Hey they polycount people. Decided to tackle another weapon over my summer break and I stumbled upon this concept from Gears of War. Here is what I have so far. This will be my base for the highpoly as well as my base for the low. Going to take it into zbrush next to get more detail in there. Let me know what you guys think so far.
This is the most updated image

edit: image isn't working. having problems uploading any image atm...not sure why.
keep at it
EDIT: Damn this guy is fast ^^ beat me too it. Seems like we both can agree that the straps definitely stand off the gun in a not so positive way. Now that he pointed it out, the texture on the strap does bug me a little too. Also the strap seems to get skinnier towards the ring on the gun, makes it look a little awkward. Once again, this is all just to help make this gun better! No personal offense at all