UPDATE: 29/08/2012

Hi y'all,
So jumping on the Mixamo bandwagon. Im going to make a badass lady knight. The contest deadline conveniently falls halfway through my term and i have to produce two portfolio pieces in that time so i thought it would give me some good guidelines. It will be a time management challenge though as i have a major project presentation next week
URL="http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96556"]Casual self-promotion[/URL which is eating up my time until then, but who doesn't love a challenge? haha
In any case i will be trying to update as much as i possibly can and as usual any advice and crit is oh-so appreciated.
SO here's my concept right now, colours are very base but i'm liking the direction, i plan to have some serious base meshin' happening later this week.

Again, nice start. I appreciate the modest costume you've given her and it looks pretty sophisticated. I imagine you could play up some patterning in the red fabric too!
Keep it up!
Kdogma already nailed the strange arm.
First I thought that the difference between the upper and lower parts of the armor was strange, but finally, I don't know why, but it fit well together.
Also this is just personal taste, but I think with the new pauldrons her shoulders appear wider which gives somewhat of a masculine feel. If it were me I would try to make the shoulders not as broad either by shrinking the pauldrons or moving them in closer to the shoulder, or however way works. Again, just personal taste on that feedback.
Nice update, keep it up!
I'm intentionally going in a direction of a more 'interesting' face with as much character as i can muster with my current skills rather than the kind of 'classic' female face. I want people to look at the character and get a sense of who they are and what they do. In this case, an arrogant, clever, lady knight.
Kd - I agree with your comments totally, i'm going to keep the pauldrons as they are though because when i though about it, the objective is to have her appear as a knight, so strong and authoritative. Also i like having that tie between the top and bottom halves.
Also without the cape;
Here was a suggestion on proportions on your model, the arms and hands felt a bit comically big, and the head seemed a bit large as well.
Going to be watching this thread, so I can learn from this.
C&C welcome as usual.
But the head could be more feminine, especially if you have short hair. I don't say to make a bimbo, she can looks tough AND feminine. Maybe get some ref from comic books girls, they generally have angular faces but look really good.
Also, yeah im going to work on the head a bit more and her hair is just tied up, not a shorter style, so ill try make it something more feminine. Also last time i checked she was the right amount of heads high but i'll check again and might just adjust it after the bake as the head's separate.
The shield and sword are separate pieces, and the face has changed i just haven't swapped it out because i had transferring issues haha
Sitting at 14726 Tris which is quite under the 15000 tri limit, but i like having some to spare for emergencies when going into UVing and baking as i usually find somewhere that needs it.
Looking forward to seeing this textured!
Anyway, gotten the bases down where i want them, just time to adjust and then a noice spec, which should really help sell the different materials.
Texture update :>
So pose update. The deadline was extended to i took the chance to take a step back and them come back and reassess the results. It was good i think, i was getting too kind of annoyed at the whole thing haha. Anyway, pose progress, something dynamic, interesting i hope. I feel like she's holding the sword wrong but i can put my finger on it so any advice would be awesome.
The pedestal will be textured with tiles and celtic design around the outside
it completely hides the most important part of the model, her face.
why is it the most important part? because you've chosen to make a female character, in full plate... where all of her other female defining areas are hidden by the bulk of her armour (which is cool), all that's left to define her as female is her face, and it's covered up... so now all you're left to look at, is a suit of armour.
gir, i agree with you to some extent, i was never happy with the pose covering her face so much. However i stuck with the pose because i wanted it to be dynamic and have a sense of power in her swing, (and quite frankly make her look like a badass who'd slice your head off haha.) That kind of felt more important than her gender being instantly recognisable
Thank you though, i'll take the input on board because it IS important. I kinda wish someone else had mentioned it earlier cause I'm not sure i'll have time to try new poses with other work but i'll look into it :S
You could improve if you just push around the materials, make a super reflective armor set etc... If you happen to be using the Marmoset toolbag, you should try to apply the skin shader to her face.
I think you should pull out her hair and make it using alphas, after all this is a real character. I think that would push her feminine side as well as making it more of a realistic piece.
I know how it is when you "finish" something and then people start giving you feedback to further improve it. You just want to deny all of it. But I would highly recommend following all the way through, and just make it a fantastic piece of art.
Hopefully this helps a little.
Or you can make 2 beauty shots, one with front/back view and one with the side views. Or you could also make 2 poses, one like your concept, where she is "peaceful" but also "haughty", and one where she demostrate her combat rage...
Anyway, it's a good character, nice work.
I like the shape of the face, and i dont think you should make her more feminine, but you should put more effort on the face texture. Put more skintones and variation in there, like red around the eyes and nose, and small spots that make it look less clean. you could also add more contrast by making the eyes and hair darker. right now hair, eyes and skin is hard to read from eachother. I dont think there is a problem hiding part of her face, but then you have to make sure that the part that is visible really stand out.
otherwise great work, very nice character design and concept!
In any case i cant promise i'll make many changes to this piece because i have a lot of course work to do BUT i can promise i'll take everything on board for the next character
Again thanks a million this is what i joined PC for even when sometimes it takes some time to digest stuff i might not want to hear haha
but please try to use this feedback and make the final pose all it should be for your portfolio.
she definitely is left-handed? otherwise you may want to move the sword to the other side.