I kinda like the "unprofessional-ness" of the tutorial, some of your mannerisms made me chuckle a bit. Again thanks for the great tut Millenia .
Yeah it's kind of like those movies, where the ancient Kung Fu master hermit can slay 20 ninjas in a drunken stupor, and when you go to train with him he's giving you all the best secrets, but is reading dirty magazines while he reveals to you the mysteries of the universe - I mean should you complain? I don't think so
Yeah it's kind of like those movies, where the ancient Kung Fu master hermit can slay 20 ninjas in a drunken stupor, and when you go to train with him he's giving you all the best secrets, but is reading dirty magazines while he reveals to you the mysteries of the universe - I mean should you complain? I don't think so
haha, I actually like the background noise as the tut goes on... one minute it sounds like someone is in the shower... the next it sounds a like a hamster is running on a wheel and at some point someone uses a microwave? I also find it funny that he gets up to get a drink and leaves the tut running instead of editing it out... its something I wouldnt like in a paid tutorial (i.e 3d motive) but its great because its free and memorable...
I dunno if this is the right place to post this, this is for help with the tutorial.#
Im sorry if its in the wrong place.
Im trying to do the tutorial in low poly, after hours of work I baked and my normal maps suck.......i think . Please can someone help me figure out how to get it look good.
High poly
Low poly
there is no detail from any of the floating geom on the low poly, some things seem kinda blobby. please ask for any more pics, thanks
Ya. My normal map suck too . Don't know what i did wrong... Did u edit map on pts or something ? Can I ask name the plugin you use for making UV map and other map on pts (like the colorful map to choose uv part) ? looks so great.
Thanks again. that's plugin so usefull . I try to do follow your tuts step by step but after I baking the normal map many times it's still looks not good as you . Can you give me some advice ?
Try disabling Gamma/LUT settings in 3ds Max preferences. If that doesn't fix it, try flipping the green channel of the normal map (just open the normal map, go to the green channel and hit ctrl + I)
sweet tutorial and glad to see you reply to my posts :P (even if they are random tips lol) so I finished my m37 last week which you can see the results of here
came out fairly close and happy with the results, I could push for a carbon copy but I think its best to learn from my mistakes and apply it to another model
Thanks man, I really studied that tutorial and in retrospect I can see where I made the differences but that should come with time and practice!
I dig your texture work on the fallout NV weapons you have going too!
as a side note, that seems like a fantastic exercise for honing your skills in UV unwrapping and texturing with a fast and rewarding outcome (textured model in game)
Yeah, I learned tons about baking normals due to having done it so much in a short period of time. A project like that is highly recommended for anyone who wants to get better fast
Try disabling Gamma/LUT settings in 3ds Max preferences. If that doesn't fix it, try flipping the green channel of the normal map (just open the normal map, go to the green channel and hit ctrl + I)
Thanks. i try flipping the green channel and the normal seem pretty fine now ( not that close as your but accept able :poly121:). Thanks for the tuts and helping me. I've learned many things from you
Hey, really nice tutorial. I've only gotten through the first part so far.
Just a couple of things I wanted to note, you could make a couple things easier on yourself using some tools to make things exact and precise like align and snap. The advantage besides things being spot on is that there's no need to check it from every angle and fudge things back and forth, you hit it and it's done. The time can really add up. This was especially evident when you were using symmetry on the floating geo. If you just used align on the gizmo and did it to the center of the receiver it would have been right on like the other side. Hearing you talk about being a perfectionist and being precise I was surprised they didn't come up. For people starting out I think it's important if you're making videos like this to show them these tools so they get in the habit of using them. They save a lot of time.
Also the reason the extrusions on the knurled part on the end of the magazine tube wasn't working was that the operator was set to group instead of local normal. Lastly, when drawing out poly's, they'll be flipped if you draw clockwise. Counter clockwise will keep them facing you. I'm sure these are things you know but they might be worth mentioning for more novice users if you make any similar videos in the future.
