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Gameloft Art test.

polycounter lvl 14
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fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
Hey guys, so I finished my art test that I will submit in a day or two.

I was required to model 1 of 3 characters based on their concept art (which is requested not to be posted online).

And this is the final result =]


to avoid bombinb this topic with a allot of images (20+) ill just link to my portfolio (WIP).
I was asked to document my process of creating this asset so to anyone that is interest it can be seen on the following page.

Oh also you can check a realtime turnaround of the model using unity3d player.

And finally I would like some feedback on my portfolio that I am working on now.
Made a topic for that if anyone is kind enough to take some time and comment on it, that'd be great! =]



  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    Looks solid man, nice material work. I'm not sure what the concept looks like but the only thing that really stands out to me is the neck feels a tad long? Clean work!
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    If they don't hire you, then I give up in this industry.
    You did an incredible job for 5000 polys. And since it's for Gameloft, I'm assuming this is meant for an iPad/iPhone game, which is nuts because this looks way better than most of the high end graphics for mobile games.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    I think what is making the neck too long is that the shot is kind take from below. Plus the details on the neck/shoulders.

    it looks fine when looking at it from eye level.

    Thanks for the feedback! =]

    Yeah this is for mobile afaik, iOS, android and what not.

    thanks! I tried making something decent :P I'm glad it shows.
  • pear
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    pear polycounter lvl 8
    This is amazing
  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    Wow my gameloft art test was modelling a tennis player haha this looks much better
  • whynot
    I'm curious how long they gave you and how long this took you.

    Your tut at the bottom of the website for this character was very useful. Thank you!
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    They didn't really give me a set timeframe for me to finish this.

    But I roughly finished this in 2 weeks (not working full time on it).
    I have a (fastfood -_-) job plus other hobby project I am working on so it needed to be done in whatever little time I had.

    I think if I were to work on it full time it would have taken me.. 5-7 days.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    *edit* How many art tests does Gameloft have? I've seen at least 3 others.
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    Is there an appropriate use of the word faggy Ben? :D

    Good stuff, which studio you going for?
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Looks good! Love the proportion reshape you did to make it look alot different and more interesting instead of using just using your typical woman shape.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Looks good! Love the proportion reshape you did to make it look alot different and more interesting instead of using just using your typical woman shape.

    Well... I tried to follow the concept as closely as I could.

    Gameloft Barcelona is the studio I went for.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Its completely inappropriate to use the name poop on a gaming site. :D
  • TehSplatt
  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    AWESOME model!
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    I'd recommend posing the character. Some people just can't see past the 't' pose, and in the end it'll only help sell the character that much more.
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    great model - hope you get the job !
    Also thanks for the break/images on your folio !
  • JoeCyriac
    Nice work, and neat documentation!
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks guys! =]

    Parnell wrote: »
    I'd recommend posing the character. Some people just can't see past the 't' pose, and in the end it'll only help sell the character that much more.

    I planned to do it.. but it had taken me 2 weeks already. I did not want to give the impression that I need a huge amount of time to make something look decent.

    But yeah I plan to do it after I have updated most of my portfolio. Posing this chick will be "the dot on the "i"".. for lack of better words.
    *edit* How many art tests does Gameloft have? I've seen at least 3 others.

    Sorry for missing your question I didn't realize that your posts had been edited. =]

    I am not sure.. But I think they simply use a generic art test for multiple studios.
    These guys got like.. a studio in every country. -_-
  • EiGHT
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    EiGHT polycounter lvl 10
    This arttest is specific to Barcelona.Took the same one along with two other PC'ers.

    Nice job man.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    May I ask which Unity shader did you use?
  • ofca
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    ofca polycounter lvl 9
    *edit* How many art tests does Gameloft have? I've seen at least 3 others.

    Gameloft has a lot of studios around the world. Probably every one has their own art tests.

    bb0x - i think you will get this job, but it depends also about your interview. Say hello to Montse from me :D:D
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    EiGHT - Thanks man. Yeah I had bookmarked yours for research purposes. =P Plus 1 more.. but I am not aware of a third one.

