Target Class: Engineer
submission type: buildables
Weapon Type: 3 sentries
My submission to the polypack contest will be a 3 lv set of sentries.
Though the stats and usage is eventually dictated by valve, I have 2 ideas which would fit into my design.
First off I would like my sentries to specialize in large shelled explosive ammo. Lv2 would double the output. And lv 3 would introduce a similar 1 hit kill similar to the quad rockets from the original sentry set. But the shell for this would would be about as big as all 4 combined.
If that doesn't fly, a grenade launching sentry would also be nice. where the level dictates how many bounces the grenade has if it does not impact with a target. And the lv3 portion shoots proximity mines. Which if they miss will sit there and wait for an opponent, but can be shot.
Though I have been posting progress and seeking feedback mostly on facepunch, according to the rules i have to post all progress on here. The numbered pictures were used for miniature polls. And if you have a comment on any feel free to share.
All feedback is welcome and encouraged.
*note* part of the the leg system for the sentry is valve's, I saw no point in "reinventing the wheel"
Latest Pic

progress pics

sorry there khthon, i forgot to include that the numbered pictures were used for polls on facepunch, facebook, and other places. The bottom most numbered picture was the most recent batch.
When posted I received mixed reviews and scattered stats across the many places i have posted. However, the final pic's number 3 seems like the design i will be going with. However the back portion where the dark gray bars meet will be completely redesigned. I will have a progress picture with the new design tomorrow, maybe.
The legs are valve's default (modded slightly), I felt I really didn't need to "reinvent the wheel." and that the sentry head would be where I would inject my changes. The front area (dark and light grey) is final to me geometry wise, but the back blue area is what I have been experimenting with.
No finalized textures yet, just basic color block outs.
I only have lv 1 to display so far, because they all use designs from previous levels.
So 1 had to come first. And once 1 is done, the rest should be like knocking over dominoes.
What feedback I am looking for? Any and all useful feedback.
good luck to you
i hope you can do it!
I hope so too!
Man ever since you mentioned those wheels i been thinkin about them...
So i made a quick high poly concept shot.
Also displayed is my new wip back.
I plan to put a few normal map details (some vents, plating, etc) to spice it up
Progress picture.
How about...
I ditched the wagon wheel, but added a train like wheel.
I also decided to keep the treads.
It got rid of about 700 polys.
Can you please elaborate, because... last time i checked sentries in general didn't fit into the time period (as well as many hats and futuristic weapons). And train wheels would indeed fit because there is indeed a train already in the game.
Its good overall though!
Mind elaborating on why they don't match it? Just saying it doesn't match is like saying something is wrong. I get the message, but without a tangible direction I don't know how you want me to "fix" it.
Sorry buck, i was going for a full metal design like the default sentry. No rubber.
Early preview of lv 2. Texturing can come last.
Tinypic sappin mah pictures, now uploading mobily to imageshack...
Likin the new model!
Most of the high tech equipment you see in tf2 is in the style of comics books/cartoons/sci-fi movies of that time period. Those wheels you got now look like something from a 1980's movie.
Hmm, I've have to give another check to my references or look at in-game tf2 models for a style correction.
Similar to how the default sentry transitions from 1 to 2. The head splits in half and instead of random chainguns from nowhere, the number of explosive shell launchers multiplies by 2 and what not.
It might make sense when i have more of lv 2 done, and i also plan to draw up some animation references.
Sad thing is I've just learned to port animations into unreal, but have no experience moving it to source. Maybe valve or a kind soul will help with that.
Level 3 will of course spout an equivalent big gun to the default's quad-rocket launcher. I'll probably give it a cannon-esque look. Where it will come out of.. still workin on that, but i got ideas.
Uhhh, I don't even know what you're talking about. Are you sure you don't mean 1880's movie?
I don't understand this at all. Do you mean to say 1880's movie?
-wheel redesign - designed after the bomb cart's wheels + treads
-backing redesign - solid band around instead of 2.
My thoughts:
I like my original left wheels. The bomb cart wheels seem to hide a lot of geometry, and doesn't seem to flow with the rest of the design.
After some tweaking I will probably go back to my old sentry head (4 bands.) 1 solid band around with the dual frontal stripes just looks.. boring to me. And 2 plain stripes around or frontal doesn't seem like enough detail.
Though i do appreciate all the help, I have to be happy with it too. The changes suggested don't really "do it" for me.
Lv 1 final design (unless i decide later to go back later and converge the top 2 like i did the sides.)
I'll texture it all later. (current colors are blockouts, not final)
This design is certainly NOT final, but its a good start.
I'm already playing with changes and alterations and will now gladly accept suggestions.
Unless your idea is totally more awesome than Khthon's idea to add wheels. I will not be removing them. Please don't ask me to, and don't tell me they don't match the tf2 style. I am quite happy with them thanks.
Thank you!
What about this for a possible wheel redesign?
Bright edged jaggies? what does that mean?
I'll have to experiment with gear shaped wheels.
I actually thought it matched the style pretty well and still think it. The wheel design itself is fairly simple, and due to its open design it doesn't hide gemetry like my closed wheel example.
The treads were actually designed to be like tank treads.. except made of metal.
They were actually inspired by
Which uses a very similar art style to tf2 already.
However, instead of burning polys to round them, I kept them sharp and simple like bent plates of metal.
As seen in an earlier wheel version, i already tried spokes. Segmented spokes to boot. Not only were they a major poly eater, but they never really turned out as good as originally intended.
I also want to refrain from rubber tires and stick to only metal.
So themes i am sticking with are cannon, tank, and explosives.
Thank you both for your suggestions, and i will see what I can do.
Time is limited, however so i cannot promise change.
Just adding the lv 3 big gun and turning the team colored backing won't be difficult at all..
Texturing might take a day at most.
I should be just fine.
Speaking of..
Have you tried tires for the wheels? IMO would look pretty cool.
Random wheel picture for teh lulz:
No rubber.
Thoughts comments, cakes?
I don't think i'll get to animation, but texturing should be done today.
The guideline is 10,000. Its not a solid rule, but an estimated suggestion.
So far.
lv 1 - about 9,300 tris
lv 2 - about 14,000 tris
lv 3 - a about 16,000 tris.
Next up red.
Ya my thread seem to sink quickly under the weight of the others.