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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread


  • vikk0
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    vikk0 polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys, I'm working on a Mirana mount (yeah, I love foxes :D)!
    Can you please let me know what you think of it, criticisms? :)

  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    vikk0 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I'm working on a Mirana mount (yeah, I love foxes :D)!
    Can you please let me know what you think of it, criticisms? :)

    I dig the tails, and the sleek design on the saddle. Believe it.

    I want the head to be bigger, more prominent from the side especially. I wonder how it reads from game view?

    Keep it up, loving it so far!
  • Vovosunt
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    Vovosunt polycounter lvl 4
    Great idea vikk0! Absolutely love it!
    My only suggestion would be maybe making the fox not so angry looking.
  • ChiZ
    @Drew Carrymore: Thanks for the workaround suggestion. I'll give it a try!

    vikk0: Great job on that fur! Like heboltz3 I also think the head could be larger, and maybe even the ears. I think it could help the fox read more fox-like and less wolf-like since fox heads generally look pretty proportionally large against their bodies.
  • BladeofEvilsBane
    @Vikk0: woaaaaaah I love that mount, really badass!

    Hayes and I finished our goobick set! Let us know what you think.

  • Melderv
    I was wondering if anyone would be interested in chiming in for a preview interview, where you can showcase all your work in one article, alongside one or two more artists (this is different from my planned group interview, which is more comprehensive). You can link others to me and I'll link others to you. Win-win. This talks about your current and future work, not much about your history. Anyone?
  • Vovosunt
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    Vovosunt polycounter lvl 4
    @BoEB: really like how you used the detail map! Overall looks pretty damn awesome :D

    Just got this out :P
    Votes and comments very much appreciated :)

    Dragon's Breath by Vovosunt

  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    @Vikk0: woaaaaaah I love that mount, really badass!

    Hayes and I finished our goobick set! Let us know what you think.


    Easily one of my favorite rubick sets, really like what you did with this one! :thumbup:
  • Q-ro
    vikk0 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I'm working on a Mirana mount (yeah, I love foxes :D)!
    Can you please let me know what you think of it, criticisms? :)


    I love it, something i would love to see is some particle effects coming out of the tails and feet, that in my opinion would make this mount perfect, or maybe it's thats that childhood trauma called Inuyasha speaking again, who knows :P.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    @Vikk0: woaaaaaah I love that mount, really badass!
    Hayes and I finished our goobick set! Let us know what you think.

    Easily one of the best rubick sets ever, great job guys!

  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    I got a digimon vibe from it instead :P
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Before everyone goes crazy for Techies, I think a plagiarized item set got accepted, the Rhinoceros Order for Sven. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=247312729

    Its been reported before, and even someone made a discussion thread on the item page stating it was stolen from a piece of art on deviantart. http://www.deviantart.com/art/knight-concept-215330843

    I never saw the creator say anything about and he's even deleted the item set a couple times to wipe it from the workshop. If this is indeed stolen then this should not be getting in game.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Sukotto wrote: »
    Before everyone goes crazy for Techies, I think a plagiarized item set got accepted, the Rhinoceros Order for Sven. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=247312729

    Its been reported before, and even someone made a discussion thread on the item page stating it was stolen from a piece of art on deviantart. http://www.deviantart.com/art/knight-concept-215330843

    I never saw the creator say anything about and he's even deleted the item set a couple times to wipe it from the workshop. If this is indeed stolen then this should not be getting in game.

    All I know is I plan on buying a few hundred of them in case Valve pulls a timebreaker round 2. :thumbup:
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    I honestly believe the Valve workshop selection team has been completely replaced. It is as if they completely forgot everything and are doing this for the first time or something.
  • bounchfx
    Sukotto wrote: »
    Before everyone goes crazy for Techies, I think a plagiarized item set got accepted, the Rhinoceros Order for Sven. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=247312729

    Its been reported before, and even someone made a discussion thread on the item page stating it was stolen from a piece of art on deviantart. http://www.deviantart.com/art/knight-concept-215330843

    I never saw the creator say anything about and he's even deleted the item set a couple times to wipe it from the workshop. If this is indeed stolen then this should not be getting in game.

    wow. That's kinda screwy. I'll toss a report on it now just in case, not sure if they can do anything at this point but it might be worth a shot.
  • ChiZ
    @Sukotto: It's been reported numerous times, and there's been several discussions about it posted on the various items, and on the collection. If Valve hasn't seen any of those concerns, I'd be a bit worried about their selection process...