All and all a great video, it's awesome that you took the time to make such an in depth series. I hope my critique didn't come off rude or unfounded. I look forward to watching the rest this afternoon.
Thanks alot for the tutorial. I'm currently trying to go trough it. But i have encountered a slight problem. After aplying the 3point shader + bump, it somehow becomes almost black and very weird looking in the dark areas.
Found the answer now. Was the gamma i had to disable. Made the whole picture look soo much better! Read the full thread, and saw that others also had some problems with the gamma, so i gave it a try. To the rest who should see this problem, go to Customize -> Preferences -> Gamma and LUT; uncheck Enable gamma/LUT correction.
Found the answer now. Was the gamma i had to disable. Made the whole picture look soo much better! Read the full thread, and saw that others also had some problems with the gamma, so i gave it a try. To the rest who should see this problem, go to Customize -> Preferences -> Gamma and LUT; uncheck Enable gamma/LUT correction.
Again, thanks for the tut!
You only have enabled the gamma correction or specific set of values?
With these settings, I continue to still have the same problems.
Hey update time. been busy also so thats why its taken so long.
This is a UDK render.
I feel i can make it better, but i just need some guidance.
Thanks in advance for any feedback
A few things.
Have a better light setup. Right now it looks just bad and is hurting our ability to crit.
You have too much wear and tear detail in your diffuse texture. The most information will be in your specular texture. Make sure to get your AO over to the spec texture as well.
Your gloss value of the piece is WAY to tight, it needs to be much more broad. 20-60 is a decent starting value. Play with it to get it right.
Specular is the most important map with metal, give it the most attention.
first of all - thanks for that great tutorial. Taught me so many things (mainly how to bake flawless normal map and a lot about texturing) and you have my eternal graditude.
And here is my take on the weapon. It's still wip, I need to figure out what to do with the wood to make it pop, but so far I am really satisfied with it. What do you think? Any crit welcome!
impressive texturing Vous, same goes for Break! Cannot really give good critic since I am pretty new at texturing myself.
Anyway, it seems I cannot get Render to texture to work out. Can someone take a look at my file, which contains the high and low poly, and see if they can bake the maps inside of max ? http://www.2shared.com/file/oUR1rO7d/RTT_wynwork.html
Great tutorial, I'll be going back to this often as I practice more and more. One little thing though, I had some trouble figuring out how to use vtools to save out the different maps automatically like you did in the video. The process was slightly obtuse but I figured it out eventually. Just in case anyone else was confused as I was, a few tips:
3. Open photoshop and your texture file. Now add a "~" to your different group's names e.g. "~diffuse" and "~specular".
4. Now go to file>scripts>browse and load up vSavePSDTGA.
5. When the window pops up click on the "Sets" dropdown list in the "Basic" section and set it to "Save all, append _initial". Also make sure the Root layer set marker is "~", the same character you've placed at the start of your group names.
6. You can check the "Use PSD Path" box to make sure the TGA's are saved to the same folder as your PSD.
Click on "Save Images" and you're done! Hope that helps, and thanks again Millenia for an excellent look into your workflow.
@dack3d - I was trying to find things I hated with your shotgun compared to mine, but yours is much better in terms of texturing. Model is basically the same, but I really like what you did with the texture. Awesome work!.! My favorite so far because you tried something different. :thumbup:
Do you know of any good tutorials for modifying the normal map? like what you did on the grip and very rear of the gun.
@Perkins : Thank you very much for this kind words. I learned lot of thinks with this tutorial "Millenia" tutorial.
To do the grid I used Illustrator, copy in photoshop as a coloredpath and after with NDo2 I converted the path to a normal map (don't miss to Overlay the layer).
Take a look here => http://www.quixel.se
You did a really fantastic job, Millenia. Almost done with the high-poly and already learned a few neat tricks. Much appreciated.