    Bugo - Custom shader using Strumpy Shader Editor.
    Basically gives you a UDK like Material system in Unity3d.
    The shader is actually really basic. Just diffuse, specular(RGB)gloss(alpha), normal and a coloured fresnel of which I can control the thickness and sharpness.

    If you check out the Gloss texture I made, you'll notice something slightly weird; I am not using solid colors per material, but there is some AO /cavity baked into the texture as well. That is because the Gloss map is doubling as a mask for the fresnel. (If I were to use a cubemap I would use it as a reflection mask as well.)

    The rest is just lighting since I am using deferred instead of forward I basically have an unlimited amount of lights to put in the scene.

    Hope that helps =]

    Ofca - Thanks man, hope so too! =D Does he know you by "Ofca"?
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    You shouldn't be working in fast food! I would also like to see the character posed. Will have to check out the shader editor you used. Hope you get the job!
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Very nicely executed and good luck in getting an interview. IF I only had one crit it would be that the forarm is quite skinny and straight. I would of brought the brachioradialis muscle out more to creat some shape.
  • ofca
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    ofca polycounter lvl 9
    bb0x wrote: »
    EiGHT - Thanks man. Yeah I had bookmarked yours for research purposes. =P Plus 1 more.. but I am not aware of a third one.

    Bugo - Custom shader using Strumpy Shader Editor.
    Basically gives you a UDK like Material system in Unity3d.
    The shader is actually really basic. Just diffuse, specular(RGB)gloss(alpha), normal and a coloured fresnel of which I can control the thickness and sharpness.

    If you check out the Gloss texture I made, you'll notice something slightly weird; I am not using solid colors per material, but there is some AO /cavity baked into the texture as well. That is because the Gloss map is doubling as a mask for the fresnel. (If I were to use a cubemap I would use it as a reflection mask as well.)

    The rest is just lighting since I am using deferred instead of forward I basically have an unlimited amount of lights to put in the scene.

    Hope that helps =]

    Ofca - Thanks man, hope so too! =D Does he know you by "Ofca"?
    Montse is HR girl :D and you have right, she doesnt know me as Ofca. Pawel thats my name :) when is your interview? If you get there, you will work with some awesome artists that you can learn from them.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    bb0x wrote: »
    EiGHT - Thanks man. Yeah I had bookmarked yours for research purposes. =P Plus 1 more.. but I am not aware of a third one.

    Bugo - Custom shader using Strumpy Shader Editor.
    Basically gives you a UDK like Material system in Unity3d.
    The shader is actually really basic. Just diffuse, specular(RGB)gloss(alpha), normal and a coloured fresnel of which I can control the thickness and sharpness.

    If you check out the Gloss texture I made, you'll notice something slightly weird; I am not using solid colors per material, but there is some AO /cavity baked into the texture as well. That is because the Gloss map is doubling as a mask for the fresnel. (If I were to use a cubemap I would use it as a reflection mask as well.)

    The rest is just lighting since I am using deferred instead of forward I basically have an unlimited amount of lights to put in the scene.

    Hope that helps =]

    Ofca - Thanks man, hope so too! =D Does he know you by "Ofca"?

    Gotcha, I've used strumpy before, it's probably the lighting you've setup that made me like it even more. Nice job!
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Fomori - Thanks man =]

    Di$array - Yeah I didnt like the forearms much myself.. but I blame it on the concept.. =P

    Ofca - Oh I didn't know =]
    I haven't heard back yet. And.. I dont actually live in Spain :S Sooo.. -If- I actually get there.. It would probably take some time still.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    I got a reply today..

    Looks like what i made doesnt completely match their expectations. And they are sorry to anounce my aplication was unsuccesful.

    Oh well time to finish another art test i was working on. As soon as i get better that is.. Ugh.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    Sorry to hear that man. I'm surprised, without seeing the concept I thought you did a really great job. Keep at it dude.
  • Hang10
    Sorry to hear.

    The next thing to do is get back on your feet and go go go! :)
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    bbox, don't worry man, i too was turn over by GL in past. They made me do an art test (which on my end was fairly well made) and asked me to send them the file only to tell me that it wasn't what they expected .. blah, blah, blah. I am pretty sure they used it somewhere in their work in a game somewhere. I hope you didn't give them anything.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    peanut™ wrote: »
    bbox, don't worry man, i too was turn over by GL in past. They made me do an art test (which on my end was fairly well made) and asked me to send them the file only to tell me that it wasn't what they expected .. blah, blah, blah. I am pretty sure they used it somewhere in their work in a game somewhere. I hope you didn't give them anything.

