Name : Naruto abunai - This game is a work in progress, and we are recruiting all that meet the requirements written below.
Are you a Team: Yes. Naruto Abunai are a team comprised with talented members.
What do we need right now: Naruto Abunai currently needs game designer and level designer that meets the requirements below. More jobs will become available when we see what needs fitting.
Requirments: (You must meet all requirements before trying to apply.)
Naruto Abunai reccommends that the worker must have at least 1 years of experience.
Naruto Abunai also reccommends that the worker must be willing to be online to work 20 hours a week. If your not eligible to do that, please don't contact are project.
When this game comes out, and we gather money from it. It will be distinguished to the publishers, creators, and workers of Naruto Abunai.
If you are interested in are project, please contact:
Preferable Skype: Najjuv
Here is some of are work to get you more filled in on where are project is currently at. All of this work was created by the owners and workers of Naruto Abunai. All rights reserverd.
Some Videos published by Naruto Abunai:
[ame=""]Naruto Abunai: It's a 3D MMORPG - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Naruto Abunai _ Shaders, World Editor, Animation, Character Controller - YouTube[/ame]
Some pictures published by project: