
Hello All!
I am currently finishing of my Advanced Diploma of Game Design in Melbourne and for our last project we are to create a video game

. I am the lead artist in our group (Still thinking of a company Name). We have also decided that next year we will all continue on together and form an indie company which we are all really excited about

. So in our group we have 6 members. Myself (Lead Artist), Curtis (UDK tech and 3d Artist), Josh (3D artist), Dave (3D artist) another Josh (Environment Artist) and Alistair (Lead Programmer/ Project Lead). We are expecting a few more members to join for this project but not 100% on that yet.
Now to our game. We are developing a Dragon Dogfight Domination game. You play as a ferocious dragon and the aim of the game is to kill your opponent and capture different territories/ nests. It is a LAN/ ONLINE multiplayer game intended for PC, PS3 and XBOX360. We are developing our prototype in Unity but will create the final game in UDK, originally we were going to build it in GameBryo (Oblivion, Fallout 3) but Alistair loves the visuals UDK produces which makes myself and the other artists ecstatic because obviously we want our art assets to look awesome in game. We are aiming for a more realistic art style for the game. Games similar to what we will be creating are Lair, Hawks, Ace Combat and games of that genre. I will be updating this thread with assets produced by myself and the other artists (I will credit the individual) as well as FX tests in UDK and gameplay videos. And if anyone is super keen to play test i might even be able to send a build to you. (MAYBE!) But Just for this post I have out up a quick title page that I whipped up in photoshop. It'd be great to get feedback from you guys here on Polycount on anything we do.
Hopefully this thread will build and help us during our development process.
Catchya Later
PS Game is to be finished by Mid-December.
you better not fuck this up!
Ill try upload a gameplay vid tomorrow, of the prototype that is