Hiho Polycount! As a long-time lurker and very occasional poster, I think its time I made my own work thread. I just graduated out of a 3D Games Art course in the UK, so its time I got this show on the road and started getting this work out there, and hopefully get myself up to polycount standards =]
Here's some of the finished work I did for my final year projects -
Girl character for in-game cinematic in UDK

Ape-Tribe Chief character from the UDK cinematic -

Wizard Bust based on Gandalf/Ian McKellan

Rocky Outcrop from the UDK cinematic

Shot from the cinematic - Foliage, particles and Golem aren't mine

And here's some pieces I've been working on more recently -
Celtic Warrior concept

Life Drawing Sketches
Mudbox face speed-sculpt from Sphere -

Cartoon P.I. character WIP

Hopefully I should get some more work up in the next few days =]
Cheers =]! Yeh that rock was a qucik auto-generate job, not optimised at all really. I'll post up some of my other rocks from that scene that I actually retopo'd. Thanks for the crit!
Tribal Mask -
Spear -
Rocks from the cinematic scene -
Most of the rocks in those shots from the cinematic were these rock mesh's, with the vertex-paint moss shader -
Another rocky pillar -
For anyone interested, here's the final Cinematic from the group project -
Cheers, yeh I agree, I need a lot more practice really on optimising polys in general, most of my stuff tends to be way heavier than what I need.
Just kidding XDDDD.
Seriously, Praetus +1, some meshes are REALLY too heavy. Another thing, you don't need to put the "polycount' in your sheets, the tricount is enough. What's also important is the vertices count, as a mesh can look light in tricount, but really heavy with unoptimized vertices ( because hard edges and UV's vertices add a lot of vertices to calculate for the engine for example, it's a "normals" problem ).
Anyway, hope you will improve your skills ^^.
And GG for your graduation.
Hahaha +1 for the kabab, I could go for one now xD Yeh I really dont like my texture work on that one, just kinda messy and noisy =/ Cheers for the tips and crit! Yeh those vert counts can really sneak up on ya heh.
Edit: Also, thanks! Although technically I haven't 'graduated' yet, the ceremony isn't until November =/ but I know I got a 2-1 overall =]
haha it does look like a kebab. Now I can't unsee it.
Welcome to polycount. Like you I was a lurker too and posted just a few weeks ago. I'm currently taking up a 3d course in Vancouver, and I'm leaning towards games. How long did it take for you to finish the cinematic, and how long was the course?
Desert-scene sketch -
Random BUFF DUDE speed-sculpt -
Course was 3 years, standard Bachelors of Arts Uni course in the UK. Cinematic was a 2-semester group project, but out of 4 of us in the group, I did 2 of the characters (plus rigging for all of them) and one environment scene (Rocks, Grass, Landscape, Post-Process, all the good stuff), plus Storyboards, UDK setup, concept art, all the fun stuff, along with everyone else. It was a varied group, so 2 of us ended up doing a fair amount of work, one guy did bits (the Golem and the particles), and one guy did about 2 or 3 models, when we'd asked him to setup a whole scene =/
so yeh, its about 3 months Full-On work, with 2 months concepting and building the characters. Learnt a lot, but god was it stressful D= plus we only had an animator for about a month, and the sound guys only ever gave us one file, no retakes.. fun times! Don't let any of that put you off though heh, Vancouver sounds awesome and even with all that I'm glad I did it! Good luck on yours =]
from a scottish pipe'n'drums band Clanadonia - [ame="
Quick sketch -
First bit of sculpting -