    Nah I didn't hand over anything.

    I think the main reason they aren't interested in me is that I don't live in Spain.. but that of course is just speculation.
    From the comments I have gotten here I take it there isn't anything wrong with model I created either.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    bb0x wrote: »
    Nah I didn't hand over anything.

    I think the main reason they aren't interested in me is that I don't live in Spain.. but that of course is just speculation.
    From the comments I have gotten here I take it there isn't anything wrong with model I created either.

    GL not hiring me was the best thing that could possibly happened. I got an other job at some other studio and got a whole lot more success than if i would have ended up working for them. This is sometime in itself a greater opportunity than you can possibly imagine.

    Wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse, repeat.

    keep us posted.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    peanut™ wrote: »
    GL not hiring me was the best thing that could possibly happened. I got an other job at some other studio and got a whole lot more success than if i would have ended up working for them. This is sometime in itself a greater opportunity than you can possibly imagine.

    Wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse, repeat.

    keep us posted.

    Heh :P

    Yeah will do, I'll probably start a new thread in a few for the current art test I am doing.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work.
    Posing the character now for your portfolio would be a good idea, just for the future unless you land the job your currently working on the art-test for.

    I noticed something in your renders that seem to be A.O. errors, they don't seem to difficult to fix but It looks like they show up in your final renders so I guess they saw that and that was the deciding factor?

    I thought you did an amazing job so I agree It's probably because you didn't live at their location, thanks for sharing this with us.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Well.. those artefacts are actually because of the lcNextGenShader I used for maya.
    For some reason enabling rimlights in the shader made the colors at edges all wonky. I thought it wasnt that big of a deal myself tbh.

    You might be asking.. "wait what rimlight? I dont see any.."
    I tried to be very subtle with them to have some form of fake reflection.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Very nice job you did there,
    shame you didn't got the job. Here in montreal GL is taking some weird decision too from what i've heard and experienced. One of my friend of +8 years experience got refused after an art test that was actually pretty good. Me and my Bf did a test for them too last month. I got refused after the art test (few other guys from polycount did it too, there were way better then me so it was no surprise). But my Senior lead 3d artist boyfriend of 6+ year experience got refused too after art test, got us both surprised
    Anyway I'm sure you'll find other opportunities and they will probably appreciate your talent this time :)
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    $!nz wrote: »
    so I guess they saw that and that was the deciding factor?

    I highly doubt than any tiny AO "error" would be a deciding factor.
    Having been part of the interview process it can be for reasons you would never have considered. But GL do seem a bit odd with their hiring process. Now get that character posed and onward and upward!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Fomori wrote: »
    I highly doubt than any tiny AO "error" would be a deciding factor.
    Having been part of the interview process it can be for reasons you would never have considered.

    Yea I was going to add that's really a minor thing to judge the entry on because if this was a product in a team setting someone would have noticed and It would have been fixed immediately.
    But GL do seem a bit odd with their hiring process.

    I agree when I did that tennis art test waaayyy back like everyone else and turned It in, It almost felt like they were just collecting lowpoly designs for free which would just suck. That test went on and on and on and I was like really for months they found nobody? Also I've seen some really awesome versions of that test that I was shocked to see that, that person didn't get hired. Indeed they are 'odd' to say the least I would go so far to say fishy even.
  • North
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    North polycounter lvl 7
    bb0x wrote: »
    Nah I didn't hand over anything.

    I think the main reason they aren't interested in me is that I don't live in Spain.. but that of course is just speculation.
    From the comments I have gotten here I take it there isn't anything wrong with model I created either.

    I have a friend that works at gameloft; Its more about making an optimized model while keeping the visual fidelity; Yours was fairly expensive. What they were looking for was probably a 1000 poly model (maximum) with a 1k map total(at most, though I would probably aim for half of that. You also should keep in mind that they dont use normals or spec and the diffuse map should have alot of that information baked in. If you were going to use those maps; hiding them in rgb channels would show you know how to keep the maps inexpensive. Remember alpha costs alot.

