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3D Animation capture: How do you this tech used for games?

polycounter lvl 9
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Blond polycounter lvl 9
Not quite Moiton Capture and neither it is Photogrammetry but you could consider it as a capture of both:


The end result does look convincing. Of course it's all new and the captures seems to need alot of polishing step but this really looks it could be used somehow in the game process, at least for animation..I'm already seeing big CG studios using these for background characters or at least digital doubles!

Might as well add some trackers on the mesh and transfer the motion information on bones for animation (you can even see the giggles, it's crazy!)...


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I can't really imagine this being used in a game production. All game engines rely on skeletal animations mostly, and this doesn't use any.  Even the topology changes on these so...Lets say that the smallest problem is that normalmaps wouldn't work. A bigger problem is that the mesh wouldn't work in a game engine... Not to mention the horrible texture and mesh quality - horrible compared to a nicely modeled a textured manmade 3d.
    There is also alembic cache format for animation in some game engines, but the file sizes are huge - and therefore the memory usage, because you basically bake down the vertex positions on each frame, so Its not really ideal for real time usage either. This would still require stable topology as far as I know.

    So unless I'm missing something, I don't think this is suitable for game stuff. 

    For other things like movies, maybe?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I think we're much more likely to see something like this.

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