    Anyway, given all the evidence, and the way the author has dodged all questions about it, it seems pretty shady to me. I think the artist of the concept may have been contacted at one point, but I don't think they speak English. Not sure what more can be done right now, but the whole situation does make me uncomfortable.

    On another note, the DNADota Axe's Access set looks like it's been made available (on Test at least) for purchase as a set outside of the usual treasures, and I'm wondering if that's due to all the controversy that arose this week. After all, boycotting that set in a treasure would mean boycotting the other four or potentially five sets/courier. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.
  • AndrewHelenek
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    ChiZ wrote: »
    @Sukotto: It's been reported numerous times, and there's been several discussions about it posted on the various items, and on the collection. If Valve hasn't seen any of those concerns, I'd be a bit worried about their selection process...

    Anyway, given all the evidence, and the way the author has dodged all questions about it, it seems pretty shady to me. I think the artist of the concept may have been contacted at one point, but I don't think they speak English. Not sure what more can be done right now, but the whole situation does make me uncomfortable.

    On another note, the DNADota Axe's Access set looks like it's been made available (on Test at least) for purchase as a set outside of the usual treasures, and I'm wondering if that's due to all the controversy that arose this week. After all, boycotting that set in a treasure would mean boycotting the other four or potentially five sets/courier. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

    Well if you don't boycott the chest, then the axe set will still get revenue. I think no matter what, t
    he entire issue will be ignored mainly because of what Andrew said
    All I know is I plan on buying a few hundred of them in case Valve pulls a timebreaker round 2.

    Basically if everyone boycotts the chest, in a patch later all of the items in that chest would be worth a lot more since less sets = more value. (either that or the entire community agrees that the entire set isn't even worth a rare)

    The only way for the items not to actually get in (and have a lasting effect), is if Valve actually listens to the community.

    On a side note, just because a set is in the test client doesn't mean it's going to be ported ingame, because there was an egyptian theme PL set that was ported into the test client. Then everyone started complaining and Valve removed it in the main client patch. (after that the item was rejected it had "doesn't fit dota theme")

    Since we should keep the thread art based.
    Pointy Ladel for Pudge.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @Vovo, that image should be 'no more than 200x200pix' (at least on the competition page ;) ) . I like how you worked the flames into the image/shape. Didn
    't expect that from the earlier wips.

    My entry for the monthly comp.
    Shard of Avernus by Baddcog [aka Voodoo]

  • AstraZeroZak
    Our (AstraZeroZak,Poznyak and Mr.Nobody) new job, if you like then support us.
  • S_rp
    Good day Everyone,

    My apologies for bringing to life the many times discussed issue.

    For a few days trying to figure out how to get Dota 2 to Maya 2015, including animations.

    Found a few sources, but they seem to be quite outdated and it is hard to distinguish which way still works.

    As per Wyk's blog, I followed roadmap:

    1. Using DCFscape extract *.mdl files from pak01_dir.vpk in game folder. (done)
    2. Using using Studio Compiler extract *.smd files from *.mdl. (Studio Compiler crashed, but I extracted same with Crowbar - however found at forum that Crowbar does not extract the models properly)
    3. Import *.smd to Maya - that's where I stuck

    Seems like there was 2 tools for the purpose:

    1.Prall’s .SMD in-/exporter - seems dead, the links to the site are dead (like here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showp...&postcount=592)

    2. MESA (http://puppet-master.net/plugins/mesa-1-1/) seems like support of Maya 2015 is not confirmed. After experimenting with the tool had "blue screen", so not sure I want to continue with it.

