Well this looks pretty cool. An mmo experience similar to Day Z, but with a lot better graphics by the looks of it. That's the one thing keeping me from Day Z, it looks a little too old for my taste.
Just read through it, sounds cool! I am already more inclined to get this than DayZ. I'd rather play an actual game than an overly flooded alpha mod for a game I have no interest in.
I like the character lock system in Normal as well. You still have the fear of dying, but instead of losing all your data your character will be locked for 24 to 48 hours and you can't play it anymore. I love that idea!
I'm really surprised no major studio has touched this idea yet, there are a lot of zombie games out there, but zero (that I know of) true survival games. I hope they make it so you need to find food, find med supplies, etc. Could be a great game for sure.
I thought it was a shortening of the World War Z book title, not necessarily related in any way. From the IGN article it sounds like the title was an unfortunate coincidence that they aren't currently acknowledging.
I love the idea of players leaving notes for each other that may or may not be traps.
It looks pretty solid. The graphics in DayZ have gotten much better as the updates come. I suggested a safe zone in the forums there, it's nice to see that these guys are implementing that idea...I also find being solo with no real way to do a pug, in DayZ a problem.
True. But making a legit game that in premise is the same as a mod called Day Z... then naming it War Z... a little too obvious.
Edit: I actually read the IGN article now The game was indeed in production before Day Z came out, so obviously there are some coincidences, but I guess I'm still a little skeptical that Day Z had no influence on the direction of it and the naming.
-Generic zombie mmo in production
-DayZ comes out
-Lets borrow some ideas!
-Lets rename it!
-IGN article!
-Lets say it was that way all along!
True. But making a legit game that in premise is the same as a mod called Day Z... then naming it War Z... a little too obvious.
Edit: I actually read the IGN article now The game was indeed in production before Day Z came out, so obviously there are some coincidences, but I guess I'm still a little skeptical that Day Z had no influence on the direction of it and the naming.
-Generic zombie mmo in production
-DayZ comes out
-Lets borrow some ideas!
-Lets rename it!
-IGN article!
-Lets say it was that way all along!
Ok, I'll quit hating now
No, War Z is based upon World War Z, set in an MMO pipeline, you cannot simply up and go and change EVERYTHING of the game in under a year from Generic MMO to survival based that quick, it's simply not possible.
There are plenty of Comics and Books which have the word Z in them, and they all follow the World War Z storyline, which itself, it's an extension of the Zombie Survival Guide (many fans call it Ze Survival Guide, with Ze both being for Zombies and 'the' jokes about how French people pronounce it).
Day Z did EXACTLY the same thing thing, with the only added benefit that 90% of the kludge work was already done in Arma, it's all about working around and with the engine in a clever way.
War Z didn't have any of that.
I mean honestly, this conversation is starting it get to the point of "All FPS game ripped off Doom because it was an FPS", I understand you're a fan of Day Z, but going to the point in hating a game/company for as something as mundane as the title, when it comes from people who like Max Brooks, it very silly to say the least.
Also, the Day Z author mentioned he wanted to go 'solo' on the project, as in without Arma 2, how pissed of will you be when a bunch of people hear this news for the first time and say "Oh, Day Z saw War Z being a solo thing, so he's ripping them off!"?
-Generic zombie mmo in production
-DayZ comes out
-Lets borrow some ideas!
-Lets rename it!
-IGN article!
-Lets say it was that way all along!
Ok, I'll quit hating now
They're evolving to what the players want, their first rendition of the game they were describing was really not all that appealing.
Also, the Day Z author mentioned he wanted to go 'solo' on the project, as in without Arma 2, how pissed of will you be when a bunch of people hear this news for the first time and say "Oh, Day Z saw War Z being a solo thing, so he's ripping them off!"?
He wants a stand-alone client, it'll still be using Bohemia's new engine.
yes but the conditions for which LoL came were completely different. It was based on DoTA but it really wasn't a DoTA clone in many aspects.
I think hitoninfinity hit the nail on the head
Okay, so we already know that The War Z isn't a clone of DayZ. I never said it was going to be, I was saying that they know there's a market for something similar and they'd like to make a polished version.
They realized that their game was already fairly similar to DayZ and made some changes because they knew what was going to be marketable and already has a large player-base.
And yes, it was a DotA clone.. It solidified a godamn genre. Not saying that all FPS games were based off of Doom, but when someone sees a market for the type of game and creates something similar, they're not going to be flamed and booed.. They'll be joyous to see something more polished with additional features.