@ladyknowles: If you're going to include the weapon in your portfolio, you might want to include that you followed a tutorial for it for a couple reasons: A) Millenia put a bit of time and preparation into it, and deserves to be acknowledged for it. You're going to misconstrue that you made it all by yourself. Even though you did make it all (and the piece turned out really quite nice), it was through following a pretty much spoon-fed tutorial.
Hi Millenia, I've followed your tutorial a few month ago, and I've learn a lot of thing. I can even say that I've learn everything about Hard Surface with your tutorial. he is very amazing. So it's my first post on polycount and I just wanted to say, thank you !
Every other post are great, so I didn't dare to show mine, but here we go :
The High Poly model: (as you can see I've add some buckshot, flashlight, etc)
Here is my go at it. I learnt a lot from this - may re-visit the textures at some point. I took your suggestion and also had a look through Racer's tutorial. I still have a little way to go in this area but it was a really good project so thank you for making the time to make the tutorial!
Yeah ToffeeApple ! Textures are great, but I think the model would be more interesting if you add medal at the end of the cross ? (I think, I'm not a pro )
Geno527 - yes I agree it'd be more interesting that way - will have to look into doing that when I revisit it. I really love some of the details others have added to their guns so it'd be great to add some more to mine.
I'm actually pleased with this. I think UDK inverted the normals and the specular doesn't quite pop like it did in Max, but seeing as how this is the first thing I've made in Max and Photoshop, I'm quite happy with it.
p/s: Thanks for great tuts
Yeah it's kind of like those movies, where the ancient Kung Fu master hermit can slay 20 ninjas in a drunken stupor, and when you go to train with him he's giving you all the best secrets, but is reading dirty magazines while he reveals to you the mysteries of the universe - I mean should you complain? I don't think so
haha, I actually like the background noise as the tut goes on... one minute it sounds like someone is in the shower... the next it sounds a like a hamster is running on a wheel and at some point someone uses a microwave? I also find it funny that he gets up to get a drink and leaves the tut running instead of editing it out... its something I wouldnt like in a paid tutorial (i.e 3d motive) but its great because its free and memorable...
Well I personally prefer it that way around, gives more control for the high poly.
I also like doing that way with lowpoly at least for mechanic stuff for organic is not always the choice.
I dunno if this is the right place to post this, this is for help with the tutorial.#
Im sorry if its in the wrong place.
Im trying to do the tutorial in low poly, after hours of work I baked and my normal maps suck.......i think
High poly
Low poly
there is no detail from any of the floating geom on the low poly, some things seem kinda blobby. please ask for any more pics, thanks
thanks in advance guys. :thumbup:
benj: I've never used Maya so I have no idea, sorry.
Low poly with smooth group
Low with normal map
came out fairly close and happy with the results, I could push for a carbon copy but I think its best to learn from my mistakes and apply it to another model
hope to see you make more videos in the future.
Thanks man, I really studied that tutorial and in retrospect I can see where I made the differences but that should come with time and practice!
I dig your texture work on the fallout NV weapons you have going too!
as a side note, that seems like a fantastic exercise for honing your skills in UV unwrapping and texturing with a fast and rewarding outcome (textured model in game)
Thanks. i try flipping the green channel and the normal seem pretty fine now ( not that close as your but accept able :poly121:). Thanks for the tuts and helping me. I've learned many things from you
Just a couple of things I wanted to note, you could make a couple things easier on yourself using some tools to make things exact and precise like align and snap. The advantage besides things being spot on is that there's no need to check it from every angle and fudge things back and forth, you hit it and it's done. The time can really add up. This was especially evident when you were using symmetry on the floating geo. If you just used align on the gizmo and did it to the center of the receiver it would have been right on like the other side. Hearing you talk about being a perfectionist and being precise I was surprised they didn't come up. For people starting out I think it's important if you're making videos like this to show them these tools so they get in the habit of using them. They save a lot of time.
Also the reason the extrusions on the knurled part on the end of the magazine tube wasn't working was that the operator was set to group instead of local normal. Lastly, when drawing out poly's, they'll be flipped if you draw clockwise. Counter clockwise will keep them facing you. I'm sure these are things you know but they might be worth mentioning for more novice users if you make any similar videos in the future.
