@Insane: The belt seems generic and I could go as far and say it might look similar, shapes wise, to an existing ingame belt for Doom. I could be wrong ofc but would be good to check.
Hey guys- I'm having an issue with venomancer's ward. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what might be going wrong
i think most summons are borked in loadout, you can preview them ingame by sticking your compiled model into your 'SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\heroes' folder and using -override_vpk in your launch options
some heroes model have bone right? let say cape part...
so do we can set the bone:
1) disable bone, eg: i change cape/ cloth part into a hanging wood. (still swinging when the character walking but it is swing like a wood instead like a cloth)
2) Do we can move the bone to other slot? eg: PA's cape is using bone right? if i design a tail and move it to her butt there? (ya i gonna design a cat-like PA set :poly142: )
i think most summons are borked in loadout, you can preview them ingame by sticking your compiled model into your 'SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\heroes' folder and using -override_vpk in your launch options
Hey i have a problem with something when i upload an item to the workshop and valve put me to do some detailes.
When i have to go with my Esignature.. at Email address associated with your Steam Account it dosen't work.. i entered my steam account mail and nothing.. what should i do ?
some updates: http://i.imgur.com/1tIn9Mq.jpg
this one i finalize hexor's set, top 2 row is scrapped idea. the tumor originally was a mechanical camera idea, eventually i change it into some meat tumor eye demon XD
and i wonder do Honduran White Batman exist yet in workshop? (maybe need to change something to make it less-animmal, by adding a leaf cap, or some jewerly)
also The Twitch-ing Kappa (not sure japanese myth creature works or not)
@Celtghs: I feel you made it a bit too contrasting: the blacks are just absolutely dark and the whites are too bright. Makes him look a bit too painted in. The masks could use a bit of work too. But otherwise quite a nice job
Finally released my Lina set, The Migrant Blaze, that's been nearly finished for a while now. It's inspired by old-school RPG aesthetics like the classic D&D, with games like Baldur's Gate!
Big thanks to the guys who offered encouragement and help in my workshop thread while I was building it.
Thanks guys, I'm really glad you like it. It was one of those projects that I was really passionate about doing, since it's all kinds of nostalgia for me.
I'd be really happy for constructive comments and critique!
and IF you actually happen to like it, i'd be really happy for a thumbs up.
(abit embarrassing to post here amongst you titans, but sometime gotta be the first.)
Also is there anyone that has any knowledge why my set isn't showing up on most recent, or anywhere else for that matter, i have to link to my workshop for people to be able to see it.
had some issues with the low poly the first go at it weeks ago, revisited it this weekend after smashing parts of the high poly. Image links to workshop:
I think the helmet/face design on the Sven helmet is awesome but the horns look a bit arbitrary or fickle. Maybe consider trying a couple more interesting horn designs?
i am new to the dota 2 Workshop. Can someone tell me what Settings i Need to Import my items in the game cause i already tryed it with the fbx from Maya to dota 2 but the model scaled in the y axis and it is too large. I use Maya and i want the original models for reference.
sry for my english.
I think the helmet/face design on the Sven helmet is awesome but the horns look a bit arbitrary or fickle. Maybe consider trying a couple more interesting horn designs?
i see, i also got some feedback from tumblr, guess i need to refine to ver.2 first with full set slot :poly124:
Seriously though, I'm trying to figure out custom particles but I want to check out some of the ones already used in game as a point of reference. All the files I have are .pcf, but the particle editor wants .vpcf files. What do?
i see, i also got some feedback from tumblr, guess i need to refine to ver.2 first with full set slot :poly124:
Upon looking at it a bit more I think for that style of horn to work they need to be bigger, a bit battle worn, shaped a bit more dangerous/drastic etc.. they need to be absurd!
Upon looking at it a bit more I think for that style of horn to work they need to be bigger, a bit battle worn, shaped a bit more dangerous/drastic etc.. they need to be absurd!
i still thinking 2nd version haha... thinking add skull element or
just add teeth element on mouth part to match hte BkBlade at the left side XD
haha, nice ward I don't think ward spawn anim length matters too much. obviously a couple seconds so players see it happen, but it won't get cut short like a courier anim as far as i know.
I've been on holiday from work and I've been using the time to start and hopefully finish a set for sniper.
I actually took the time to block out my idea in maya rather than hopping straight into zbrush, so for once I'm not trying to cram my design into the polycount.
I didn't have a concept for the design so I've been working it out as I go along, the idea is a costume inspired by punk and motorbike clothing. There's also some WW2 influences in the sten gun and the helmet.
The in game shots are pretty low res because I'm working on my cintiq and it doesn't run dota super well
If anyone has any thoughts or feedback it would be really appreciated, thanks a bunch
I've been on holiday from work and I've been using the time to start and hopefully finish a set for sniper.
I actually took the time to block out my idea in maya rather than hopping straight into zbrush, so for once I'm not trying to cram my design into the polycount.
I didn't have a concept for the design so I've been working it out as I go along, the idea is a costume inspired by punk and motorbike clothing. There's also some WW2 influences in the sten gun and the helmet.
The in game shots are pretty low res because I'm working on my cintiq and it doesn't run dota super well
If anyone has any thoughts or feedback it would be really appreciated, thanks a bunch
will the gun barrel too much hole? will it become noise when look from top down?
instead of 5 rows of dots... how about reduce to 3? that is my suggestion...
