I want to capture gameplay of a level I created for my demo reel, but I'm not sure how to do it. As everyone knows, using the Matinee video sequence makes it unplayable and hogs memory. Does anyone have any recommendations? Ive heard about weGame and right now that's looking like my best option.
Please and Thank You!
I made a video about this very thing not too long ago. It will show you how to dump each frame (image) of your matinee sequence into a folder for you to composite afterwards in your application of choice ie; AfterEffects.
Here is the link: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18IFndC-dPE"]Unreal Image Dump: Camera Fly Through[/ame]
Hope this helps.
Do you perhaps know this problem?
I'm trying to record a movie with matinee (UDK MAY 2012 build).
But when I render out my frames (bitmaps) they are blurred.
Is you're option different the matinee (record button?)