Having some weird issues with my latest hat, it appears invisible in model viewer. I've compiled the .smd a bunch trying things and I still can't find what's wrong. Also I've tried zooming way out, nothing.
Second I'm getting a $jigglebone parse error, first jigglebone is set but the second causes an error.
Simply wondering if someone else has had this issue.
Having some weird issues with my latest hat, it appears invisible in model viewer. I've compiled the .smd a bunch trying things and I still can't find what's wrong. Also I've tried zooming way out, nothing.
Second I'm getting a $jigglebone parse error, first jigglebone is set but the second causes an error.
Simply wondering if someone else has had this issue.
My guess is the jigglebone error is causing the compile to crash, thus no model to view even if it creates a file to open.
Hi guys,this is my first weapon for the game,I was thinking to do a grenade launcher for the demoman,so i blocked out some cylinder then start modeling piece,I am doing it HP for the normal map,cause we could use the normal map for this stuff right?
so,my idea was that this grenade launcher has only 3 very powerful shells at time,but it have a pump/compressor (hope I have use the right words) on the bottom that allow to the 3 barrels to charge 3 shells at the same time & shoot them creating a barrage of fire/wall of death
I don't want to sound like a douchebag, but I'm afraid I have to...
You can't just make your own ideas, Valve does that, you just make a model. Sure, they can adjust stats to your model (for instance the Loch-n_Load has two shots, as it is modelled with two barrels), but if it gets too complicated, they won't. You could off course do it yourself and get it in the game but that'll get you VAC-banned.
Back to me:
Working on my first real project, a pistol for the Engie: The Gearbox
I want to take of a bit of the cover so you can see gears. A clockwork powered gun. Who wants some a dis?
You can't just make your own ideas, Valve does that, you just make a model. Sure, they can adjust stats to your model (for instance the Loch-n_Load has two shots, as it is modelled with two barrels), but if it gets too complicated, they won't.
you right,so i hope for the best,at the moment i am having fun so i continue in this way
Here some more rough blocking out of the shape of this thing
Edit: what did you guys think about it? it can work?
Though it even happens when I comment it out and get no errors.
EDIT: also what ever happened to that "Night of the living update"?
hmm, hard to say as I imagine you've got everything in place (ie collision and whatnot)...
All I ever saw about the 'Night' thing is that one post, I did sign up for the steam group but haven't seen any announcements or anything. The Dead-line is like Sept 15th or something.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I played around with three of the silhouettes from the previous sheet and that's what I came up with:
Not much to say apart from what is in the picture. Despite it saying final, I still want to hear your opinions before I begin modeling.
@ Zalakzik Nice idea and good execution so far. I'd scale up the wheels though, they're too tiny now. Or at least the parts that hold the wheels.
@ Hooch: I began by making a sketch over the silhouette of the stock shotgun, to try eliminating some future clipping problems. After making the initial sketch I used pentool and rectangle shape tool (also a bit of brush for the hoses) to create various shapes making up the gun. It consisted of up to 20 different shapes so I could easily move them around, scale, modify, transform, etc. Having made the first silhouette I copied it and started changing stuff. And so on and on.
EDIT: Looks like the position has been filled! Thanks for your interest!
I'm currently looking for someone who has a working knowledge of jigglebones. I have an item that is almost finished and ready to submit, except that it needs some jigglebones to make one portion of it look less static. If you wish to help, please PM me for more details. If you can successfully add jigglebones to this model, you'll get an equal share of the recognition (and profit, should it be added to the Mann Co Store) at 33% (there's one other person involved in the project).
The item is a melee weapon for Pyro called The Hooligan's Halligan, based on a halligan breaching tool, which firefighters and the military use to break into burning homes and vehicles. However, Pyro's odd sense of humor has led him to modify the weapon to look like a bird (inspired by Pyro's Halloween mask). The tentative description will be 'Establish a pecking order!'. No stats or weapon abilities have been suggested as of yet. The part that requires jigglebones is the piece of duct tape holding the cardboard tail down. It should flop up and down slightly when Pyro moves.