I don't even think it matters if it's a "clone" or not I don't like these debates on "That game is a rip off of COD" or "That game is a rip off of World of Warcraft" If the game looks good, and its executed well i'll buy it, if not I won't . The Rip offs arguments are so pointless. Unless DayZ trademarked the whole Zombie Apocalypse "genre" then yeah maybe... but it doesn't own it. At the "I don't see it selling well" really? like Rai said its polished people will buy it... I better stop I'm getting worked up now
Day Z did EXACTLY the same thing thing, with the only added benefit that 90% of the kludge work was already done in Arma, it's all about working around and with the engine in a clever way.
War Z didn't have any of that.
They probably had a working game engine, and art assets to go with it. Kind of like a mod...
even if they copied the game design exactly I dont see it selling as well. One it will referred to as a DayZ clone. Two the advantages of the Bohemia Engine is not the graphics but the size of the worlds it can run in stable conditions.
Wow, did someone just used "DayZ" and "stable" in one phrase?
Not Dayz Arma 2 has never been solid stable especially mods. But I mean Chernarus is 225km i think which is about 139 miles. I don't know any game who throws that much around for a FPS? I could be wrong?
Yep that's pretty much the only feature that keeps people interested, because almost everything else is horrible, and that's not DayZ fault, just bad arma2 legacy. The fact that Rocket made it work at all is amazing.
This game looks pretty awesome imo. I was just saying to a friend yesterday "I hope someone takes Day Z and just builds a game around that", and viola! Day Z is interesting to me, but the visuals, the instability, etc all really discourage me from playing. On top of that, War Z has the "normal" mode, which sounds like it would be more of my cup of tea anyways. Bring on the beta
Chernarus is approximately 16x16 kilometers.In Day..i mean WarZ they say the maps will be
between 200km2 and 400km2(now i'm trying to find where i read this and i can't find it)in the best case the same territory as Arma3 main island which is 20x20 kilometers with the water and everything.Its not that much actualy.
Btw the game sound so similar to DayZ and what features people want from it.I found this to be verry strange coincidence.
WarZ Features list:
Big open worlds to explore between 200 to 400 square kilometers
Two modes of play: Normal and Hardcore
Combination of first-person and third-person perspectives
Meld of PvE (player versus environment) and PvP (player versus player)
Strong Role Playing Elements
Multiple playable characters with customizable features
Unique social elements, including bounties, help requests, trap setting, etc.
Safe settlements where players can purchase, sell and store items as well as post notes for other players
Dozens of unique skills that can be learned and improved
Up to 250 players per game server
New weapons and items become available as players explore the game world
Full developer support with regularly scheduled, free content updates
Dedicated public servers as well as private servers that can be completely self-managed in game client
Single purchase, downloadable client with ability to play full game without subscriptions or requiring in-game transactions
Looks like it could be a pretty solid upgrade to DayZ to me. While I've enjoyed DayZ a lot, there's a lot that could be improved and this looks just like what I'm interested in playing. It seems a lot more like a game and less like a punishing simulation which I'm also interested in.
Up to 250 players per game server <- This scares me, tbh.
One of the most important features in DayZ (at least for me) is the fact that only up to 50 people can be on the same map at any moment. It really emphasize the feeling of being alone and surrounded by zombies. Meeting another survivor is and should always be something special. I really don't want to play a Zombie apocalypse game where I can bump into a different person every 5 seconds... That's just dumb.
I really want to believe into this game, but the thing is : Rocket doesn't need to make money, they do... Which means they will make it more approachable, more friendly, less punishing. (i.e Not loosing your gear when you die in normal. Really? Why would I fucking care then...). Game developers still don't get it. Dayz is the leaving proof that a lot of people want something else, something more hardcore, meaningful and unforgiving.
I'm afraid that WarZ won't be able to deliver that for the economic reasons that we all know.
@ Renaud, you can play Hardcore more? we should probably wait for game-play, or some more information before we throw the "Not gonna be worth it" "Not going to be better than DayZ" stuff. Up to 250 players doesn't mean that every server will have that many, I'm sure there would be smaller ones. We'll see I don't think anybody should be pissed yet.
Of course aajohnny and don't get me wrong, I really want them to succeed and deliver what we have always been waiting for when it comes to a Zombie apocalypse MMO. I'm just concerned by the economic reality that they will face at launch and the potential concessions that they will have to make to please as many people as possible. A MMO who wants to be successful can't really afford unfair player death and/or lose. One the other hand, this is exactly for this reason that I keep going back to DayZ, so who knows
Remember the difference in map size as well (according to Hristo Rusanov): DayZ got 16x16 kilometers. WarZ will be between 200km2 and 400km2, so you might still be running around for hours without meeting anyone.
