Hey Everyone, I've been working on this guy on and off for the last couple of months. I'm
allllmost done with the high poly, just a couple of little things that have been bothering me, along with any crits you guys make.
Progress wise, I've made the low poly and I'm just finalising the uv's, then I'm going to polypaint most of the parts then finish up the textures in PS.
Anyway, please let me know what you think and any crits you've got would be really helpful.
I think I got a bit carried away with the background of the render....

Still though: damn. Well done.
Tobbom snake and buhtichka: thanks a lot, really kind of you guys
His thumb looks rather short, too, and the cap and shoe-noses a bit large.
I have a tiny nit picky comment. It seems like the compression folds on the boots, especially the back left boot, seem to be off. It seems to look like the same material as the trouser cloth on that angle.
Other than that , awesome work!
Like others have said, the ratios of the hand seem off. The thumb is stubby, yes, but I also would say the medial phalanges of the index and Middle fingers are a little long too. Here are a couple observations I've made (and I'm sure so many others have made as well) which help me maintain nice human looking hands and keep away from E.T. or Chimp hands, lol:
Take a look at this xray of the hand. Speaking in general terms, the proximal phalanx of each of the fingers is almost the length of the medial and distal combined. So in this model's case, I don't think that ratio is matching up quite right. And then, once the finger length is established, the tip of the thumb will normally fall within the second half of the proximal phalanx of the index finger when swung up beside it. There is a bit of variance to that thumb rule, I've seen. For instance, my thumb is longer and lines up with the second knuckle, however, I know people with that "toe-thumb" thing going on, and they have a similar ratio as your model does. So really, I guess what you have currently with the thumb and length of fingers is within the realm of possibility respectively, but when combined; short thumb with long fingers, it looks strange.
I've been on holiday for the last week so haven't got as much done as I would like, but I'm trucking along (GET IT?)... Here's some texture progress, I'm having a seperate sheet for the head and arms etc, so just clothes. I've only just blocked in the feet, they need plenty of work, I'll post up better shots when I get more done.
As for the head, a lot of you guys were not feeling the head at all, so I think I'm probably going to re-do it completely, I reckon it'll be a better learning experience that way.
Let me know what you think so far, all crits welcome. Thanks a lot
EDIT: Just realised I haven't posted any wires or anything either, I'll post those up when i make a bit more texture progress too...
not too sure about how the skirt is only half-tucked, but then stuck behind the belt buckle, that feels a little unnatural.
also for the coat you could add alot of details in your gloss map by making by making the light borwn/beige spots less glossy.
if you could psot you maps it could be great!
great job again!
I'd say the folds around the sleeves could do with another pass as it appears like a rubber suit the way some of the folds intersect. And I'm in full agreement with Fred2303 regarding the specular values - tone them down as that's adding to that rubber/plastic feel.
For ideas on where you could take the materials, check out this model: http://josemlazaro.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Ben.jpg
Keeping working away at it mate!
Scuds: Yea it made sense at the time, there's a few things bothering me about design choices I made, but it's probably too late to fix it for the most part, and I really wanted to show off the belt buckle!
OrganisedChaos: That's a good question, I think it was just to try and make a regular guy who would hopefully be believable and human, rather than going with some overdone trope like making him a zombie survivor, or a space marine. Not that I don't like zombie survivors or space marines...
Fred: Thanks! Yea the spec was a very WIP, in fact the boots were very WIP. Hopefully look better in this update, though I'm yet to make a gloss map which currently makes some specular highlights look off.
whw: That dude is weirdly similar to mine, maybe the generic trucker in everyones head looks like that, or I'm subconsciously plagerising! weird... I'll definately look into the specular stuff when i start getting the other components into place.
I think I'm struggling to be objective about the texture at the moment, so I think I'm going to try and move onto the other parts, and hopefully by the time that's done, I'll have some fresh eyes for this part again.
The Wrinkles on the sleeves don't make much sense though , reason being that if there is so much tension there and nothing to hold the sleeves back they would naturally decompress..
Wrinkles are cool but they exist due to tension and gravity in the cloth, my advice is don't overdo them without understanding why they are there to begin with because it gives the impression that you just throw them in there.
I second the comment about the gloss.
Is this render in marmoset? How do you create this turnable gif ?
El Scorcho: Yea the boots actually have very low spec, but i added a few splashes of specularity to make it seem as if he had some oil or something splashed onto them, but I think I overdid it and it clearly isn't reading right, so I need to go back and look at that. Totally agree about the AO, I'll tone it down next edit. When I have all the low poly elements together, I'll take a look at tweaking the low poly model, and making silhouette adjustments, stitching things up etc. Thanks again.
The_blenderer and Scudz: The tension is created from the cuffs being tight against the forearms, if you push your sleeve up on a thick jacket like that, I think the wrinkles are as you'd expect, though maybe the problem is as Scudz points out that there's a gap between the jacket and the arm in the low poly model, This is a result of the elements being modelled and baked seperately and put together, I'll definately fix this when i come to tweak the low poly model, hopefully it will look more believeable for you guys then.
AlecMoody: Couldn't agree more, this was the thing bothering me the most as well, will definatley remedy this, I levelled my polypaint too much which created too much contrast, it's on my to do list!
Guhhh: It's rendered realtime in max with the Xoliul shader. Best way to render out a turntable is to use the Xoliul grabviewport script (that way you can save out larger resoloution realtime videos), tell it to save out an animation, then save this as in avi. Then open 32bit photoshop (has to be 32bit photoshop, 64 will not work) then go to file>import>video file to movie (or something along those lines) and that should bring all your frames in. Then it's just a case of treating it like a normal gif, adjust the time each frame is on for (mine is on 0.2 seconds) then go to file>save for web and pick gif from the dropdown box.
I'm currently working on the reworked head, should have it finished in a day or 2. Thanks again for all the feedback, it's been incredibly useful
Had some freelance work to do, and some holiday so haven't been able to put as much time into this as I would like. Fortunately, the end is somewhat in sight...
things still needing addressed:
- New face texture, I'm going to largely overhaul the face texture, because I don't like it
- I know his chest is weirdly emply right now, that needs fixed
- Hair is yet to be touched
- Inner mouth needs textured
- Still haven't made gloss maps and spec maps are very temporary, so that needs doing
- He needs a caruncula in the corner of his eyes, as well as some other eye tweaks to get those next gen eyes, also eyelashes and eyebrows!
Please let me know what you think, the more feedback the better
The last pic is super zombie-face fyi;)
otherwise everything looks good to me.
Anyway please let me know what you think of this dude, and any feedback on my general presentation etc, any views you think don't work or look weird for whatever reason, I'd really appreciate it.
PS sorry for so many images
My only crit (since you asked for some) is that I think it could use a bit more AO-type shadows here and there. Say where the hat meets the head, the shirt sleeves meet the arms, the shirt meets the chest, the pants meet the shoes, and like Delerium said with the eyes.
Looks real cool otherwise though. Good job dude.
No crits from me, just wanted to say awesome work!!
You could do some touch-ups on the final renders but I wouldn't really worry about it.
You've got a great high quality model here. Definitely into your portfolio!