Is this realtime? Prerendered? What's the purpose?
The leather is rather noisy, yet lacking in actual detail. In fact, the whole scene (minus the wood) looks like it's made with the same normal map and just some colors thrown over.
The purpose is to make a believable looking rendered scene.
the theme I went for is western.
this is currently my first render pass/composite test
Any critique and tips to attain a certain look would be much appreciated
I am a little disappointed to see so many people stating this is not game art and walking away without a critique. I thought this was a forum for people to get better at what they do, whether its next gen or not. Ive seen so much stuff as high poly as this if not higher get better critiques than what you guys are posting. I guess my instructor was wrong about this place.
I'm pretty sure Snader asked if it was realtime or prerendered so he could have a better basis on how to critique it. The fact that the OP started this thread with nothing and just the words "HI" only to post actual art 3 months later has opened him up to trolling.
I wouldn't judge the whole forum based on this. Besides SouthpawSid making a fairly lighthearted joke, the rest of the people are fairly new or have low post counts - so they are trying to be part of what they think is the "cool" crowd by saying "it's not game art".
wow. yeah. ignore them. I don't know why people without a critique are even opening their mouths to complain that what you're making isn't what they typically deal with.
so i'll give you a crit fo' real.
I really dig the composition and the lightingis coming together nicely.
In the most recent image you didn't really describe where you were sitting at in terms of completion - so i'm not sure what you plan on continuing with or what your primary focus was on this last pass.
that having been said - i will go on.
Aside from the metal of the pistol (which looks quite nice though with a little bit of a "fill" feeling in high frequency) there is a general lack of wear on any of the objects. Even the boards look really well maintained.
I think you could go a long way by pushing some edge wear, scuffing the boots - especially in the toe/ heel areas - and that hat looks like it's either plastic or covered in some sort of glaze.
the belt as a model looks really cool and works well in the composition but it's really boring on it's own - very solid color, solid pattern. again - give it some wear, make it look used - maybe empty a few of the loops of their shells.
I'd also either move the second pistol or cut it from the composition all together - it's not doing anything where it sits now but create a tangent with the more prominent gun's barrel.
the canteen is lost, too. It could use to be moved or maybe give it one of them leathercraft sleeve..things. like this maybe
make it all look used - tell a story - and this piece will be bitchin. right now it's only evidence of technical proficiency.
Aside from what Reverendk already said. The first thing my eye is drawn to is the single bullet standing up... I would remove it or lay it down on it side. The other thing is the color of the leather belt, which is very similar to the color of the wood on the gun. I know that they're different based on your unlit scene... but, the current lighting set up makes the different textures (wood and leather) look almost the same.
Sweet thanks for the reality check I do really dig the critique ReverndK and Kon Artist had to offer. I will gradually touch this piece up for now it's at a point where I've got to move on to some more Environment work for my portfolio.
lol. P*ssing myself laughing here.
Well that tickled me.
Forget about animating, it won't even render correctly at this point.
Oh spam bot you.... :poly136:
what i'm trying to accomplish here is to texture and render a western themed still life.
Currently I've got the modeling finished and unwrapping done.
I plan to post some screens
The leather is rather noisy, yet lacking in actual detail. In fact, the whole scene (minus the wood) looks like it's made with the same normal map and just some colors thrown over.
the theme I went for is western.
this is currently my first render pass/composite test
Any critique and tips to attain a certain look would be much appreciated
have at it!
still a WIP but i've played with the shaders and am still in the process of texturing.
Threw in some lights and raytraced shadows
In need of critique!
I kid. But really. Usually we discuss game art here. Your modeling is not bad at all though.
is a game cinematic not considered game art?
I should probably tell blur studios that they are not game artists for making their renders high resolution.
I will be posting more projects that are targeted to in engine poly counts but, it seems ignorant to call this less than game art.
I wouldn't judge the whole forum based on this. Besides SouthpawSid making a fairly lighthearted joke, the rest of the people are fairly new or have low post counts - so they are trying to be part of what they think is the "cool" crowd by saying "it's not game art".
so i'll give you a crit fo' real.
I really dig the composition and the lightingis coming together nicely.
In the most recent image you didn't really describe where you were sitting at in terms of completion - so i'm not sure what you plan on continuing with or what your primary focus was on this last pass.
that having been said - i will go on.
Aside from the metal of the pistol (which looks quite nice though with a little bit of a "fill" feeling in high frequency) there is a general lack of wear on any of the objects. Even the boards look really well maintained.
I think you could go a long way by pushing some edge wear, scuffing the boots - especially in the toe/ heel areas - and that hat looks like it's either plastic or covered in some sort of glaze.
the belt as a model looks really cool and works well in the composition but it's really boring on it's own - very solid color, solid pattern. again - give it some wear, make it look used - maybe empty a few of the loops of their shells.
I'd also either move the second pistol or cut it from the composition all together - it's not doing anything where it sits now but create a tangent with the more prominent gun's barrel.
the canteen is lost, too. It could use to be moved or maybe give it one of them leathercraft sleeve..things. like this maybe
make it all look used - tell a story - and this piece will be bitchin. right now it's only evidence of technical proficiency.
Thanks I seriously appreciate it!