Hey guys, I shall upload some of my latest works at frontier. The game is at a Alpha 2.0 stage,Hence shall upload characters that have been released so far. Shall keep updating as more content gets officially released. Here is something to start with .... Oh , did i say how awesome the game is shaping up to be, do check it out herehttps://www.planetcoaster.com/
FORTUNE Couple of Screenshots in Marmoset For the Eyes, I was trying to implement the techniques that was shown at Unreal demo at GDC 2018.Used mari and the awesome texturexyz maps for the textures.
Heya, Some updates on the Hair,Its almost there and quite pleased so far. Yet to add some more cards in the front scalp region. Here is a WIP screengrab from Marmoset
Basically I have resculpted most of him and re did the texturing. Here is a sneak peak of him inside marmoset.
Oh The Project is inspired from the Comic book by Jim Murray and Robbie Morrison
and meet his Pet
Its a Work in progress project being rendered in Marmoset toolbag 3. Let me know your thoughts so far
Couple of Screenshots in Marmoset For the Eyes, I was trying to implement the techniques that was shown at Unreal demo at GDC 2018.Used mari and the awesome texturexyz maps for the textures.
Early WIP