    The model is great for current gen, but as far as mobile platforms go its way off.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Surely they specified tri/poly count and texture sizes for the art test!?
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Did an art test for GL Montreal as well and it took them almost 2 months to finally let me know they passed and went for someone else. Thought it was quite a good submission myself, but in the massive time between turning in the test and hearing back I decided to stay in Iceland, and got 3 other job offers, one for a senior position. Odd hiring practices indeed.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    North wrote: »
    I have a friend that works at gameloft; Its more about making an optimized model while keeping the visual fidelity; Yours was fairly expensive. What they were looking for was probably a 1000 poly model (maximum) with a 1k map total(at most, though I would probably aim for half of that. You also should keep in mind that they dont use normals or spec and the diffuse map should have alot of that information baked in. If you were going to use those maps; hiding them in rgb channels would show you know how to keep the maps inexpensive. Remember alpha costs alot.

    The model is great for current gen, but as far as mobile platforms go its way off.

    I did everything according to the specifications that were given to me.
    Check out any recent "AAA mobile" games they all use "current gen" techniques. Obviously not as powerfull as consoles.

    2 games that come to mind is Shadowgun and Nova3(gameloft title btw)

    I mean.. why would I deliberately fuck myself by making something "insane" for a specific target platform?
  • North
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    North polycounter lvl 7
    bb0x wrote: »
    I mean.. why would I deliberately fuck myself by making something "insane" for a specific target platform?

    I dont know. Lack of research maybe?
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    North wrote: »
    I dont know. Lack of research maybe?

    Ok. So should I have ignored their specifications for the art test and just have created whatever I thought was correct?

    Mobile devices these days are quite powerful. Maybe it isn't I that didn't do enough research.
  • North
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    North polycounter lvl 7
    So my friend who got the job at Gameloft used 1/4 of the texture space that was given to him and produced an equally sophisticated product as other tests ive seen with the same assignment. We are both aware that his wasnt the best we had seen, but the reason he got hired is because he solved the problem presented to him in a unique way that showed more than just art skills. An art test that shows you can think is super valuable. Any studio wants a problem solver, not just another artist.

    Did you have an interview? maybe they didn't like your attitude ;)

    bb0x wrote: »
    Ok. So should I have ignored their specifications for the art test and just have created whatever I thought was correct?

    Mobile devices these days are quite powerful. Maybe it isn't I that didn't do enough research.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Staying far below spec on an art test? That kind of sounds like disobeying orders and seems kind of weird. Why not use the same techniques but instead use the regular texture size and make it extra nice?
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    North wrote: »
    So my friend who got the job at Gameloft used 1/4 of the texture space that was given to him and produced an equally sophisticated product as other tests ive seen with the same assignment. We are both aware that his wasnt the best we had seen, but the reason he got hired is because he solved the problem presented to him in a unique way that showed more than just art skills. An art test that shows you can think is super valuable. Any studio wants a problem solver, not just another artist.

    Did you have an interview? maybe they didn't like your attitude ;)

    My attitude heavily depends on the person in front of me.

    To me it sounds like your friend ignored instructions that were given to him. But apparently that worked and they were looking for people to ignore instructions.

    Problem solving and doing things within a set limitation to me are 2 separate things.
    Since I was given a set limitation to work with, I expect they have done their job in figuring out what their game should be able to run.
    I don't understand why a studio would employ weird tricks like giving certain specs and expecting something different.
    If the problem was that things are too expensive and they wanted to see what I would do about it, I assume they would have given me a model and let me optimize it.
  • North
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    North polycounter lvl 7
    Well then I guess my only assumption left is that you are overqualified. Your CV says youre an art director x 2 and a lead x2.
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    North wrote: »
    Well then I guess my only assumption left is that you are overqualified. Your CV says youre an art director x 2 and a lead x2.

    Though that is true.. It wasn't in a particularly "professional" environment.

    Do you think it would be better to change the "Indie projects" stuff to "Hobby" or "Mod" projects?

    When sending my cover letter, though, I am making sure they get that I have worked mainly on hobby/mod projects.
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