From what I have read on the Steam forums and other places, there is a lot of flak against the game company at the moment. Seem that the Steam information about the game doesn't match at all what you actually getting and the game is just a bad Alpha, made on the DayZ hype. Also a lot of cheating and banning of account for no reasons.
I think I rather stay away from it for a couple of months and see if they got crashing or something.
From what I have read on the Steam forums and other places, there is a lot of flak against the game company at the moment. Seem that the Steam information about the game doesn't match at all what you actually getting and the game is just a bad Alpha, made on the DayZ hype. Also a lot of cheating and banning of account for no reasons.
I think I rather stay away from it for a couple of months and see if they got crashing or something.
Yeah, I saw that too. Also I found some links that really made me be cautious when it comes to WarZ:
I was just shown this blog and you guys might wanna give it a read. Apparently there is a lot of sketchy stuff going on regarding the game.
The author of the blog even provides sources to his statements.
It seems as though after DayZ got popular they just re-skinned their previous game "War Inc. Battlezone" to make it into a zombie game. Same props, same weapons, same characters, same items etc. They just added zombies and they called it alpha.
I don't know what to think of all that, since I don't know if those things are really true, I haven't played the game. But it still is something worth noting, so i just thought I'd share it here in this thread. :poly122:
Apparently it's currently in 'released foundation state' meaning that 'features' will be added ontop on the future, this is how they got it on Steam apparently, by also lying about first day patches and features to be added.
No tutorials, no FOV, graphics look subpar, bad spawning points, all stuff that should have been fixed since the beta aren't fixed at all, and missed the point completely of survival games since you can buy 'usable' items from the Cash-Shop.
Also, in it's current state, the game is a major source of scam-inducing penalties and can confirm that it is indeed a War Inc. reskin, with somehow more bugs then ever before.
Also, apparently, if you ask for a refund, they will blacklist your account and name on the services you used to pay something, meaning if you use Paypal for the money process, they will effectively sully your name so you are restrained on said service.
They also went out of their way to make sure the Steam page (when it put the current game as a Foundation-Beta status) wouldn't reflect this, and only 'hint' at it, meaning your average buyer wouldn't even see the said wording.
Watch this video, I'm serious, at least watch it after the 28 minute mark if you can, because this company is seriously acting like a scam business at this point.
Also, they made a separate studio name for this game (Hammerpoint vs. Arktos), these aren't good indications for a F2P studio that is now asking for 15 bucks on a broken game.
Stay away from this game, I'm not joking, I'm not kidding, this isn't a game anymore, this is game that if you buy, the company is effectively putting you in tight situations that are impossible to get out of, both financially and product wise. You're wasting your money.
If you lack common sense and have money to burn, then try to not tie your Steam account with it through their site at least.
I thought this thread was about the movie called warz, which looks cool. I think we should make a sticky thread for crap steam games to avoid wasting time and money on crap. the you tube video is awesome.
I've heard some bad things about it on Reddit. Stuff like being refused refunds and being blacklisted afterwards, being banned from their forum for bringing up issues or complaints... Things like that.
Here is my opinion on the game and peoples reaction after 100 hours or so of playing. Firstly it is no scam product and accutly those things the devolpers left out are planned and they must have been stupid and posted plans instead of stuff that is already in. Also none of those people were banned falsely because humans confirmed all-bans and not some machine. I have been active on the forums and there have been thousands of people wining about there account being banned but from experience most people are the hackers. They even admitted they gave some false bans to 8 people and gave them compensation with in-game cash. My opinion on this game now is coming. So firstly is that you must remember is that it is like dayz in the basic aspect but plays COMPLETLY different. In this game you have mutiple characters each with a hour timer after you die. You also have access to a global inventory and you can put guns and withdraw guns and gear into this inventory from a safe zone. This causes the game to be a little more about PvP then compared to DayZ because if you lose your gear in WarZ it doesnt matter to much because you can get it back from the GI(Global Inventory). The game starts out slow and you will have a hard time finding any guns at first because of server hoppers. Also this game is alot more about Kill on Sight and people will kill beginners so just try to stay on a low pop server and go to police stations and stuff to get pistols. Once you get a kill and load up with gear and deposit it things start to pick up. You now have the ability to just go out into the world with say a pistol kill someone and get more gear and if you die it doesnt matter because you can just get some from the GI. At this point the game picks up because combat becomes tense and exciting with you not wanting to lose your gear you picked up from the person you just killed. At this point the game is fun but it is still in Alpha/Beta(Mostly) so it still leaves some stuff to be desired like vechicles and private servers. The people that will ruin this game is people like aimbotters and wall hackers. It is rather commmon in this game so just try to avoid them by going to lower population servers. The one reccomendation for this game is PLAY WITH A GROUP, I have had so many fun moments playing with a clan and it also helps with much of the frustration. You have people to watch your back and also to pick up your gear when you die they can also hook you up with some gear when you first start the game. Overall the game I think is worth the 15 dollars or so especially as development gets further along. Just don't listen to the butt-hurt hackers who got banned and are raging about the game.
