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massbots Project

polycounter lvl 16
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Adam Curtis polycounter lvl 16
I've finally decided to start posting and contributing to the forum, the work here is pretty inspiring and mega helpul at times I must say. I'm in my final year of study, and working on my final project. I've got some finished-ish stuff to show at the moment to show, so wip's will can be critiqued easier in the future. So Hi !

I wont bore you with too many details, but basicaly in my project+game idea, the player grows little native people in their nature loving little world, to stop the big bad invader from destroying it. the final aim of the project is to have an avi mockup of the gameplay etc, which i'll talk about another time laugh.gif
So here is some of it so far, i'm currently beginning the environment which i'll post up soonish wink.gif

[img]http://www.curtad.com/poly/1.beauty copy.jpg[/img]




[img]http://www.curtad.com/poly/sheet1Mainnative copy.jpg[/img]

[img]http://www.curtad.com/poly/lods copy.jpg[/img]


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