Ooopps my mistake its 15km height and 15km width which is 225km2.So in best scenario WarZ map will be 20x20km which is 400km2 as the same as Arma3 island if i remmember it right and its not that much big than Chernarus and this will include all ocean and stuff that are impassable.So 250 players in that teritory will be too much in my opinion.I also have that feeling that the game will be arcade version of dayZ without cool weapon balistics and all the crazy simulation side.And to me didnt look realistic at all.This force me to think it wont have that level of immersion that DayZ have and for me this is the major selling point.If they use Arma3 engine and remove all of the nasty bugs and server ussues DayZ will destroy this game...atlest from graphics stand point.
Just remember everyone, regardless of how this game goes or is received....it's still just practice for the real thing when it comes...:)
I sometimes find myself looking forward to a real zombie apocalypse since it's so much fun with friends online
But then with my luck I'll probably be the first infected, and real life has no respawn
As for War Z, look interesting, but I wonder how fun it'll be as an mmo. We'll just wait and see, until then we have Day Z to keep us busy
Comparisons between WarZ and DayZ are going to be incessant. Mine is that I like that DayZ is built on a simulator. WarZ looks and sounds a little too gamey to be occupied by the same kind of audience.
And it's funny that I generally go on DayZ servers with less people playing, because they can potentially ruin the experience. I've found the sweet spot to be a cap of 25. And WarZ is touting 10x more players.
Stop turning things to 11 for arbitrary reasons, devs!
If they really want people to love the game, they need to give them the option to make their own dedicated servers with their own rules (like player count).
Comparisons between WarZ and DayZ are going to be incessant. Mine is that I like that DayZ is built on a simulator. WarZ looks and sounds a little too gamey to be occupied by the same kind of audience.
And it's funny that I generally go on DayZ servers with less people playing, because they can potentially ruin the experience. I've found the sweet spot to be a cap of 25. And WarZ is touting 10x more players.
Stop turning things to 11 for arbitrary reasons, devs!
Yea I look for servers with less than 20 myself for the same reason. Seems to work well.
If they really want people to love the game, they need to give them the option to make their own dedicated servers with their own rules (like player count).
On the Features list-
Dedicated public servers as well as private servers that can be completely self-managed in game client
From what I've read the game is riddled with hackers. APB was ripped apart and destroyed because of their inability to suppress hackers. Sucks this game might have the same problem.
Well this game does have less hackers then Dayz but it is still pretty prevelant. My reccomendation, dont go to populated servers or hackers will be there.
So this is on the steam store now. Screenshots looked good but in motion it looks atrocious. The animation is unforgivably bad. The gameplay looks jerky and floaty. Shame.
So this is on the steam store now. Screenshots looked good but in motion it looks atrocious. The animation is unforgivably bad. The gameplay looks jerky and floaty. Shame.
Yeah , but I've actually enjoyed the game a lot though...until I get beat to death by a flashlight :P
Not the first time, when Shellshock 2 came out we looked at the info on steam and it listed a bunch of features from older design docs, I'm not sure if anything listed was actually in the game.
I like the character lock system in Normal as well. You still have the fear of dying, but instead of losing all your data your character will be locked for 24 to 48 hours and you can't play it anymore. I love that idea!
Thanks for the link.
This sounds great
I love the idea of players leaving notes for each other that may or may not be traps.
... I guess there's worse people to be in a zombie apocalypse...
Nice to see they are addressing that as well.
Thanks for posting the website...
True. But making a legit game that in premise is the same as a mod called Day Z... then naming it War Z... a little too obvious.
Edit: I actually read the IGN article now
-Generic zombie mmo in production
-DayZ comes out
-Lets borrow some ideas!
-Lets rename it!
-IGN article!
-Lets say it was that way all along!
Ok, I'll quit hating now
No, War Z is based upon World War Z, set in an MMO pipeline, you cannot simply up and go and change EVERYTHING of the game in under a year from Generic MMO to survival based that quick, it's simply not possible.
There are plenty of Comics and Books which have the word Z in them, and they all follow the World War Z storyline, which itself, it's an extension of the Zombie Survival Guide (many fans call it Ze Survival Guide, with Ze both being for Zombies and 'the' jokes about how French people pronounce it).
