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Graze: Artwork 2012

polycounter lvl 6
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Graze polycounter lvl 6
Well I've finished university and I want to have a fresh start, create new work, and tutorials to help other people grow. Here is a screenshot and a link to a timelapse of a model I have just completed. There will be much more coming from me very soon so stay tuned and i hope you like it.

Here is the link to the video:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJA_ZcvHZFg"]Part I: Head Sculpt - YouTube[/ame]



  • jfeez
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    jfeez polycounter lvl 8
    Really awesome stuff, loving the detail and the process, maybe eyes are slightly too far apart. Looking forward to seeing the texturing if your still planning on doing it =)
  • Graze
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    Graze polycounter lvl 6
    Well here is a Wip shot of the black guy getting his makeup on. Ive still got alot to do but I'm getting there. Ive recorded the whole process realtime, so the next part to the tutorial will be up soon.

    What to expect in part 2 of this tutorial: its alllllllll about how to texture a head using mainly zbrush. Ill go over things like reference gathering, what information to take from a photo and how to use it to your advantage, how to look at your reference and break down the process into some really easy digestible steps, then ill cover how to take it that step further and present it nicely for your portfolio. It has taken me 3hours to do so far, all handpainted and all on one layer, so keep checking back because ill have the video up and running in no time. Also It will be voice narrated and maybe even subtitled.

  • Graze
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    Graze polycounter lvl 6
    Here is the finished texture for the black guy. Was alot of fun to do and hopefully ill have the video up by tommorow so you guys can check it out smile.png It was completely hand painted and made without using layers. Hope you like it.

    High Res Version

  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Awesome work man :) I like the sculpt and the colors a lot. Perhaps I expected to see a little more pink on the lips but it looks cool like that too. Looking forward for your video as I am going to be painting a female Afro- American character very soon so it will be really helpful for me :). Also what did you render this with? If it's zbrush I would love to know how you did the eyes?

    I was actually looking at some of the reference I have and I find it quite difficult to break up the darker skin color for a difference. The blues here are not really so prominent near the eyes and by the look of it is mostly darker and lighter browns mixed with some yellow and for the male some more blue near the beard ares....Any way :) really looking forward to your video :)
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    Graze wrote: »
    What to expect in part 2 of this tutorial
    Sounds fantastic man. :) Can't wait to see your process and techniques for texturing the head!
  • Graze
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    Graze polycounter lvl 6
    disanki: thanks alot :) I used zbrush to render it in, its not comped together either, this is a straight render from zbrush. The pink on the lips varies from person to person, the reference I used actually had no pink at all.

    Skin has alot of variation, but its a build up of really subtle tones that will make your work pop. People have a habit of adding the colour blue, purple, green, red, yellow to the skin with too much intensity, that it starts to look cartoony. When creating anything realistic, its about subtlety and attention to detail. Ill have the tut up in a few days so hopefully that will help eliminate some of your problems.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome stuff, I'd love to see more :)
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Awesome, looks so real
  • Darkleopard
    Wow, this is amazing. Thanks so much for recording the process!
  • Barnhill8
  • Graze
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    Graze polycounter lvl 6
    Thats alot guys :)
  • woogity
    really nice work love the presentation on the final shot. looking forward to assimilating some of your polypainting technique.:thumbup::thumbup:

  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    clean work man , really like how you textured him
  • Graze
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    Graze polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks alot guys. Sorry I have not uploaded the video, been super busy recently. I promise this will be on the top of my list to get done :)
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Sick work dude, really nice!
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