its a longtime overdue, i should have started this thread quite early

but anyways here its is
Here are some WIP images of the HULK from avengers

here are the zbrush clay renders

also started a female character based on the concept from
That's how it appears, you've added shoulder/elbow armour on top of her wrist and given her an alien joint.
Though to be fair, I've been single a few months now, I'm not sure I remember what women's arms looked like.
but shall look into it once again. Thanks :thumbup:
and here is a small texturing update and rendered from marmoset :-)
Started placing the hair planes,
its because the zipper is way too down. if it was 5-10cm higher, it would support them better.
Iam pretty much done with the diffuse and need to just work on the Specular.
Here is how she looks so far :
Shall post the wireframes and the textures soon.
Was wondering the polycount on the hulk? (Im making one myself these days hehe) and how did you go about texturing him?
Shall post the wireframe and the textures of the female in the next upload
Long time no update. here is one on the Hulk. He is almost done. need to work on the Jeans though :shifty:
and here is a new Doodle. Trying to design some Sci fi / Mythology suit
* Used the 3d Scanned Head from for the Correct scale reference and will be replacing with my version later.
Some new stuff that i have been working on.Everything is still in a WIP stage.
Worked a creature/alien design.
Here is the sculpt
and the textures are almost there. Few more tweaks should do. screenshot from Marmoset:
a really quick doodle from Blacksad - wanted to kind of a tribute
and did some modeling in max after a long long time , noting fancy but yeah
here is the concept :
keep rockin man!
Edit: ALSO EVERYTHING ELSE IS AWESOME. And show that wiener.
Something feels off about the scale of the womans head you have finished. Maybe that was stylistic choice I`m not picking up?
Just keep going =]
Its high time i updated this thread
Here is a work that i finished for comicon Challenge
and here are some personal works that i started working on
Inspired from JimMurray's Drowntown.I liked the whole stylized proportions and wanted to replicate that in the sculpt. Its still a WIP and here are some pictures
playing with some polypaint :-)
Trying for some asymmetry head sculpt
Also Trying out some Likeness sculpt of Arya Stark from game of thrones. Its really an early version ( about 5 hours of work done) Looks a little chubby at the moment :-) but shall try to improve on future updates
Arya is recognisable, but looking a bit too chubby?
@killnpc : thank you :poly121:
@ Joshflighter : thank you. that is fabulous to hear. I think iam in the right track then :poly124:
@Fomori : thank you, yes it does look like that :thumbup:. Shall work more on it
Here are some works that i didnt share before. Some of my prop works that i worked in zoo tycoon game last year for the Xbox One and 360
All of these were done using 3ds Max, Zbrush, Photoshop, Rendered in Marmoset 2
you can find few more images in my website
Few Subtle tweaks on Arya.Hopefully improving :thumbup:
* Did some polypaint for the head and testing some skin shader in marmoset.
* Textures/ materials for the fabric are really in early stages :-)
* Will redo the hair as this was an early experiment
@ lotet : thank you :-)
and Thanks Joost Hope you are having fun in Elite
Here is tonight's update
Starting to paint some handpainted textures. This is the first time iam doing a hand painted one so it can turnout okay in the end else a disaster
Really early WIP Did the base on DDo and Painting the Skin so far.
This one is an Indian Sage named Maha Periyava. This project started as a mere anatomy study and 3d printed statue but ended up with complete textures and Marmoset goodness