Hi there!
Now where to start, this thread will hopefully result in a fully fleshed-out-gameplay-working-and-all environment in Unity3D.
Although the office was'nt featured in the project demo i felt it really had some potential and i think its a great opportunity for myself to get some more 3d work done and through that learn and grow from the critique

Now i've been pretty much lurking in the corners here, but i'm determined to better myself and not stay in my concept art corner!
So i'll try and keep weekly updates going on my progress, this is obviously a big project for me seeing as i'm still a total newbie when it comes to 3d...bleh!
The concept piece i did for the environment when the school project started has changed somewhat too, from a posh-kind-of-office to being situated in a run down N.Y-ish basement. Which should explain why the textures look like they do.
These are all from photoreference obviously, i've handpainted some details - but they were rushed for my exam so i SHOULD go back and fix them....but they suit the environment for now.