Here's my drill so far. I'm trying out a short base at the moment, but it's still the same shape and all. It's still pretty plain, I'm thinking about adding a taped flash light at one of the sides. I may try a different shape for the base if this one doesn't end up feeling right. I saw a few old power drills with large tin can looking cylinder shapes, so I may try that later on. I'm not sure what I should do for the handle, the shape feels weird to me but I don't know why.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any ideas of what I should add or fix?
Also, later on I'm going to post what I have currently for my coil cannon. I need some input on the base colors.
@Grimbodan: The colors in the render weren't the final colors I was going to use, but you get exactly what I was going to do. I'm also thinking that adding a sticker to the side might be the extra detail I've been looking for.
@Grimbodan: The colors in the render weren't the final colors I was going to use, but you get exactly what I was going to do. I'm also thinking that adding a sticker to the side might be the extra detail I've been looking for.
Ah ok, makes sense. What also may look good is if you add some air vents sorta like these
To be honest, I don't really like the bend pipe on the top, straight would look better, I think. Also the drill above the barrel looks cooler to me. But hey, it's your model, do with it whatever the hell you want.
@Thrillho - nice model, adding 1 jigglebone shouldn't be that difficult, are you using Max/Maya/Blender? There are some tutorials on youtube for Max/Blender if I remember correctly. After you set up the jigglebone it's just a matter of playing with the values in the .qc to get the correct effect. For your weapon I would maybe use a setting a bit similar to Max's severed head jigglebones.
Guys i need your help, problem with jigglebones.I wanna to jigglebone cable.Im creating bones
"jiggle_base_cable" and "jiggle_cable",assign first to weapon except jack and second only to jack.Generally did all instructions like in this manual [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP9ce_ygeSA[/ame] .
But GUIstudio tell me, that jigglebone is unused and nothing works
Help please
@ Hooch: I began by making a sketch over the silhouette of the stock shotgun, to try eliminating some future clipping problems. After making the initial sketch I used pentool and rectangle shape tool (also a bit of brush for the hoses) to create various shapes making up the gun. It consisted of up to 20 different shapes so I could easily move them around, scale, modify, transform, etc. Having made the first silhouette I copied it and started changing stuff. And so on and on.
Where do you guyz do silhouettes for weapons? Simple photoshop or what? I decided to make russian test-austronaut set for pyro that will add new gameplay style for pyro.
In object mode, select the object, then shift-select the armature (bone rigging). Both should be selected at this point, but make sure you select the weapon first. Then hit CTRL-P and click "armature deform with empty groups." That should give you the armature modifier under the Modifiers tab. Recompile. Profit.
P.S. You can delete the base bone (jiggle_base), it's not needed.
remodeled the spitfire shotgun a bit here. Shortened the muzzle slightly, but still longer than the stock shotty. (i like it long. If i can play ambush heavy i do think Pyros out there would find it easy to ambush people even with this long barrel [in short: deal with it]) Moved the gas can (if you didn't notice) and made it shorter. I made it smaller earlier but i didn't feel it was interesting enough compared to this cumbersome size. Joking aside, comments and "flamings" are encouraged.
remodeled the spitfire shotgun a bit here. Shortened the muzzle slightly, but still longer than the stock shotty. (i like it long. If i can play ambush heavy i do think Pyros out there would find it easy to ambush people even with this long barrel [in short: deal with it]) Moved the gas can (if you didn't notice) and made it shorter. I made it smaller earlier but i didn't feel it was interesting enough compared to this cumbersome size. Joking aside, comments and "flamings" are encouraged.
I am modelling a sort of Anglerfish like headgear for the Pyro, and the modelling, as far as my talent reaches, is done. Now the Unwrapping. First, I want you to know if I did right with the seams on the lamp.
Second, when I unwrap, for instance, a cylinder, I never get a nice flat rectangle. Do I have to arrange everything myself by hand? Because that is a bit unprecise.