P.S sorry for wall of text and bad grammer, had to write this quickly, hope you could understand it.
Late last week we did another big ban wave. After the ban wave we got a lot of complaints about false bannings so we did a thorough investigation of all accounts and found that roughly 5% of those users were improperly banned.
We admit our mistake and give you our deepest apologies for this mistake. All of the accounts that we found were improperly banned have now been unbanned and have been given 700GC for the down time these players received.
Our anti-hack system is an evolving system and being improved every single day. We hope you accept our apology and understand this mistake.
They are stating there's features that are in the game that are currently not in there, you should be getting exactly what is listed on the steam page, not being sold one thing, but actually having to wait for those features.
They are already selling in game credits for a game that isn't finished, why are you charging people for stuff like a free to play game. I'm fine with people paying to get into a alpha or beta, as long as people know what they are getting into. But games change so much in dev, there's no reason they should be asking you to buy items with real money at this point.
The developers are actively counterworking or finding excuses to valid complaints, there is no goodwill going on and they are just digging a deeper grave.
@ae. - I agree, I don't know why this guy is such an influence for people... what makes him any better then anybody else? youtube channel? lol.
Maybe because he takes more then 5 minutes in looking at a game? Make a laymans first-impression of a game and how it will be perceived for many, MANY of us who have a job and aren't going to spend 10 hours on a game that is all tutorials? Actually complains about stuff that matters for most PC users, like say, a decent settings panel? Actually does his research and keeps on doing research in his later videos about old subject matters if they come up? Has done mutiple charity runs?
But hey, I guess the only way he would be considered an 'OK' guy is if he made 210 videos of Happy Wheels and praised every game that came his way, including crap like WarZ maybe?
So basically; the respawn timer went from 1 hour to 4, and is limited to 5 slots.
You can revive your character, but will require 50GC which is real-money.
They now are saying refunds are against the law, and don't allow it.
You get banned if bring up any issues with the game on the Steam forums.
Hey guys,
Late last week we did another big ban wave. After the ban wave we got a lot of complaints about false bannings so we did a thorough investigation of all accounts and found that roughly 5% of those users were improperly banned.
We admit our mistake and give you our deepest apologies for this mistake. All of the accounts that we found were improperly banned have now been unbanned and have been given 700GC for the down time these players received.
Our anti-hack system is an evolving system and being improved every single day. We hope you accept our apology and understand this mistake.
Wrong, they mass-banned many accounts, forcing some people to buy the game again (those who bought the game again could log on without issues) and didn't fix anything in the process.
Their system also can be circumnavigated pretty easily, many people are able to pirate this game!
The number of people who got refunds (if we're going by full numbers) are about 50-100, I really doubt a game this mundane had so many hackers in it right off the bat, especially in the hundreds in the first day alone.
They don't have an anti-hack system in place that is effective, they had one since War Inc. and it didn't work, NEVER.
They're charging 15 bucks for an Alpha state product, when you can get the Demo of Arma and the DayZ for free.
Some places literally have place-holder images, and the wording "Alpha Test Functionality".
Or how about this quote here?
GameSpy: So as far as you're concerned, The War Z is officially out of beta and fully released, correct?
Sergey Titov: Nope - there's no such thing as "fully released" for online game. As far as I'm concerned The War Z is in stage when we're ready to stop call it Beta. This is basic version - bones that we're going to add more and more "meat" - features and content in a coming months and hopefully years.
