Hey guys,
Since I finally wrapped up my shuttle, I wanna focus on something a bit smaller and low poly.
I found these old Alien concepts that were changed in production.Plan is to start with the chair and maybe do a few other assets once it's done.

And here's a super rough start to the modeling

This is an interesting project for me in that I'm pulling reference from a few different Nostromo bridge concepts along with the actual film used version. But if I'm taking that kind of liberty with it, then you're right in that I could push it a lot further with real world reference.
@Wester Thanks dude
Here's another bridge concept by Ron Cobb along with the screen used one.
Still not sure how many assets I'm going to do or whether this is going to turn into a full scene. Playing it by ear.
Also, here are some very high res 360 cockpit views if I haven't already linked them before (fantastic for consoles and dashboards):
@odd_enough Thanks jordan
The big question right now is whether I follow the screen used bridge or one of the alternate concepts. Even that chair concept doesn't match the real one. I was also thinking that if I do a scene, I use all the references to make a bridge "inspired" by all the ideas/concepts. Anyone have thoughts on that? The latter sounds fun, since I could push it all a bit further.
That said, I roughed in the rest of the chair with primitives.