I'm a long-time user of Physique, and I'm new to using the Skin modifier. I agree that painting the vertexes and blend makes things a lot easier! However, I'm facing a newbie frustration.
It forces you to use the transform tool, and sometimes I accidentally move an envelope instead of selecting a vertex. I'll just be happily working along ... and then all of a sudden, the entire mesh distorts as I edit a vertex. How can I prevent this? I've lost an hour of work.
This is specifically happening while I test it on animation. At one point, I zoomed out only to see that the mesh had moved outside the biped.
Maybe this is related ... what does "reset bones" do?
I assume you have a mix of enveloppe influence and per vertex weight.
You can also "bake selected verts" so that enveloppes influence get baked into the vertices. So the weight is per vertex and an enveloppe itself has no longer influence at all : moving it will do nothing.
More info about skin poses
Also make sure that you are working in skin with Animation mode off.