WarZ isn't even an MMO to have this line pulled on it, way to talk bullshit and cover your ass in some pseudo crap about 'our work is never done' when they put in no work in the first place other then putting some blood splatters on old aseets.
You have NO excuse to support these people, non at all, this is as bad you can get without being SEGA at the helm of Sonic 06 and charging full 60 bucks for it, non-at-fucking-all.
And people wonder why people like me want to only play F2P games...maybe because I don't like getting scammed out of my money, no matter how small.
What I wish that the interview had talked about, was the fact that most of the assets (if not all) in the game, is just taken from War Inc. Would have liked to hear what he had to say about that.
i would just like to add that theese developers have no idea why the gamedesign of dayz is working, and theirs is not.
they solely rely on community feedback (wich is stupid imo)
they are just catching a quick buck on dayz, so don´t let yourself be fooled into thinking this would be worth any of your money.
better save it for the dayz standalone release.
"Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing received unanimously negative reviews; much of the criticism for the game was directed at a lack of collision detection, frequent bugs, poor visuals, and severe lack of functionality. As a result, the game is now widely regarded as one of the worst video games of all-time"
I just read that interview. Seriously, this guy's behavior resembles a 12 year old kid being told it couldn't have dessert. I haven't seen such cheap and unprofessional responses in an interview before.
When Titov was confronted about the non-existent 100 player servers:
Sergey Titov: If [the] text is saying "up to 100 players" -- yes, I may imagine [the] situation when somebody will say "okay it HAVE TO BE 100." "Over 100 sq km" falls in "100 to 400" right?
Sergey Titov: I think there's [a] difference between false claims and perception of the text.
I dont see LIE in saying up to 100 players per sever and having the current limit at 50 players.
So, apparently, it was the consumers' fault for perceiving the false feature list differently than intended? Lie and then blame the community, how nice.
I had no idea this was so serious until I read these interviews. He is blatantly lying about the game and then he tries to wiggle himself out of blame.
I'm trying to play at least couple hours a day every single day. Getting killed a lot, but 80 percent of all kills are 'honest.' I'm just being careless. I'm not trying to hide. 20 percent are sh***y kills by f**got's who's spawn camping," Titov said.
This guy can't be serious. He is supposed to be an Executive Producer for pete's sake.
why am i getting into this? aww well cuz I think its funny. Skip to 5:30 for the good stuff. Even though its not fully in context, its interesting to see this sort of behavior.
I was just saying to my mate, I haven't had a chance to play Day Z but always wanted to, and I'm hoping this whole... Thing... Makes the ARMA 2 devs see how many people want to play Day Z instead and release the games needed for the mod dirt cheap this Christmas Steam Sale.
This is all... Such a joke... I mean, Its not often I see a guy act a bigger twunt than me in public, but Christ...
Best thing they've done, although it shouldn't have been on Steam in the first place. Plenty of other awesome games that can't get on Steam and this shit manages to hit the Top Sellers.
Hopefully Valve will actually test future games before they actually go on the store.
do NOT get this game. Not only is this game extremely buggy and boring, allot of features they promised are not even in the game as of yet (advertised differently).
This shows something really interesting for me, people are willing to pay 15 bucks for a broken, sub-par product that is 'easy' to install and use on their PC instead of spending an hour or two in setting up it's much superior and free counterpart.
I don't like DayZ much, but atleast, it's an Alpha MOD for ARMA for bloody FREE!
I also find it funny on how they're going all around sites like Reddit and Kotaku (using the same bloody login account) and trying to defend the game, with passive-aggressive comments.
Seriously, I hope in the next couple of months they get sued, because the fact alone that they changed the terms and said essentially "Nah, you can't get a refund you faggots" is maddening enough to make me want to punch a bear and use as seal pup as a towel.
why am i getting into this? aww well cuz I think its funny. Skip to 5:30 for the good stuff. Even though its not fully in context, its interesting to see this sort of behavior.
Wow, listening to the audio from the dev in the end is fucked up. Just using admin powers to spawn tons of gear for himself. Then talking about how he'll get god mode soon and will be able to blow up anyone he wants.
Who in their right mind would want to play a game where the devs are given god powers to fuck with paying customers?
why am i getting into this? aww well cuz I think its funny. Skip to 5:30 for the good stuff. Even though its not fully in context, its interesting to see this sort of behavior.
