Hi everyone. This is my first time on these forums. My question is based on creating my portfolio with a good website/ program. I've been using iWeb to create my website, and now that I'm getting ready to show off my portfolio, I wanted to 'upgrade' to something that will showcase my portfolio better. Also Apple plans to drop support for iWeb, so I'll need to change anyway.
Basically I would like to know what websites/ programs people are using to create their sites. I would need a site that allows me to use my domain, and also one that is easy to update. I'm trying to save as much money as I can, so I'd prefer not to pay extra.
I looked into Wordpress, however I need to buy a $99 membership to link my domain.
The layout I would like to have for my portfolio is similar to the two posted below.
Hopefully someone can help me out.
- DJ Gardner
If you know html you can look into using this sort of layout http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=91572
there are also a few hosting solutions in that thread as well that are very cheap. You don't need anything fancy to edit html pages, just your most basic text editors will do fine.
I'm no good at coding, so HTML is a no-go. Haha