All and all a great video, it's awesome that you took the time to make such an in depth series. I hope my critique didn't come off rude or unfounded. I look forward to watching the rest this afternoon.
Always nice to see how other people work and definitely learned a few things.
Here's my result
The texture could probably use some more work but it's late so im gonna call it a day. Thanks again
Why is this happening? Hope you can help me.
Best regards
Again, thanks for the tut!
You only have enabled the gamma correction or specific set of values?
With these settings, I continue to still have the same problems.
Sorry for my bad english..
This is a UDK render.
I feel i can make it better, but i just need some guidance.
Thanks in advance for any feedback
Let me know what you guys think.
Great tutorial Millenia, hope you've got some more coming.
A few things.
Have a better light setup. Right now it looks just bad and is hurting our ability to crit.
You have too much wear and tear detail in your diffuse texture. The most information will be in your specular texture. Make sure to get your AO over to the spec texture as well.
Your gloss value of the piece is WAY to tight, it needs to be much more broad. 20-60 is a decent starting value. Play with it to get it right.
Specular is the most important map with metal, give it the most attention.
Also love the display pic lol ^_^
first of all - thanks for that great tutorial. Taught me so many things (mainly how to bake flawless normal map and a lot about texturing) and you have my eternal graditude.
And here is my take on the weapon. It's still wip, I need to figure out what to do with the wood to make it pop, but so far I am really satisfied with it. What do you think? Any crit welcome!
Anyway, it seems I cannot get Render to texture to work out. Can someone take a look at my file, which contains the high and low poly, and see if they can bake the maps inside of max ?
1. Get the tools here: http://home.insightbb.com/~jamestaylor/
2. Extract them to a folder anywhere.
3. Open photoshop and your texture file. Now add a "~" to your different group's names e.g. "~diffuse" and "~specular".
4. Now go to file>scripts>browse and load up vSavePSDTGA.
5. When the window pops up click on the "Sets" dropdown list in the "Basic" section and set it to "Save all, append _initial". Also make sure the Root layer set marker is "~", the same character you've placed at the start of your group names.
6. You can check the "Use PSD Path" box to make sure the TGA's are saved to the same folder as your PSD.
Click on "Save Images" and you're done! Hope that helps, and thanks again Millenia for an excellent look into your workflow.
Thks for this tutorial. this is my M37 Ithaca version, my texturing is little bit differente.
Hope you will like it !
Do you know of any good tutorials for modifying the normal map? like what you did on the grip and very rear of the gun.
Hypercam 2, nifty little software!
To do the grid I used Illustrator, copy in photoshop as a coloredpath and after with NDo2 I converted the path to a normal map (don't miss to Overlay the layer).
Take a look here => http://www.quixel.se
@ladyknowles: If you're going to include the weapon in your portfolio, you might want to include that you followed a tutorial for it for a couple reasons: A) Millenia put a bit of time and preparation into it, and deserves to be acknowledged for it.
Every other post are great, so I didn't dare to show mine, but here we go :
The High Poly model: (as you can see I've add some buckshot, flashlight, etc)
And there is the low poly version (5714 tri):
Thank you again Millenia
Here is my go at it. I learnt a lot from this - may re-visit the textures at some point. I took your suggestion and also had a look through Racer's tutorial. I still have a little way to go in this area but it was a really good project so thank you for making the time to make the tutorial!
Geno527 - yes I agree it'd be more interesting that way - will have to look into doing that when I revisit it. I really love some of the details others have added to their guns so it'd be great to add some more to mine.
So far, so good. Thanks for the tutorial, dude, it's a huge help!
I'm actually pleased with this. I think UDK inverted the normals and the specular doesn't quite pop like it did in Max, but seeing as how this is the first thing I've made in Max and Photoshop, I'm quite happy with it.
We all have our methods nice tutorial, love it