Hello there!!!
Here a new mini fast personal challenge

I would like to do it in one week but I have to save the world from Diablo

I think it will took some more time

My plan is to do a little scene in UDK, Will probably add some fireflies,...
I start it last week with that :

And now I just finish the mesh :

Hope you like it

Anyhow my only crit is that the top of the tree looks a bit flat and weird. But i assume this wont be a problem since the main focus of the scene will be shots from the ground up into the leafwork and maybe keeping the focus on the Buddhist statues on the ground.
Also at this stage the rocks (boulders) look a bit, smooth and undefined. Is that intentional or are they just placeholders?
Hello Visceral!!! Thank you very much for your comment! You're right I will definitely change the The shape of the rock!!! Will probably do the texture then adapting the mesh to the texture
Thanks a lot Coots7, really appreciate your comment
Hi Dralex789, thanks
Thanks a lots for your comments
Here the rocks updates
I change the general form and add a rock.
I will probably change them again when I will have the texture done
Are you going to sculpt the rocks and the tree?
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot for your comments
I just feel something bad about the composition of the scene!
And I have that (the left is the original, the right is the new one) :
I prefer the one on the right, but it feels so empty under the tree then I do this paintover (the dark spot is the Buddha body) :
Hope you like it!!!
Because some people like the light, I made a little tutorial to have the same light in the max viewport!!! If you have any questions, I'm here
EDIT* : Just add something (A bis), without that it doesn't work
Hope that can help!
Here the new model with the Buddha body (greybox),
and the new set dressing
Looking forward to see the textures.
here an update, I didn't have a lots of time to work on
Budda looks pretty cool but it looks brand new, not sure if thats what you are going for? I can see that from the reference pictures it looks kinda the same; although this one looks more polished I would personally maybe add some moss around it and dirty-it-up a bit. I think it would be kinda cool if the budda had a sort of "once you see it you will shit bricks" kinda vibe.
If it is a not to be named art test I know they go with what looks best and not what is real world accurate :P.
Hi l.croxton, Thanks for your comment, but that was just the high poly, rendered in zbrush.
And there a look of the diffuse textures (88.13% handpainting
I want to be clear, I made 100% of the work that I show in this thread.
It can have some similarity with the naughty dog art test, but it have nothing to do with that. I hope that clarify the situation
here the tileable mesh that I did for the rock texture
Here a scene that I finish! I used udk, photoshop, 3dsmax and zbrush! 80% of the textures are handpainted, but the background
A tree in the middle of a lake in Thailand. A place where monks could meditate, alone. It's a spiritual place who was forgotten and not yet discovered.
I make this scene to improve my skills creating an organic environment. I took the opportunity to practice making tileable textures starting with sculpting them in zbrush.
Here a little video of it :
And here the pictures :
Hope you like it!
Actually looking at it again, I am not sure if you have inverted normals but the shadows are showing in the wrong way. The budda's normals are fine but the mud/dirt/pebbles are upside down.
Thanks a lot for all your comments, I really appreciate it
Hey vemadesign, I create all the back ground with billboards like in the following screenshot. I wanted to test this technique, but in the next scene I will do I will made lowpoly 3d meshes
And l.croxton, I was worried but the normal look fine. I probably put to much bounce or environment light or a light that I put to light the buddha's head on the dark light weird on the shadow part.
Thanks again guys!!!
I especially like the attention to lighting direction with the background elements.
Edit: If @JordanW says you got great results then you should feel honored
As someone who got a couple passes on the Naughty Dog Texture Art Test (and became very familiar with it), I'd say this looks like you used it as your starting point and modified the scene/models to your liking. The result looks great but I'm pretty convinced you used their scene and modified it claiming it as your own. Wire frames and scene elements are distinctly familiar. I think you were able to strengthen the scene by making modifications but I still am not convinced you didn't have essentially a template laid out in front of you. The original models have retained less of the distinct test look so it's easier to see you went further away from your starting base as you moved through the process.
However, your sculpts look really good, the added elements are cool, and the overall scene composition is strong. I guess I'm not jiving on the fact you're claiming it's 100% yours, but hey, what do I know?
Thanks a lots guys for your comments! I really appreciate that
And Endfinity Jon, please read the previous post it will answer your question.Cheers