor guy, feel bad when
    i read of these stories
    Still wonder how you can get isolated in social life
    so badly, that when you dont have the self control - that
    maybe friends or family come to help
  • Gusti
    I dont think it was health related at all..
    He probably played 40 hours, and in the last minute got some usable loot drop and croaked from pure shock!

    ye i know.. bad taste but still funny :P
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    That's one less dumbass to walk on the face of the Earth. Seriously though, the guy had less brains than a monkey. But hey, at least he died doing what he loved.

  • slipsius
    I take it he was playing hardcore mode?
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    slipsius wrote: »
    I take it he was playing hardcore mode?

    zing ;D
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    heh you guys are awful today
  • Overlord
    That's one less dumbass to walk on the face of the Earth. Seriously though, the guy had less brains than a monkey. But hey, at least he died doing what he loved.


    That's a harsh criticism for someone you don't even know. Perhaps he had a mental illness and couldn't help himself? Most people who do exhibit such extreme addictive behavior tend toward having some kind of mental illness, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, that causes them to behave contrary to rationality. For all you know, he could have some form of autism or other mental defect. ADD, in particular, can predispose those affected to continue an activity long past the time they should have moved on.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    Since when is being an idiot not an option anymore, people trow around disease/illness names for everything but there sure are some plain stupid people out there that are just that way without it having to have a fancy name :)
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    That's one less dumbass to walk on the face of the Earth. Seriously though, the guy had less brains than a monkey. But hey, at least he died doing what he loved.


    And you should get a Sophomoric Award, I'm impressed.
    Since when is being an idiot not an option anymore, people trow around disease/illness names for everything but there sure are some plain stupid people out there that are just that way without it having to have a fancy name :)

    True, but most people see it this way;

    If you have to go to the doctor, but the doctor isn't in, most likely you're going to say 'that fuckers doesn't care for anything, his a douche'.

    Very few people are willing to take the time in thinking 'Hey, maybe something happened which I'm unaware of, I should ask the Doc next time, and if it was something silly, I'll ask him to inform me next time before hand, simple instead of thinking his a douche'.

    This isn't a case if someone who is blind and you didn't notice they were blind because they are very capable of moving without help, this is a case of we don't know anything about the kid, yet we have fully grown men and women passing juvenile comments right off the bat, not even jokes mind you, condescending 'meh, he was retard, we're better off like this'.

    Frankly, it's better for an idiot to be humble, then a cultured man be a prick just because they had a different life, at least an idiot can be educated in his manners.
  • makecg
    Everytime blizzard makes a gam3 someone dies.
    I think someone died after too much WoW too right?
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I'm not sure if calling them idiots or whatever is fair. Some people died from watching too much football too, I don't think they were aware of the fatal risks of what they were doing. I think they just expected to fall asleep and then wake up again, like every other nap they've ever taken... Only they never did.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    Ace-Angel wrote: »

    This isn't a case if someone who is blind and you didn't notice they were blind because they are very capable of moving without help, this is a case of we don't know anything about the kid, yet we have fully grown men and women passing juvenile comments right off the bat, not even jokes mind you, condescending 'meh, he was retard, we're better off like this'.

    i never said he was retarded i just said he was an idiot because of what happened. to game for 40hours without giving yourself the basic human needs to survive is in my book an act of idiocy. An educated man can be an idiot, if i do something stupid im an idiot. Theres just the things the article reports on and my initial thought to it.
  • Overlord
    i never said he was retarded i just said he was an idiot because of what happened. to game for 40hours without giving yourself the basic human needs to survive is in my book an act of idiocy. An educated man can be an idiot, if i do something stupid im an idiot. Theres just the things the article reports on and my initial thought to it.

    Maybe he is an idiot, but how can any of us make that determination? People that exhibit addictive behavior towards games typically also have an underlying mental illness that causes it. He probably couldn't pull himself away because he was fixated on the game to the exclusion of everything else. Even stupid people know when their body is telling them they're being pushed beyond its limits.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Overlord wrote: »
    Maybe he is an idiot, but how can any of us make that determination? People that exhibit addictive behavior towards games typically also have an underlying mental illness that causes it. He probably couldn't pull himself away because he was fixated on the game to the exclusion of everything else. Even stupid people know when their body is telling them they're being pushed beyond its limits.

    if he was truly incapable due to an underlying mental illness, then he was a retard. your choice man, was he an idiot, or a retard?
  • Overlord
    if he was truly incapable due to an underlying mental illness, then he was a retard. your choice man, was he an idiot, or a retard?

    That's a false dichotomy. A compulsion is not a sign of retardation nor stupidity. A person can be smart and still be compelled to act irrationally. You can't just cram people into a box A or box B like that. People don't call compulsive gamblers idiots, yet gamblers will spend immense amounts of money despite the fact that they almost never win. Are alcoholics idiots? Are suicidal people stupid? No, they're sick and can't help their compulsions.

    The guy didn't die because he was stupid, he died because he couldn't stop himself. He obviously lacked the ability to know when it was time to stop. People with ADD exhibit the same symptom. Many call it hyper-focus, but it's just a lack of ability to realize they need to shift their focus when it's time to do so.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    if he was truly incapable due to an underlying mental illness, then he was a retard. your choice man, was he an idiot, or a retard?

    Ah gir that's fairly harsh mate!
  • MattyWS
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    MattyWS polycounter lvl 11
    Hello all (this being my first post here actually, not the best thread to start), Just to start off, I have played games for up to 50 hours on some occasions. That's a range of games from FPS online to MMO's (FFXI specifically). Didn't stop me from standing up and walking for a few minutes, grabbing a quick snack or drink, or even going to work on the monday after the weekend.

    My point is to sit there for so long without doing these things would be silly. I can understand wanting to do marathon gaming, but to ignore hunger, thirst or even the need to stretch your legs is outright mindless and irresponsible.

    Also, I don't like these articles, seeing as every time someone dies from playing games too long an article crops up, but for any other case to get media coverage is rare. Drugs, suicide, manslaughter etc don't always get shown but are the result of human error or irresponsibility.

    Thankfully the company I work for only make mobile games for a more casual audience, which is good as it means no one is going to over do it. :P
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    It's an honorable death to die doing what you like the most in the world... maybe he was just pissed off with life, a kind of suicide ^^.

    I wonder how are the Internet Caf
  • gray
    i think a lot of these cafes have individual rooms that you can rent over night.

    my question is what is it about these asian cultures that makes game addiction so high? the deaths are the extreme cases but they seem to have a lot higher addiction rate then western countries. for instance i was reading about the large amount of rehab centers in Korea for kids that are addicted and they even had to cut off the mmo's across the whole country at nigh because it is such a problem (kids playing all night).

    maybe someone who lives in Korea or Taiwan has some idea of why this is such a problem?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    They are very intense cultures. So naturally, they also approach gaming quite intensely. It's that simple really.
  • gray

    i'm not so sure if intense really explains very much. and from my experience in Asia and what i have read the cultures in many countries seem to be the opposite. there is a lot of formalism and cultural norms that are quite rigid. there is of course lots flashy art and music but it seems almost like an over the top escape from the underline rigidity and predictability of social interactions and hierarchy.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I mulled this over last night, I read about blood clots on flights and they mention the danger comes from sleeping in a sitting position because you dont move your legs at all. You can prevent deep vein thrombosis by simply flexing your calf muscles every 30 minutes or so.
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    These accusations & speculations are all good and well but none of you seem to have addressed the real issue here: how far did he get?
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