This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
I can't seem to get Sketchfab links to work, anyone know how? Thanks.
Made this lowpoly assets for fun
by michaelklimenko
on Sketchfab
Sword and shield. For fun
'Old School' early 00's 2 texture setup with hand made and photo sourced textures.
1500 tris. on the gun another 700 on the flashlight. (its meant to be seen pretty close up)
After optimizing it should be around 1700 all together, but this is just a concept.
1024x1024 diffuse and bump map (not normal map)
And a picture of a piece of wood from a cabinet website.
Default max scanline render with 1024x1024 env map and sky box.
Made a point to use bump maps and not normal maps!
For a secret thing.
Keep practicing
Also, for the helmet, regular spheres are generally not the best solution. Try playing with a geosphere instead for super lowpoly things, or at least rotate the top edgeloop a bit to have more of a triangular /\/\/\/\ pattern instead of a more quad-based |\|\|\|\| pattern. You can see what I mean on the Polycount Wiki
The texture on the feet is doing an excellent job, though.
So for a school project I decided to make an animation using Blender.
I have very little, to no knowledge on texturing and things of that nature:
So please Critique:
Link to the home of all this crap: or
The closest thing I've managed is cheating a bit - having an eye "object" that sits a little in front of the face. It's got lashes and an eyelid, but it's not a feasible long-term solution, I keep running into clipping issues with the face curvature. And I can't figure out how to project the iris onto the sclera in a way that allows it to follow the curvature. Do you have the eyes modeled into the head?
The iris and such is inside of a flat white "socket" similar to a mouth bag and the whole pupil/iris rigged so that it can move within this empty space. If I move it to the back of the "socket" then it will create that 3D illusion of them always looking at the camera:
It works the same way this does:
but if moved forward away from the back of the socket and closer to the eyelids you'll stop this illusion from happening and then you'll have direct control over what the character is looking at:
The eyelid is the usual curtaining effect you might see but I utilize rotations and scaling to reach the fully blinked pose(scaling might not be available in some game engines out there).
It literally turns the eyes into a "puppet show" kind of thing. For your model I'd move that center vertex back to create the socket and then have that pupil there on a quad moving around as if it were on the surface of an eye.
I do still have a shape key for closed eyelids, but I'm not sure if I can use shape keys in Unreal. I hope I can figure something out, because blinking and subtle eye movement are like the #1 thing I think makes a 3d model seem "alive".
Got this at 986 tris, including the eyes. Textures need a bit of work and compression, and some of the rigging around the hips is a little shonky. I'm sorely tempted to add another bone to the hands to I can close them to fists.
Holly Holm
I tried my hand at making some rocks. -.-
Eh, I dunno.
It would be really nice to take a look at it now! Thanks.
Love this thread by the way.
I still have to look into handpainting tutorials, and I'm sure there are some improvements I can make to the topology and unwrapping. The latter is why I decided to finally make an account and post.
Getting back into 3D again. Starting simple.
9mm Bullet