Here is the new personal project I will be working on: game ready female palladin. I will use diffuse, normal and alpha/glow maps, and will try to keep it under 15 000 triangles (shooting for 10K).
My goal is to nail down the workflow for such character creation process. I cant say that I am good at this, so my WIP will be very detailed, so I can always go back and correct mistakes. To make things easier, I will be going for a very 'generic' look: woman wearing sexy plate armor with shield and sword.
I do not have a specific concept and will be making stuff up as I go, but made a little sketch, just to have a very rough idea.
Here are initial screens form Zbrush. Her boobs look weird, because they will be pushed up by the armor.
Please C&C:

By now she has a lot of lumps, caused by high polycount sculpt. And anatomy is not so good. Are you following any references?
If she is going to be covered in armor, why even sculpt detail into the body? Seems like a complete waste of time to me.
So I'm not the only one
I'd start with getting proportions right making a base mesh in Max/Maya then going to ZBrush. It looks like what jramauri, your subd resolution is too high.
Right now, as the others have pointed out, the anatomy is off. Are you using any photographic reference? Even if you are, it's clear you need to use more. Constantly compare your model to real life reference.
There's really not much more to say. I could call out specific things, but the solution to every problem here is 'look at reference more'.
Im sorry, but That is a terrible idea. Trust me I have tried this and failed many a times. If you don't have a specific idea of how the character or object will look you won't have a good goal to shoot for. At the end it will look like your character will be made up of different pieces hodgepodged together , because it will be.
My suggestion is since it is not an alien or monster, find images of a woman you want the character to end up like, then find the armor you want her to be using. Real life reference is how you make the character look good.
Use photos of a real woman to get good anatomy. And if after you do that and you want to expand on the photos reference you have, then do so.
It would be even better if he used someone else's concept on top of all the reference. Its clear that drawing isn't your strong point so don't let that hold you back so pick a professional character concept
Yes, body will be covered by armor, but I decided to practice human anatomy while I am at it for those reasons mentioned by Shiniku.
No, I do not have a specific reference pictures for the body. Tried to search for some, but only found paid ones. So if you have any links to free websites, please let me know.
I understand the mistake for going too high poly - the reason is uneven topology - i barely had enough for the face. Will do the retopo and go down few levels to get the basics down.
I realize there is a lot for me to learn, so will keep working on it, and will post updates.
Thanks again.