Hey everyone

Found this the other day. A version of Spidey by one of my ALL TIME favourite artists
Skottie Young
SO........ Iam gonna do a fan arts.
Thanks for the crits everyone. OK so a few small changes. I played with then eventually dropped the chromatic aberration and increased contrast by 10%
Personally I think it looks better, but my screens at home are a bit bright so maybe it is a too dark now.
what do you guys think BETTER or WORSE?

If you did use zspheres, mind posting an image of the zspheres?
yep Skottie is the king
@ MeintevdS: Thanks
@ coots7 : Thanks :thumbup: :thumbup:. I agree with the longer fingers. The hands and fingers are one area I wanted to change a bit but the longer fingers look heaps better so I made the change.... BIG thanks
Just made the fingers longer and did a little retopo, nothing really new to show.
Thanks again everyone.
keep it up
@ ScudzAlmighty: nah it is just a technique I have been playing with lately. I might do a breakdown if people are interested.
Did not get to do much work on this guy over the weekend but I went to bed too early last night and woke up at 3 so I decided to play around.
I am not good with cloth wrinkles and no where near finished with them so any crits are more than welcome please.
Thanks again everyone.
As seen here, there's the pattern you see in the concept, then there's the smaller hexagonal pattern underneath that, and then the fabric.
@ trancerobot : Yeah I am definitely going to give that a go..... I am just worried his suit is going to get a bit too muddy with too much detail. Still going to try it though
@ DashXero : Thanks. Yeah I sort of wanted to do my own thing with the hands.
@ MrNinjutsu : Thanks mr
@ SA_22 :
Tinkering with the hand. Think I prefer it like this.
Thanks again everyone.
@ afisher : Thanks man. I might push that a bit more in the low poly.
@ Two Listen : haha Yeah I might have to try one of those. Thanks.
Been really busy with work so I have not done as much as I would have liked but I am still going.
Thanks again everyone. I will try to get more done over the weekend.
Also add some suit detail. Going to call his high poly done I think and move on to the enviro. and make his little webwings
I think the lines might work out cleaner if you remove it.
Also this would look awesome printed, though depending on the size you may have to blow up some of the slender parts