    Would really appreciate if someone link me to a fresher guide or spend a few minutes of his time to explain how to get the models with animations in another way.

    p.s. I know there are official models on the website, but seems like the do not have the animations and weapons.
    p.s.s. I am considering importing/exporting via Blender - even installed same with the Source Engine pluging, but importing Void model from the Crowbar .smd resulted in appearance of strange cube instead of his head. So .mdl -> .smd problem persists.

    Sorry for the wall of text, hope someone will have couple spare minute to help me.
  • ChiZ
    @BladeofEvilsBane: Forgot to say before... I think of Day of the Tentacle when I see the set, which is probably not intentional, but gives me serious nostalgia! The goo idea is great, and looks really good on Rubick with his colors.

    @AstraZeroZak: I didn't think I'd like the hood on Legion Commander when I first saw the art, but it turned out to be my favorite part. :)

    Finished my Doom set today. The Ancient Beast! A special thanks to Snowstorm and Drew Carrymore for helping me out with the particle duplication issue!


  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    This is the Doom that fits me! Thank you! (runs to vote!)
  • Aleks_T
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    Aleks_T polycounter lvl 7
    Just finished this set...



    I know about wrong thigs, but it's over:smokin:
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Very nice! The sword silhouette feels a bit simple compared to how complex the rest is but I'm nitpicking.
  • Q-ro
    Hello everyone, I'm pretty new to all this dota2 workshop stuff, i tried before and failed miserably, tried it again for this month contest, and i guess i did "ok" but it was average at best, still, while making my "first item" (as stated i did one before, but now i just deleted it and act as it never happen), i realise i may suck at sculpting (or at least it seems really difficult for me using blender) but realise i may be out to something with photoshop, so, i decided to work on a HUD skin, this is how its coming along so far, i started this morning and worked on this, and well, i could say this part its kind of finished, and decided that before moving along i may swell ask for feedback, so here it is, why do you think ?


    the HUD is inspired on the DP and her spell crypt swarm, i wanted to go with a really similar pallet, and some sort of creepy vibe.
  • Sumers
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    Sumers polycounter lvl 10
    Q-ro wrote: »


    the HUD is inspired on the DP and her spell crypt swarm, i wanted to go with a really similar pallet, and some sort of creepy vibe.

    there are heroes with 5 and 6 ability-icons. i'd suggest you to use more neutral pattern for background here, otherwise it might looks broken.
  • Q-ro
    Sumers wrote: »
    there are heroes with 5 and 6 ability-icons. i'd suggest you to use more neutral pattern for background here, otherwise it might looks broken.

    OMG, there i was, thinking, "¿why do all hud seems to have a "clean" (don't know how else to put it) background on that area ?", for whatever reason it didn't even occur to me that that was the reason even to i play dots on a daily basis, oh well, thanks for the heads up. other than that, ¿do you think it looks good ?
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Holy shit Chiz, dat doom set. I love the colours so much <3

    vikk0 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I'm working on a Mirana mount (yeah, I love foxes :D)!
    Can you please let me know what you think of it, criticisms? :)


  • danpaz3d
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    danpaz3d polycounter lvl 7

    I see that follows the art guides very closely. Well done volvo.... :poly142:
  • Paskie
    vikk0 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I'm working on a Mirana mount (yeah, I love foxes :D)!
    Can you please let me know what you think of it, criticisms? :)


    Me and my daughter are loving this one! Awesome reference to Ninetails!

    Might aswell xpost my submission to the monthly comp too. Keep up the good work everyone!

  • Q-ro

    Well, reevaluated and came up with this, hope to hear form feedback :D.
  • archie
    Hey guys I submitted this axe weapon. Hope you guys like it!
    Yes I have tweaked the engraving to a better visual.

