So,i created stuff and modeled it,everything was fine.
Then,i decided to place a camera to take some nice scene picture.
I placed it,and then i wanted to put custom lights on the scene.I placed 1 photometric light in the middle of stadium,and it did the job,the seats we're pretty nice lit.
Anyway,then i spotted that inside the VIP place roof is black.Thought it must be lack of light in that room,so i added another photometric light there too.
After that,whole scene went berserk and everything became "lighter" than it is.
I deleted both photometric lights in attempt to restore it to previous state,but alas,even thought there are no lights,im still getting the uber light version of the scene,no matter from where i watch.
Im rendering in scanline,like always.
I'm guessing its rather simple problem/solution,but its beyond me,i've just learned basic modeling stuff and such,i'm still to learn the lighting and texturing part.
p.s. btw,the picture itself is even lighter than that it is actually in 3d max.Dunno why that happens thought,i guess it me and mine picture exporting from renderer.
photometric light is design to simulate real lightning sources like bulb amd lamp
But that still wont fix this for me,since every new light i introduce is gonna make the whole object more lit,and its already overlit.
I need a way to darken the whole thing,since something is clearly making it light.
Many thanks