I do have something to say about this, this cheating thing happened accutly before it was even in any public state and they were playing with some people who were interviewing them and stuff so they just spawned some stuff for some people. Not trying to be a fanboy just tired of all this accusing.
It's common to do something like this, but there needs to be a good amount of rework done. In their defense, the middle two and far right zombies were changed enough. The others, though, were not. It's a gray area.
I think I rather stay away from it for a couple of months and see if they got crashing or something.
Yeah, I saw that too. Also I found some links that really made me be cautious when it comes to WarZ:
I was just shown this blog and you guys might wanna give it a read. Apparently there is a lot of sketchy stuff going on regarding the game.
The author of the blog even provides sources to his statements.
It seems as though after DayZ got popular they just re-skinned their previous game "War Inc. Battlezone" to make it into a zombie game. Same props, same weapons, same characters, same items etc. They just added zombies and they called it alpha.
Also, some images that show what I mean:
I don't know what to think of all that, since I don't know if those things are really true, I haven't played the game. But it still is something worth noting, so i just thought I'd share it here in this thread. :poly122:
What do you guys think?
No tutorials, no FOV, graphics look subpar, bad spawning points, all stuff that should have been fixed since the beta aren't fixed at all, and missed the point completely of survival games since you can buy 'usable' items from the Cash-Shop.
Also, in it's current state, the game is a major source of scam-inducing penalties and can confirm that it is indeed a War Inc. reskin, with somehow more bugs then ever before.
Also, apparently, if you ask for a refund, they will blacklist your account and name on the services you used to pay something, meaning if you use Paypal for the money process, they will effectively sully your name so you are restrained on said service.
They also went out of their way to make sure the Steam page (when it put the current game as a Foundation-Beta status) wouldn't reflect this, and only 'hint' at it, meaning your average buyer wouldn't even see the said wording.
Watch this video, I'm serious, at least watch it after the 28 minute mark if you can, because this company is seriously acting like a scam business at this point.
Also, they made a separate studio name for this game (Hammerpoint vs. Arktos), these aren't good indications for a F2P studio that is now asking for 15 bucks on a broken game.
Stay away from this game, I'm not joking, I'm not kidding, this isn't a game anymore, this is game that if you buy, the company is effectively putting you in tight situations that are impossible to get out of, both financially and product wise. You're wasting your money.
If you lack common sense and have money to burn, then try to not tie your Steam account with it through their site at least.
(google sergey titov)
total biscuit is a twat!
P.S sorry for wall of text and bad grammer, had to write this quickly, hope you could understand it.
There's no mention on Steam or on their website it is not in a finished state:
They are stating there's features that are in the game that are currently not in there, you should be getting exactly what is listed on the steam page, not being sold one thing, but actually having to wait for those features.
They are already selling in game credits for a game that isn't finished, why are you charging people for stuff like a free to play game. I'm fine with people paying to get into a alpha or beta, as long as people know what they are getting into. But games change so much in dev, there's no reason they should be asking you to buy items with real money at this point.
Maybe because he takes more then 5 minutes in looking at a game? Make a laymans first-impression of a game and how it will be perceived for many, MANY of us who have a job and aren't going to spend 10 hours on a game that is all tutorials? Actually complains about stuff that matters for most PC users, like say, a decent settings panel? Actually does his research and keeps on doing research in his later videos about old subject matters if they come up? Has done mutiple charity runs?
But hey, I guess the only way he would be considered an 'OK' guy is if he made 210 videos of Happy Wheels and praised every game that came his way, including crap like WarZ maybe?
I hate reddit with a passion, but c'mon now, you cannot defend this:
So basically; the respawn timer went from 1 hour to 4, and is limited to 5 slots.
You can revive your character, but will require 50GC which is real-money.
They now are saying refunds are against the law, and don't allow it.
You get banned if bring up any issues with the game on the Steam forums.
Wrong, they mass-banned many accounts, forcing some people to buy the game again (those who bought the game again could log on without issues) and didn't fix anything in the process.
Their system also can be circumnavigated pretty easily, many people are able to pirate this game!
The number of people who got refunds (if we're going by full numbers) are about 50-100, I really doubt a game this mundane had so many hackers in it right off the bat, especially in the hundreds in the first day alone.
They don't have an anti-hack system in place that is effective, they had one since War Inc. and it didn't work, NEVER.