Kazzy, I don't know Blender, but it seems like you have too many seams. Really all you need is the vertical split, not all the horizontal ones. And I'd put it towards the pyros head so it's harder to see.
unwrapping can be precise. Use a checkerboard texture first, and you can tweak the uv's so the checkers are as square and even as possible, that will give you the best pixel results.
Yeah, all the seams you need are the borders of the islands in the final UV set. I went ahead and highlighted the obvious choice in the image you posted.
@Thrillho - nice model, adding 1 jigglebone shouldn't be that difficult, are you using Max/Maya/Blender? There are some tutorials on youtube for Max/Blender if I remember correctly. After you set up the jigglebone it's just a matter of playing with the values in the .qc to get the correct effect. For your weapon I would maybe use a setting a bit similar to Max's severed head jigglebones.
Actually, it's more of a Windows 7 (64 bit) compatibility issue for me. I'm using Maya, and the programs I need to import my models into the Source engine have issues with my OS. I've seen the tutorials, and it looks like something that would be simple enough for me to understand, but until I get those compatibility issues resolved, there'll be no jiggleboning for me. Thanks for the advice, though!
So, I thought I'd make some bat ears to go with my scout fangs in order to try and whip up some kind of bat disguise set.
Problem : they don't look like bat ears. Derp. :B
I've thought about many ways to change position / shape / colors in order to make them look instantaneously bat-ey, but I can't find any that works. I think the bottomline is, contrary to what Batman had me think, the ears aren't one of the most distinct things about bats. (or maybe they are, but real bat ears are just too small to be interesting as a tf2 item imo, so I tried to go cartoony/exagerrated but I can't seem to get it right). Still, if anyone has any idea, critics/thoughts then I'm all ears. Haha. Sorry ._.
Definitely making some bat-wings to put on the scout's back though. At least that should be instantly recognizable.
Ah ok, makes sense. What also may look good is if you add some air vents sorta like these
To one of the sides or the top.
I have some on the back part of the base. They were more noticeable on the sides on the longer version of the base, but you should see them perfectly in first person.
@Contre, yeah they just kind of look like bunny ears. I thought you had said bat wings before and I was imagining bat wings off the sides of his head which would be funny/halloween headgear kind of thing.
Back would be OK, But they'd have to be big to see them from anywhere but the back. Or they'd have to be huge and would clip terrain and stuff.
I rougly put the rough 3d concept of the weapon in position,to have a better understanding of the proportions of the piece,what did you guys think,too much big to be a grenade launcher of the demoman?
@Kazzy Not sure how those community updates work, but if I have any kind of item that qualifies done before the deadline I'll definitely try to be a part of it. I took up item creation only like two weeks ago so I'm not sure how long it will get me to make anything worthwhile :P
@Contre, yeah they just kind of look like bunny ears. I thought you had said bat wings before and I was imagining bat wings off the sides of his head which would be funny/halloween headgear kind of thing.
Actually this was my first idea for a bat hat, an all class hat with jiggleboned batwings on the side, and some kind of bat head on the front. So more like a hat made out of a bat rather than a disguise.
I just went on with the scout-ears first because he already had the fangs, and it seemed easier (at first...) because I wasn't sure I'd have the modeling skills to make the all-class hat visually interesting in-between the bat-wings. I'm still going to give it a try though, because I want to play with jigglebones a bit.
If I ever play Spy and see an army of Pyros with Madame Dixie storming at me with those weapons, I'm going to shit my pants from both laughter and fear.
So, I thought I'd make some bat ears to go with my scout fangs in order to try and whip up some kind of bat disguise set.
Problem : they don't look like bat ears. Derp. :B
I've thought about many ways to change position / shape / colors in order to make them look instantaneously bat-ey, but I can't find any that works. I think the bottomline is, contrary to what Batman had me think, the ears aren't one of the most distinct things about bats. (or maybe they are, but real bat ears are just too small to be interesting as a tf2 item imo, so I tried to go cartoony/exagerrated but I can't seem to get it right). Still, if anyone has any idea, critics/thoughts then I'm all ears. Haha. Sorry ._.
