Hey there.
Sniper's gonna do some shooting Lawrence of Arabia style.

Here's the final stuff ingame.
The headscarf

The rifle, different amounts of decoration were included as alternate textures when submitting.

The scimitar

Hat -
Nomad's Noggincover
The Mesopotamian
Saudi Suncover
Lawrence's Lament
Freelancer of Arabia
Mercenary's Mercantile
Snipe-Clan Turban
Rifle -
Stifler's Rifle
The Mideasterner
Mideast Beast
Tuskin' Raider (ref to Star Wars)
Aurora (the root of east is the Latin 'aurora')
Melee -
Saharan Scimitar
The Hurtile Crescent
Dunewalker's Doom
The Millennium Falchion (falchion is a scimitar and name is ref to the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars)
Turk's Dirk
Here's a whole bunch of better names if the ones I included sounded too retarded.
And for the rifle replacement I'm thinking about these guns, they have the sort of goofiness in them that I think would fit nicely in the game.
I'm not sure about the size yet.
The headscarf though? How are you going to get it to look decent when the snipers head moves?
In the worst case scenario, there's always other hats.
That removes the hat+misc combination for this "headgear".
Sorry for my English...i hope you understand me
And Blueplastic, I sort of see what you mean, but I don't think having a hat that goes a bit around the neck is too much.
Heh, maybe I'll make the neck part larger and more detailed so it would work as a misc item, we'll see when I get there.
Here's another idea for the scarf, a completely open one. I'm kind of afraid about the whole animation thing with this one, but it's an idea. I'll be making a better closed version as well.
Also as Disco Stu said above, a scope might be cool, I'd go for one of the old long brass scopes that go the whole length of the barrel and look like a telescope.
It's going to need a whole lot of cleaning up, oh boy oh boy.
removed picture, see below for new.
Have a look at the Wikipedia page. There are some interesting possibilities for items and names there
Thanks, Jackablade, I'll take a look.
And Bardahley, I'm not sure if I will make other cultures yet, but if I will, I'll do those after I'm finished with these ones.
Anyway, I updated the original post with a picture of the scarf of how it currently looks in game. It needs a texture and a bunch of tweaking so it looks smooth when the sniper's head moves, but everything should work out just fine.
New page so I'll throw this here.
However, having said that, a simple ao bake and some random brushwork would make it even better.
I would say, a minor little thing, maybe move the headband part a little bit? Looks perfectly horizontal, which looks the slightest bit off. But its not really much :S
Otherwise, kickass! I want to see the gun
I started doing the gun, too.
Trigger temporarily stolen from the original.
It's quite long.
I don't really like the camping back and charging shots style of play, and this certainly looks like a gun that's slower than the normal one. I'll probably try shorter versions at some point.
But yes, that is very long.
I agree that the rifle is too long though, how about shortening the wooden part to where the original sniper rifle ends then have the same amount of barrel sticking out as you have now.
EDIT: The flintlock firing mechanism seems to be a distinctive feature of the rifles you used as an inspiration and I think the rifle needs it as it is a little bland at the moment. Can't wait to see what you do with it anyway.
I went back to fiddling with the scarf, and the movement is starting to look acceptable. There's some stretching, but I think it works.
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I like the first one of these the best. I love the idea of having a scope that's as long as the barrel.
Frankly, I think it looks okay as plain white, but that is just me.
This is the reason why the Engineer's Hard Hat and Texas Ten Gallon hat make him such an easy sniper target, because his head practically Glows.