Hey guys,
so I am sorry I am been bad about posting lately but that is over now.
To kick it off thought I thought I would post up a little logo I did for client. Actually its an art test.
here is where I started they had the logo already done and asked me to replicate maybe improve

and here is my straight max render:

and after some color correction and ps work I ended with this

cam back fixed a few geo problems and soften up a few edges.
straight max render
then did some ps work, added some light rays and came up with this that I am now much more happy with.
feel free to make any comments, always interested in improving my concepts.
depth of field in a large scale environment tends to make it look like a closeup on a maquette. i would avoid that.
and the waves are too large. if you fix those two and some overexposure on the pavements and such, its gonna be photoreal.
here is a tacticle pen that I found on a really cool site and I felt like I had to model it.
The teapot is something I have been working on and always go back to.
So I found some pieces I am interested and thought I would put see what you guys thought.
It will be a hi poly that I bring to Lo poly and then texture off
Probably will do a combination table and clock maybe even a wall piece.
But my goal is to crank out the pieces hi poly in two days. At least do as much as I can.
So let me know what you guys think.
so I am thinking defiantly do the clock cause I found tons of reference for that and the rest
I may ony have lik 1 photo for but, that not too worry some as they are very hi res photos and one corner can be copied 3 times around the object.
ps the baroque environment of the clock and environment kinda lit a fire under me and I am going with it. So thanks for kick in the pants I needed to keep at it.
sorry been really busy lately had a some quick turn around projects come in.
But here is another,
basically got to build as much of this site as I can in the next day or so, might get some time in few days to touch things up.
obviously a whole bunch of stuff to model I have some footprint to these bldgs but not much and with a fast as I got to do this I wont have a lot time to check a bunch of references.
This and the aerial from google and a few shapes of the footprints is what I got.
after getting my camera to match cause that want a very similiar view this is what I have after and hr or so of modeling.
Keep you guys up to date.