Couldnt find if it was specified to not have premade content but it gives me incentive to come back to this model. Hes definitely the War Club type. Heres the concept (done by Ehime on deviantart) I'm going from with slight modifications.
annndd heres where I've left off at:
"#1 A new character is recommend and starting the WIP is assuming your starting after the contest has begun. If you have an older work there is no rule "against" it but to be far it would be nice to start something new.
#2 2048 for weapon would fall within the rules but I would say don't go that big unless necessary.
#3 if your not a 2d artist and a friend works out a concept art piece for you please use it, we're not going to be pricks about minor details like that...."
His biceps need bulking up too.
Nice start.
The exterior ankles look a little bit too low, no ?
Drawing nearer to completion.. almost getting to the point where I can't tell where to improve so youre feedback will greatly help!
Thing I know to fix:
-normals between toes and fingers
- pelt mashing together near the thigh
- I suppose those skulls could use some more love as well huh?
Should there be no more crits and critiques this will be the final look of it and on to presentation to find a job