They're charging 15 bucks for an Alpha state product, when you can get the Demo of Arma and the DayZ for free.
Want more since many here don't like TB? OK, how about this?
Some places literally have place-holder images, and the wording "Alpha Test Functionality".
Or how about this quote here?
WarZ isn't even an MMO to have this line pulled on it, way to talk bullshit and cover your ass in some pseudo crap about 'our work is never done' when they put in no work in the first place other then putting some blood splatters on old aseets.
I mean c'mon, they don't even know what a cube-fucking-map is!
You have NO excuse to support these people, non at all, this is as bad you can get without being SEGA at the helm of Sonic 06 and charging full 60 bucks for it, non-at-fucking-all.
And people wonder why people like me want to only play F2P games...maybe because I don't like getting scammed out of my money, no matter how small.
"'Over 100 sq km' falls in '100 to 400' right?"
"There's no such thing as 'Release' for an online game."
Say what?
they solely rely on community feedback (wich is stupid imo)
they are just catching a quick buck on dayz, so don´t let yourself be fooled into thinking this would be worth any of your money.
better save it for the dayz standalone release.
"Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing received unanimously negative reviews; much of the criticism for the game was directed at a lack of collision detection, frequent bugs, poor visuals, and severe lack of functionality. As a result, the game is now widely regarded as one of the worst video games of all-time"
Producer and Programmer: Sergey Titov
what do you expect? lol
I just read that interview. Seriously, this guy's behavior resembles a 12 year old kid being told it couldn't have dessert. I haven't seen such cheap and unprofessional responses in an interview before.
When Titov was confronted about the non-existent 100 player servers:
When asked by kotaku he said:
So, apparently, it was the consumers' fault for perceiving the false feature list differently than intended? Lie and then blame the community, how nice.
I had no idea this was so serious until I read these interviews. He is blatantly lying about the game and then he tries to wiggle himself out of blame.
edit: Ok, so i spent some time googling about warz and found out that Sergey Titov apparently called a portion of his customers faggots!
This guy can't be serious. He is supposed to be an Executive Producer for pete's sake.
Hi Roman!
I was just saying to my mate, I haven't had a chance to play Day Z but always wanted to, and I'm hoping this whole... Thing... Makes the ARMA 2 devs see how many people want to play Day Z instead and release the games needed for the mod dirt cheap this Christmas Steam Sale.
This is all... Such a joke... I mean, Its not often I see a guy act a bigger twunt than me in public, but Christ...
Hopefully Valve will actually test future games before they actually go on the store.
DayZ is a 100x better than this.
I don't like DayZ much, but atleast, it's an Alpha MOD for ARMA for bloody FREE!
I also find it funny on how they're going all around sites like Reddit and Kotaku (using the same bloody login account) and trying to defend the game, with passive-aggressive comments.
Seriously, I hope in the next couple of months they get sued, because the fact alone that they changed the terms and said essentially "Nah, you can't get a refund you faggots" is maddening enough to make me want to punch a bear and use as seal pup as a towel.
And good on Valve for nicking the game.
Wow, listening to the audio from the dev in the end is fucked up. Just using admin powers to spawn tons of gear for himself. Then talking about how he'll get god mode soon and will be able to blow up anyone he wants.
Who in their right mind would want to play a game where the devs are given god powers to fuck with paying customers?
Fail, fail, fail.
I do have something to say about this, this cheating thing happened accutly before it was even in any public state and they were playing with some people who were interviewing them and stuff so they just spawned some stuff for some people. Not trying to be a fanboy just tired of all this accusing.
It's common to do something like this, but there needs to be a good amount of rework done. In their defense, the middle two and far right zombies were changed enough. The others, though, were not. It's a gray area.
At a certain point you cannot prove if it was just reference material or drawn on top of. There has to be a line somewhere.
"...a derivative work must differ sufficiently from the original to be regarded as a new work or must contain a substantial amount of new material..."
It is no different than drawing from a photograph used as reference. If it is changed substantially enough, it will suffice.
There is no clear line, it's a huge gray area. That's why you always err on the side of caution.
This all seems like a massive cluster fuck of an over sight.
Dunno if it was much of an oversight, seems to me it was more of a 'let's see how much we can get away with' scenario. :thumbup: