So I've got a character diving into the water, jumping back out then falling back in. He emits a splash in the AnimSequence for each of these. The problem is, with all the tumbling and such the particle emitter is rotating around so the splash isn't splashing up like it's supposed to, its splashing based on whatever rotation the character has. I want to lock the emitter to always face up.
Right now I've got the sequence notification playing off of one of the bones, I tried adding a socket but that just rotates as well. I've tried creating an archtype of the particle system with absolute rotation set and plugging that in, still no worky.
Anyone have any suggestions? Again, I want to lock the particle system's rotation so it is always oriented in the same way when it plays no matter how the skeletal mesh is oriented.
1) Attach it to a different joint like root or reference, which typically doesn't have any rotation data. You can then offset the effect as needed.
2) Velocity and acceleration modules should have a "use world space coordinates" checkbox. You can try that so it ignores the rotation and only use world coordinates (this one is hypothetical, I've never tried this myself but I think it should work).
3) Make it absolute in uscript. I found this over on the Epic forums
Hope that helps!