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[Portfolio] roboy - Environment artist

polycounter lvl 11
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roboy polycounter lvl 11
Hi all,

I got a new portfolio site up and running and was hoping the brilliance of polycount could criticize and comment on the content.

The site in question is http://www.roboy.me/

If you guys also have any suggestions on what I should make for my next portfolio piece that would be sweet!



  • ladyknowles
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    ladyknowles polycounter lvl 7
    Hey roboy!

    I really like your foliage scene, but I think you should push it a bit further and make a focal point for the scene. Your foliage is really nice, but it is strange to see just an environment floating in the air in Unreal. Maybe take a look at some terrain tutorials, as I think this would really look great, and widen/lower your skydome so it looks realistic.

    Maybe you could make it a country park scene, with benches etc.

    I love your assets for All Zombies must dies. Maybe push these up a bit on the page!

    Your Blitz Rooftop environment has a good basis, but again I think you could develope it and make it into a really nice piece. I think the scene would value from some drastic lighting, maybe change it to a night scene, where the windows are lit up with emissive textures and you really have to think about where your light sources are coming from. You could push the storytelling in the scene by making it so that its maybe a homeless campout like on fallout --> Fallout-3-Mod-Vault-101-Exterior-Camp_1.JPG, or perhaps a sniper sentries base with his/her gun propped up on the wall.

    Also think about the dirt in your textures. If those bricks had been there for a while, they wouldn't look quite so clean. Maybe learn about masks in photoshop (PM me if you need some help) to really get some contrast in your textures.

    I hope this helps!
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Honestly, everything looks really really flat, or totally devoid of detail.

    This, in particular looks flat as anything. http://www.roboy.me/carriage.html

    You need to really work on your lighting, and specular maps imo. There's a lot of potential here, you just have to tweak things I think.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    I think you need to work on lighting and rendering a lot more. All of your work is suffering in final presentation because of this. Do some research on lighting and rendering in Maya and UDK, use photographic reference for how lighting works in the real world.
  • roboy
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    roboy polycounter lvl 11
    Firstly, thanks for the feedback - it's much appreciated! :)


    I was initially going to make a sword in the stone kind of setting for the foliage scene but after creating all the assets and the lack of time I had after work, I decided to just leave it like that... I think I'll go back to the idea and add something to make it more interesting, I'll also close the surrounding area so it doesn't look like a floating island :poly124:

    I put the AZMD assets up higher - thanks for the compliment!

    As for the rooftop environment, I would like to go back to it and change things up but the way it's UVd, it's going to take a lot of effort to start adjusting textures - I might do a rain scene and get some more lights going on to make it look more interesting though


    Yeah I've rarely touched rendering so my work looks really flat - the carriage in question however, has an unlit Maya render to show the texture so it's even more flat - I changed the levels of the texture slightly so it stands out more - does this help at all?

    I might show case assets in Marmoset and only render environments in UDK - what do you think?


    The 7up machine is one of my latest assets - do you think the rendering/lighting is going in the right direction?

    Do you know of any tutorials out there that are informative about lighting?

    As I'm aiming to be an environment artist, is it really required go in depth with lighting and rendering? I guess it will depend on the studio you work at but it seems like environment artists are expected to do lot of work :poly122:
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    roboy wrote: »


    The 7up machine is one of my latest assets - do you think the rendering/lighting is going in the right direction?

    Do you know of any tutorials out there that are informative about lighting?

    As I'm aiming to be an environment artist, is it really required go in depth with lighting and rendering? I guess it will depend on the studio you work at but it seems like environment artists are expected to do lot of work :poly122:

    Yea the 7up machine has a much better feel to it, however the shadows do not make much sense because they are pointing up which tells me the light is coming from below it.

    I am not really the person to say what a professional environment artist needs to know, but you def need to know how to show off your models in the best possible way. You also need to know how lighting will effect your model, and the color theory behind indoor vs outdoor lighting.

    As for tutorials on this stuff, I would search google for stuff on rendering in Maya with Mental Ray, and UDK lighting. I am sure there are plenty of resources you can find to get better quality renders for your portfolio.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    little thing I've noticed: what purpose do those black borders on your uv shells serve? seems like you're setting yourself up for some nasty bleeding on mipmaps ;)
  • Reale
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    Reale polycounter lvl 6
    it seems a bit obvious that the foliage scene is from the 3d motive tut, I would suggest not putting tutorial work in your folio unless you can take what you have learnt and make it your own.
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