Day Z did EXACTLY the same thing thing, with the only added benefit that 90% of the kludge work was already done in Arma, it's all about working around and with the engine in a clever way.
War Z didn't have any of that.
I mean honestly, this conversation is starting it get to the point of "All FPS game ripped off Doom because it was an FPS", I understand you're a fan of Day Z, but going to the point in hating a game/company for as something as mundane as the title, when it comes from people who like Max Brooks, it very silly to say the least.
Also, the Day Z author mentioned he wanted to go 'solo' on the project, as in without Arma 2, how pissed of will you be when a bunch of people hear this news for the first time and say "Oh, Day Z saw War Z being a solo thing, so he's ripping them off!"?
They're evolving to what the players want, their first rendition of the game they were describing was really not all that appealing.
League of Legends.. People want a polished experience.
He wants a stand-alone client, it'll still be using Bohemia's new engine.
Okay, so we already know that The War Z isn't a clone of DayZ. I never said it was going to be, I was saying that they know there's a market for something similar and they'd like to make a polished version.
They realized that their game was already fairly similar to DayZ and made some changes because they knew what was going to be marketable and already has a large player-base.
And yes, it was a DotA clone.. It solidified a godamn genre. Not saying that all FPS games were based off of Doom, but when someone sees a market for the type of game and creates something similar, they're not going to be flamed and booed.. They'll be joyous to see something more polished with additional features.
Yeah, exactly... possibly why it's being unveiled with only a handful of screenshots and an interview.
And I really doubt they would have to change EVERYTHING:
They probably had a working game engine, and art assets to go with it. Kind of like a mod...
Wow, did someone just used "DayZ" and "stable" in one phrase?
i'll stick with Day Z.
Yep that's pretty much the only feature that keeps people interested, because almost everything else is horrible, and that's not DayZ fault, just bad arma2 legacy. The fact that Rocket made it work at all is amazing.
Most of modern game engines have no problem rendering and processing big landmasses.
I like this chart: http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/large-video-game-worlds2.jpg
between 200km2 and 400km2(now i'm trying to find where i read this and i can't find it)in the best case the same territory as Arma3 main island which is 20x20 kilometers with the water and everything.Its not that much actualy.
Btw the game sound so similar to DayZ and what features people want from it.I found this to be verry strange coincidence.
WarZ Features list:
matchmaking in survival MMO-game like DayZ?
where's fun in this?!
I figured itd be a DayZ with higher player count
One of the most important features in DayZ (at least for me) is the fact that only up to 50 people can be on the same map at any moment. It really emphasize the feeling of being alone and surrounded by zombies. Meeting another survivor is and should always be something special. I really don't want to play a Zombie apocalypse game where I can bump into a different person every 5 seconds... That's just dumb.
I really want to believe into this game, but the thing is : Rocket doesn't need to make money, they do... Which means they will make it more approachable, more friendly, less punishing. (i.e Not loosing your gear when you die in normal. Really? Why would I fucking care then...). Game developers still don't get it. Dayz is the leaving proof that a lot of people want something else, something more hardcore, meaningful and unforgiving.
I'm afraid that WarZ won't be able to deliver that for the economic reasons that we all know.
Z is for... Zombie.
Remember the difference in map size as well (according to Hristo Rusanov): DayZ got 16x16 kilometers. WarZ will be between 200km2 and 400km2, so you might still be running around for hours without meeting anyone.
"Chernarus is 225 km2"
But hey, googling is hard, right?
btw they use 225km2 because sound more epic
Soory for my crappy english.
I sometimes find myself looking forward to a real zombie apocalypse since it's so much fun with friends online
But then with my luck I'll probably be the first infected, and real life has no respawn
As for War Z, look interesting, but I wonder how fun it'll be as an mmo. We'll just wait and see, until then we have Day Z to keep us busy
Welcome to the internet
Comparisons between WarZ and DayZ are going to be incessant. Mine is that I like that DayZ is built on a simulator. WarZ looks and sounds a little too gamey to be occupied by the same kind of audience.
And it's funny that I generally go on DayZ servers with less people playing, because they can potentially ruin the experience. I've found the sweet spot to be a cap of 25. And WarZ is touting 10x more players.
Stop turning things to 11 for arbitrary reasons, devs!
Yea I look for servers with less than 20 myself for the same reason. Seems to work well.
On the Features list-
Dedicated public servers as well as private servers that can be completely self-managed in game client
So this is on the steam store now. Screenshots looked good but in motion it looks atrocious. The animation is unforgivably bad. The gameplay looks jerky and floaty. Shame.