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Smallsword - (real time) WIPs

First WIP of an smallsword, I plan to make it all the way through texturing and it will be game ready. The blockout is pretty rough, but I am planning on going all in on details. You can see some parts are very sad right now, like how the knob in the left hangs in there very lonely. Don't worry will fix that and model it properly. 

This is my reference, I might change a thing or two. But there are several details that I will leave specially to challenge myself. 
What is an artist without challenge? Well at least that is the reason I became one. I accept critique, just bear in mind that reference will be king here and also I am a fan of historical accuracy.


  • Gabriel_Salazar
    Another update of the high poly, it is coming along now.
  • Gabriel_Salazar
    One final update before going to sleep. 

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    I think you've misunderstood the shapes on the grip. one part is braided but the other is clearly just a smooth cylindrical shape wrapped around the grip. yours has this odd waviness to it.
  • Gabriel_Salazar
    Managed to sneak some more work on the sword today, I like were this is going. Still more defining to do and add some small details and I think the High Poly is done. 

  • Ithronyar
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    Ithronyar polycounter lvl 2
    Looking good so far! I'm looking forward to how the textures turn out. Nice to see some historically accurate design. :)
  • Gabriel_Salazar
    The sword was on halt for a moment, but now I have come back to it. 
    Recently out of the oven and just added some base colors. Will texture in one 2K Set and using not one single pre made material or smart material. Everything will be done from scratch to practice.
    Of course, it wouldn't be mine if I did not add a lot hand painted ornamentation. 

  • Gabriel_Salazar
    Doing materials from scratch is really fun, the rope has proven to be a bit challenging, but I will get the hang of it. Not happy with how the blade looks but I have not worked much on the material. But the hilt and guard I really love how it turned out. 

  • Gabriel_Salazar
    Now doing the ornamentation, my favorite part, 100% hand painted patterns with no alphas. Right now they are very rough sketches, later on I will add variations in height and I will polish the shapes, and also give it a bit more of tear and wear. 

  • Gabriel_Salazar
    Managed to sneak some more work, tomorrow it will be my graduation ceremony so I have been busy with that. After that I will have time to finally finish this piece that has been postponed so many times.

  • Pav3d
    Offline / Send Message
    Pav3d insane polycounter
    The overall shapes are looking good, youve followed the reference very closely. But you seem to be mistaking the wire wraps for string/rope? The blade is also far too blue.
    This video really helped me understand how these types of swords are made.
    Your filigree is a bit messy, it should follow the forms of the handle more and not be all over. If you have the cash this photobash reference pack will help you out a lot.
  • Gabriel_Salazar

    Thanks Pav, I agree 100% on the fillgree, it is still mostly on a sketch state and I will polish it once I have finished it. As for the blade, I have not touched it that much, but it will be tempered steel which will give the blueish tone in the shaders with fresnel, I just left it blue to get an idea of the overall color.
    As for the materials of the hilt, I do not like the combination of dark tempered steel with brass that I initially planned. I think I will change it to dark acid etched steel with white steel, which will give it a cleaner look.
    I think that since I have been overlooking the whole graduation thing and getting a job I was doing things a bit too rushed, so now that I have just graduated I will take my time to polish the details.  
    As for the rope, I am a late medieval history fan and in that period they used real rope poured in wax. I did not know that they actually used metal in the renaissance, thank you for pointing that out. It actually makes my life easier because I was not happy with the results. Also I hate the default alpha for the rope, it is good for a normal one, but here it does not work, so I think I will make one that fits the period better.
    Thanks for the feedback, btw.
  • Gabriel_Salazar
    Forgot to add more updates, between the holidays I sneaked as much work as I could so since time was limited I focused on the work instead of showing it. I was not liking textures and thanks to @Pav3d comment I scratched most of it and began again. Even though I am a historical accuracy fan, I took some liberties with this, nothing too crazy but still it is not 100% historically accurate. The only thing that is 100% historically accurate is the model, it was based completely on antiques and it is made on scale with survival dimensions.
    The only thing I am not happy about is the metal rope like thing, next time I think it is better to tackle that on the high poly instead of trying to make it from scratch on the textures.
    Here is the Artstation post.

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