I'll post concepts as soon as I can but my Polycount Pack is supposed to be centred around the Sniper with the theme being "What if I don't miss but the guy's still alive?" or just "the professionals improv pack"
primary replacement:
"The Snipe"
Bolt actions are last year and are generally a liability in close to midrange encounters. So my idea is to ditch the bolt action and go with a semi auto that can fire 3 rounds in relatively short intervals (that or just make it a simple reskin).
The Scope can't charge and isn't really a scope anyway but a pair of binoculars.
It's stats should be 50 damage on bodyshot and 150 on headshot though at range the bodyshot damage falloff can be rather harsh. When not zoomed in it has less accuracy.
The name itself is derived from the fact that the binoculars should be birdwatcherish and the snipe is a bird(Sniper is a hunter of game and while hunting probably had a few misses that would have been unforgiveable when using a BA on fast prey)

now I've got the basic form of the mount for the binoculars which also functions as the dots power source as well as the dot and binoculars.
If you think that the mount thing is a bit "unshapely" I'm open to suggestions
Secondary replacement:
"The Magnum Forceful Reconnaissance"
If your foe begins to run off into the distance you won't want a SMG but rather a powerful pistol to finish him off rather than peck at his health.
this pistol could take the form of a magnum or some other pistol however it is equiped with a spotting scope that boasts great magnification for longer range shots.
It could have ambassodor like accuracy (and the same drowback) while shooting using the Scope allowing you to place precision shots while still maintaining close range capabilities though it doesn't have the rapid fire of the SMG and holds only 6 shots.
[yes I corrected the name of this because I got the reference wrong. Magnum Force is played in the background of Meet the Sniper]
and here's is my textureless(because I don't have any yet duh) render for the Magnum

Melee replacement:
"The Piker"
It is important to score a clean kill while hunting but also to have a plan for when you don't as agitated animals and enemies can be quite fierce.
It takes the form of a survival knife with barbs/hooks on the back of the blade pointing in the opposite direction of the thrusting direction.
It deals less overall damage (like the TS) and has less range but it crits if you hit the target with your primary first(probably no random crits though).
It insures that if you need to defend yourself in close quarters or simply want to complete an ambush that you aren't left empty handed when they start getting out melee weapons.

here's a rough render I'm not too sure about how to get it in game
This was my professionals improv kit.
[I'm already working on the primary and hope to be able to show it with the others soon]
I've got the knife pretty much done maybe some better textures on it's hilt and I've got the secondarys model done while the Primary still needs a better body
and it's supposed to be based on the .475 Wildey Magnum which is a rather Heavy Handgun and I'm thinking of making the Spotting Scope more cosmetic so
Anyone know how I could make an animation for the Sniper holding the damn thing? and the size is about right as I used a Scouts pistol as a template.
If you can't do animations you might want to rethink the shape of the gun or get someone's help.
thanks for the tip on the mount
*looks over blueprints for the Magnum :poly141:*
But I just have a problem with the reload animation as he pulls that bolt back that is not present on my gun. I'll have to check with the actual SMG to see if it fits about right.
I think he has a grip on the SMG I think I'll replace that with an additional tripod.
But why would I need help I'd just need some way of creating and storing anims. I'm on to you :susp:
Is it intended that the Sniper shall look though both the pipes of the biocs? if so, could one ask for a example how that pose would look like...I mean unless he has a hole in his throat where there Shoulder-thungy could rest I dont see it happening.
Well I was thinking of making them off center.
I'll fix that as soon as I get to my computer.
Anyone know how to make a Scope reflective? Or pose something? because I just need to make some minor edits to the pistol and It should be perfect.
And the knife is pretty much done anyway I just need to make some minor edits to the edge to make it look better
basically yes but the The sight and the barrel were the only things I really used but mainly just so that the proportions were correct.
I used the pistol as a size comparison but didn't use it for the model. I mainly used all of the things you just suggested I used so that it fit more in TF2s style.
I'm also an amatuer modeler and needed a base to work on. everything I make starts out as a cube or cylinder and then I extrude and scale it to the fit the form I want it to have. I'll start on 2D first using a picture or a reference model and then I'll move to 3D.
nice find but I really just wanted a simple scope.
The whole binoculars thing just came to me. I can always replace them with something different. Do you know any less complex scopes? I just can't think of any other than the traditional scope, binoculars and an ACOG which is the odd one out and sits in the corner in class for completely messing with class roles.
Like this-
nice i like it
any additions/changes to suggest like a longer barrel or something before I move on to texturing?
(I am guessing from the default blue
but does anyone have objections to the rifle itself because I have no problems with the Scope array
[texture included]
Any suggestions on the beta texture
anyway here is a woodworkrework on the magnum
no stock textures this time but I think I'll stick with the clean look on the metal becasue I don't know how to do it correctly otherwise despite looking up a guide
[screw that I made slight variations in the metal texture like suggested]
What do you think any improvements to be had? because otherwise I'm submitting it.
I'll get on that.
any good tips? because I don't know about stuff like that.
That ought to solve your problems. There's also a chance that it flips some faces on its own when it renders; don't think about it, because it doesn't make any sense. If you have normals problems in the render, but not in viewport, go to Editing (F9) -> Mesh and turn on No V.Normal Flip.
If those don't work, then the problem is with your topology, and you should post a wireframe to see what doesn't work, but from the looks of it, Recalculate should solve (most of) it.
I really have no idea what the problem is
and how do I stop the aforementioned clay look?
maybe I'll just make a hat instead...
btw good ideas but remember that all tf2 metals have blotches of lighter tones.
well I have those present on them they're just not visible in the render(blotches)
I removed the shading maybe that was the problem (now it just looks like shit)
I'll probably add a laser like that of the rifle too it
I'll need to check how to make glass though, any pointers?
need a name:
Big Bucks Buckle... now who the hell is buck
I also have a lot of Polys to work with (336 are in effect right now)
actual sniper rifle barrel size in Tf2
because I don't know what anything you said means
maybe some better belt textures but otherwise it's fine and it only has 605 Polys and that is when it's all triangles so I've got 200 tris to work with and I put in some belt holes too as well as a laser pointerish device that clips on to the belt
I may make the eye piece have a glass lense but I don't know how to, any suggestions?
Here's a tutorial on how, but I really recommend UV mapping it first.
laser pointer is now van remote
three options: lock, unlock and Spy
and amazingly I'm only at 6459 tris
I think I'll go laugh over there
hope the stock works better now
also ignore the part that seems to be floating it's just the same color as the background [/shame]
And where did you get the mdl converter, can't find one...
I use the option texface in materials
an mdl converter can be found here along with other things I'm not sure why I didn't just post this tutorial before: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1109465
also cracks would be great thanks for the tip
why? Because I'm too lazy to do my own animations that's why
another one
I'm pretty sure I'm done now
Iwant to give the butt a different look than the default, tell me what you think
I'm going to submit this once I run out of time, tell me what you think, quick