Haha that's such an awesome ward concept I would love to see it from the in game views to get a sense of size but great start
Thanks toby, I'm just doing the rigging/animating, the concept/model is by andyk, it's really unique! I'll post some in-game gifs once the lowpoly is ready!
Here's part of the idle animation, with some bandana animations!
Your sniper set looks really cool, haven't really seen that type of theme for sniper in the workshop yet!
@Insane: The belt seems generic and I could go as far and say it might look similar, shapes wise, to an existing ingame belt for Doom. I could be wrong ofc but would be good to check.
i think most summons are borked in loadout, you can preview them ingame by sticking your compiled model into your 'SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\heroes' folder and using -override_vpk in your launch options
some heroes model have bone right? let say cape part...
so do we can set the bone:
1) disable bone, eg: i change cape/ cloth part into a hanging wood. (still swinging when the character walking but it is swing like a wood instead like a cloth)
2) Do we can move the bone to other slot? eg: PA's cape is using bone right? if i design a tail and move it to her butt there? (ya i gonna design a cat-like PA set :poly142: )
Thanks man this worked
When i have to go with my Esignature.. at Email address associated with your Steam Account it dosen't work.. i entered my steam account mail and nothing.. what should i do ?
Sorry for bad english . This is the problem http://postimg.org/image/bzcwbk7z3/ce1f312a/
We might need a tax thread...
EIN oder ITIN nummer.
In reality I wanted to do just a ward, but the idea emerged by itself, and it seems explosive.
this one i finalize hexor's set, top 2 row is scrapped idea. the tumor originally was a mechanical camera idea, eventually i change it into some meat tumor eye demon XD
redesign my first lina set into this.
alpha version here: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/337/3/0/0470__lina_custom_set_draft_design_by_agito666-d6wo7h6.png
and i wonder do Honduran White Batman exist yet in workshop? (maybe need to change something to make it less-animmal, by adding a leaf cap, or some jewerly)
also The Twitch-ing Kappa (not sure japanese myth creature works or not)
I've finished my new set for Tiny, this set include four items for his four different forms.
Here is a link to the workshop files containing the preview in 3d :
There is also a loading screen :
Turntable Ult lvl 3 :
I'm also working on a custom tree for his scepter.
Do not hesitate to leave me a comment or suggestion and thank you very much for your support !
Big thanks to the guys who offered encouragement and help in my workshop thread while I was building it.
First time posting here (although i've been a lurker for numerous years)
Just wanted to post my first set for Windranger!
I'd be really happy for constructive comments and critique!
and IF you actually happen to like it, i'd be really happy for a thumbs up.
(abit embarrassing to post here amongst you titans, but sometime gotta be the first.)
Also is there anyone that has any knowledge why my set isn't showing up on most recent, or anywhere else for that matter, i have to link to my workshop for people to be able to see it.
happy to see this finally uploaded! Great work!
First time here, account created today, I've finished my Huskar set and wanted you to check it out.
It is my first and only set created, not so much experience in this domain.
Workshop Link ==> Here
Concept Art ==> Here
Let me know your thoughts.
@danjohncox: Looks nice. The dagger feels a bit too flat thought
Some concept xposts for crits
Davy Jones Tide:
Sky Lord:
I love the tentacle hand! Very creative!
recycle older random mecha head concept and make it into sven helm hehe...
what do you think?
below this is the original concept i did. could say partly also inspired by Sven that time
i am new to the dota 2 Workshop. Can someone tell me what Settings i Need to Import my items in the game cause i already tryed it with the fbx from Maya to dota 2 but the model scaled in the y axis and it is too large. I use Maya and i want the original models for reference.
sry for my english.
i see, i also got some feedback from tumblr, guess i need to refine to ver.2 first with full set slot :poly124:
Seriously though, I'm trying to figure out custom particles but I want to check out some of the ones already used in game as a point of reference. All the files I have are .pcf, but the particle editor wants .vpcf files. What do?
Upon looking at it a bit more I think for that style of horn to work they need to be bigger, a bit battle worn, shaped a bit more dangerous/drastic etc.. they need to be absurd!
i still thinking 2nd version haha... thinking add skull element or
just add teeth element on mouth part to match hte BkBlade at the left side XD
What if they curved with the helmet a bit, rather than being so straight outward. Either way v2 definitely!
I've got a question about the ward spawning animation. What's a good frame limit to aim for? And how much animation can you get away with?
Got this so far
I can't test in-game yet, waiting for lowpoly.
Haha that's such an awesome ward concept I would love to see it from the in game views to get a sense of size but great start
I actually took the time to block out my idea in maya rather than hopping straight into zbrush, so for once I'm not trying to cram my design into the polycount.
I didn't have a concept for the design so I've been working it out as I go along, the idea is a costume inspired by punk and motorbike clothing. There's also some WW2 influences in the sten gun and the helmet.
The in game shots are pretty low res because I'm working on my cintiq and it doesn't run dota super well
If anyone has any thoughts or feedback it would be really appreciated, thanks a bunch
will the gun barrel too much hole? will it become noise when look from top down?
instead of 5 rows of dots... how about reduce to 3? that is my suggestion...
That's a very good point, I'm also thinking of scaling up the spike on the end of the barrel so it doesn't get lost from further away
Thanks toby, I'm just doing the rigging/animating, the concept/model is by andyk, it's really unique! I'll post some in-game gifs once the lowpoly is ready!
Here's part of the idle animation, with some bandana animations!
Your sniper set looks really cool, haven't really seen that type of theme for sniper in the workshop yet!