Definitely making some bat-wings to put on the scout's back though. At least that should be instantly recognizable.
@Zalakzik nice flamethrower i love the idea, only thing i can think of is to maybe add some more detail to the texture as it kinda looks bland from what i can tell, besides that everything is a ok.
k so latest update on the dog muzzle jzeeba and i are working on, decided to remove the pyro symbol, and there will be 2 styles paintable and non paintable
I though about that yesterday when I cleaned my room and had to carry the vaccuum for some time. Did you spy on me?
Having some weird issues with my latest hat, it appears invisible in model viewer. I've compiled the .smd a bunch trying things and I still can't find what's wrong. Also I've tried zooming way out, nothing.
Second I'm getting a $jigglebone parse error, first jigglebone is set but the second causes an error.
Simply wondering if someone else has had this issue.
My guess is the jigglebone error is causing the compile to crash, thus no model to view even if it creates a file to open.
I don't want to sound like a douchebag, but I'm afraid I have to...
You can't just make your own ideas, Valve does that, you just make a model. Sure, they can adjust stats to your model (for instance the Loch-n_Load has two shots, as it is modelled with two barrels), but if it gets too complicated, they won't. You could off course do it yourself and get it in the game but that'll get you VAC-banned.
Back to me:
Working on my first real project, a pistol for the Engie: The Gearbox
I want to take of a bit of the cover so you can see gears. A clockwork powered gun. Who wants some a dis?
Though it even happens when I comment it out and get no errors.
EDIT: also what ever happened to that "Night of the living update"?
you right,so i hope for the best,at the moment i am having fun so i continue in this way
Here some more rough blocking out of the shape of this thing
Edit: what did you guys think about it? it can work?
I did.
hmm, hard to say as I imagine you've got everything in place (ie collision and whatnot)...
All I ever saw about the 'Night' thing is that one post, I did sign up for the steam group but haven't seen any announcements or anything. The Dead-line is like Sept 15th or something.
*undead and shuffling
Not much to say apart from what is in the picture. Despite it saying final, I still want to hear your opinions before I begin modeling.
@ Zalakzik Nice idea and good execution so far. I'd scale up the wheels though, they're too tiny now. Or at least the parts that hold the wheels.
@ Hooch: I began by making a sketch over the silhouette of the stock shotgun, to try eliminating some future clipping problems. After making the initial sketch I used pentool and rectangle shape tool (also a bit of brush for the hoses) to create various shapes making up the gun. It consisted of up to 20 different shapes so I could easily move them around, scale, modify, transform, etc. Having made the first silhouette I copied it and started changing stuff. And so on and on.
I'm currently looking for someone who has a working knowledge of jigglebones. I have an item that is almost finished and ready to submit, except that it needs some jigglebones to make one portion of it look less static. If you wish to help, please PM me for more details. If you can successfully add jigglebones to this model, you'll get an equal share of the recognition (and profit, should it be added to the Mann Co Store) at 33% (there's one other person involved in the project).
The item is a melee weapon for Pyro called The Hooligan's Halligan, based on a halligan breaching tool, which firefighters and the military use to break into burning homes and vehicles. However, Pyro's odd sense of humor has led him to modify the weapon to look like a bird (inspired by Pyro's Halloween mask). The tentative description will be 'Establish a pecking order!'. No stats or weapon abilities have been suggested as of yet. The part that requires jigglebones is the piece of duct tape holding the cardboard tail down. It should flop up and down slightly when Pyro moves.
Anyhow, here's a pic:
Very nice.
I suppose that's one way to make them flock off. :-)
Aww man I was literally about to do that. You pulled it off better than I could have though. It is a fosters facade replacement right?
It is. Cheers, I was very surprised when I saw that nobody had made one before. It's been at the back of my head for months.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any ideas of what I should add or fix?
Also, later on I'm going to post what I have currently for my coil cannon. I need some input on the base colors.
Otherwise they look pretty good, maybe add some warning/brand stickers on the drill's case.
Ah ok, makes sense. What also may look good is if you add some air vents sorta like these
To one of the sides or the top.