    Raguard Cleaver
    Click picture to workshop link
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    The anatomy looks a bit weird, his butt is dragging to far behind his body I feel and the head sticks forward too much. The concept itself is fantastic though!
  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
    Hi guys! just wanted to show my latest set, for Medusa this time! thanks!
    it comes with a loading screen too!
  • Vovosunt
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    Vovosunt polycounter lvl 4
    New concepterino. Can I get some criterino?
    Still pondering on weapons.

  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    I am kinda against Ember getting some heavy'ish armor sets. he needs to be light and stylish. So far noone got a concept like that going. The closest was from Shock.

    Otherwise, the concept looks good. Might be a bit noisy with the gold lines.
  • agito666
    i personally read that ember armor as light armor, a heavy armor for me pretty much looks like omniknight that kind of big ass shoulder pad style... :P

    so it still agile ember for me
  • Darren Pinard
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    Darren Pinard polycounter lvl 3
    Ember set is reallly dope IMO

    Working on some BM summons, would love feedbackerino
  • penOr
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    penOr polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys I'm rigging a ward and having an issue with controller orientation in maya. Here's a gif that sort of shows what's happening


    Basically I'm keying a frame, rotating only on the Yaxis then keying another frame, but when it plays through it's rotating on all 3 axis and goes all wonky. I think I'm not understanding joint orientation as well as controller orientation, so if anyone has some knowledge on how to set them up properly that'd be awesome!
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    penOr wrote: »
    Hi guys I'm rigging a ward and having an issue with controller orientation in maya. Here's a gif that sort of shows what's happening

    Hey Pen0r, hopefully this will help you out! I will make all assumptions for helping imagining that your joints all have zero rotations on them.

    So when you grab the "Y" control and shift rotate so you get a clean rotation, you will notice the values for X, Y, & Z are all being manipulated which is not the expected result. I also notice that your scales are all not uniform. Once again, assuming that your transforms are correct, your scales should always be set at one.

    I'd recommend unbinding the control, and freezing transforms on it. This will display the "true" orientation of the way your control should rotate. If this is not suitable, then the best procedure to get off axis rotations is to select & unbind the control you wish to rotate properly & freeze transforms, then create a singular group to house this control (ctrl+G). Once you make this group, make sure both the group and the control are selected and "Center Pivot". This will give you the same rotation axis for both the group and the control. Now select your group, not your control, and rotate that until the controls rotation axis matches the intended rotation of the object. Finally re-constrain the control to the joint and when you rotate a singular axis, it should work as intended.

    If you have successfully followed this method, before any animation your control object should have zero rotations, zero transforms and an XYZ scale of 1. Your group should house the inherent rotations& transforms for the control.

    Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up!
  • Drew Carrymore
    penOr wrote: »
    Hi guys I'm rigging a ward and having an issue with controller orientation in maya. Here's a gif that sort of shows what's happening


    Basically I'm keying a frame, rotating only on the Yaxis then keying another frame, but when it plays through it's rotating on all 3 axis and goes all wonky. I think I'm not understanding joint orientation as well as controller orientation, so if anyone has some knowledge on how to set them up properly that'd be awesome!

    I don't know much about Maya, but you might have gimbal lock.

  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    I don't know much about Maya, but you might have gimbal lock.

    There probably is a bit, but the underlying cause of the problem (as is the case 99.9% of the time) is in the rigging. Gimbal lock usually occurs from to incoming animation curves recieving some sort of hiccup or extreme rotation and euler filters in the graph editor is a nice way to clean it up a handful of times, but eliminating the problem on the rigging side of things will make headaches seem happier and have a the rig work as intended.

    duct tape vs sound structure.
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Hey guys- I'm having an issue with venomancer's ward. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what might be going wrong :(

  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Wow, you've accidentally made a mega evolved Venomancer...
    Looks awesome.
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Working on a set for Doom
  • PoPcorn
    Doom is popular this month. I like his beard.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    The Doom hype is real! I love the horns on this latest one. I am still banging away on Snaptrap
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13

    Fudgies set from march that I completely forgot about, finally finished sculpting it.
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