To be honest, I don't really like the bend pipe on the top, straight would look better, I think. Also the drill above the barrel looks cooler to me. But hey, it's your model, do with it whatever the hell you want.
"jiggle_base_cable" and "jiggle_cable",assign first to weapon except jack and second only to jack.Generally did all instructions like in this manual [ame]
But GUIstudio tell me, that jigglebone is unused and nothing works
Help please
Neat, you found my tut.
Did you parent the model to the bone? I.E. Do you have an armature modifier for the model?
In object mode, select the object, then shift-select the armature (bone rigging). Both should be selected at this point, but make sure you select the weapon first. Then hit CTRL-P and click "armature deform with empty groups." That should give you the armature modifier under the Modifiers tab. Recompile. Profit.
P.S. You can delete the base bone (jiggle_base), it's not needed.
remodeled the spitfire shotgun a bit here. Shortened the muzzle slightly, but still longer than the stock shotty. (i like it long. If i can play ambush heavy i do think Pyros out there would find it easy to ambush people even with this long barrel [in short: deal with it]) Moved the gas can (if you didn't notice) and made it shorter. I made it smaller earlier but i didn't feel it was interesting enough compared to this cumbersome size. Joking aside, comments and "flamings" are encouraged.
Looking great so far, I like it.
I am modelling a sort of Anglerfish like headgear for the Pyro, and the modelling, as far as my talent reaches, is done. Now the Unwrapping. First, I want you to know if I did right with the seams on the lamp.
Second, when I unwrap, for instance, a cylinder, I never get a nice flat rectangle. Do I have to arrange everything myself by hand? Because that is a bit unprecise.
unwrapping can be precise. Use a checkerboard texture first, and you can tweak the uv's so the checkers are as square and even as possible, that will give you the best pixel results.
Actually, it's more of a Windows 7 (64 bit) compatibility issue for me. I'm using Maya, and the programs I need to import my models into the Source engine have issues with my OS. I've seen the tutorials, and it looks like something that would be simple enough for me to understand, but until I get those compatibility issues resolved, there'll be no jiggleboning for me. Thanks for the advice, though!
Problem : they don't look like bat ears. Derp. :B
I've thought about many ways to change position / shape / colors in order to make them look instantaneously bat-ey, but I can't find any that works. I think the bottomline is, contrary to what Batman had me think, the ears aren't one of the most distinct things about bats. (or maybe they are, but real bat ears are just too small to be interesting as a tf2 item imo, so I tried to go cartoony/exagerrated but I can't seem to get it right). Still, if anyone has any idea, critics/thoughts then I'm all ears. Haha. Sorry ._.
Definitely making some bat-wings to put on the scout's back though. At least that should be instantly recognizable.
I have some on the back part of the base. They were more noticeable on the sides on the longer version of the base, but you should see them perfectly in first person.
Back would be OK, But they'd have to be big to see them from anywhere but the back. Or they'd have to be huge and would clip terrain and stuff.
@ eedobaba7726
Thanks a lot, guys! It actually looks like a uv instead of a cluster of vertices. I still have to do the rearanging by hand... That is gonna suck.
@Contrebasse The ears should be more to the side, they're too much on top. Is it going to be for Night of the Living Update?
Actually this was my first idea for a bat hat, an all class hat with jiggleboned batwings on the side, and some kind of bat head on the front. So more like a hat made out of a bat rather than a disguise.
I just went on with the scout-ears first because he already had the fangs, and it seemed easier (at first...) because I wasn't sure I'd have the modeling skills to make the all-class hat visually interesting in-between the bat-wings. I'm still going to give it a try though, because I want to play with jigglebones a bit.
That's a very valid point indeed, didn't think of that. I'll see how it goes.
Thx sgtR007 for help
It have 2 jigglebones at cable and hose
And it's pretty well executed as far as I'm concerned !
Try modeling 'em off a Big-Eared Bat or a Horseshoe Bat. Or a Pallid Bat. Maybe a Sword-Nosed Bat.
They all have very large, very distinctive ears.