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Peugeot 208 Rally Car!

polycounter lvl 10
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RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10
Started a new university project in which I have to model a Rally car.. Been modelling the wheels for a little while now and was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to model the alloy of the peugeot 208 Rally Car?


This is what I have so far..


I was planning on modelling that section of the wheel, then using the array tool to rotate it 5 times then weld...

Any suggestions?



  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Pretty much what perna said..

    Just model the "low poly" first, just the shape. once you have that down, add control loops/bevels/whatever to keep the sharp edges.
  • RashedAlmetrami
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    RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the reply guys, got it nearly finished now.. What do you think?

    Just got to do some detail on the tyres, how Would I add the small detail (circled below) into the tyre? I am aware that I could normal map it, but any idea on modelling it?

    Thanks in advance
  • RashedAlmetrami
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    RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10
    perna wrote: »
    I strongly echo what bbox said.. make your base mesh for the entire car first, without worrying about control loops, details, bevels. Or you'll end up shooting yourself in the food with this thing and probably never get it finished.

    About modeling the small details in the tyre, they're very simple details, just punch out the shapes in a sufficiently dense cylinder. You wouldn't have any problem modeling them out on a flat plane, so do the same, just around the curve instead

    Thanks for the reply Perna, I would box it out first, however my tutor has instructed us otherwise and wanted us to model the wheel for next weeks lesson.

    If I boolean the shape out of the wheel, wont it create pinching when turbosmoothed?
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Don't just boolean it out randomly, you have to match up the segments of the cylinder with the shape your want to boolean out (and ofcourse a bit of cleanup).
    It's not even that much about the boolean, you can also just do it with the cut tool and snap to vertex.

    Check the last couple of pages of the "FAQ: How u model dem shapes?" thread, mostly Perna's posts.

    On the rim:
    -It seems like you modelled it in 2 parts, make it 1
    -There is still some tweaking needed, the real one has softer edges/softer overall, and I also see a bit of pinching here and there.

    And if you have some time this week, I would suggest already starting on the car itself.
    Making sure not just to do a random blockout, but in that first basic version having the edge flow/etc as good as possible.
    And that is gonna take a lot of time, getting the shape right, tweaking everything untill you can move on to actual subD/detailing.

    So start early even if it's not in the current deadline yet, because you really don't want to rush/don't have enough time for the most important step in the whole process.
  • RashedAlmetrami
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    RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10
    Since my last post I have been working on the car body as many of you suggested. Fortunately we are not baking a high-poly body and using smoothing groups instead.

    here is my current progress.






    My main question is, how does a cars topology form underneath the bumpers? I have to make the bumpers detachable but I don't know what to create underneath the bumper...

    Anyone know what there is behind a car bumper?

    Also any feedback of any sort is welcomed!

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    if you're making a car with detachable parts, then ideally your entire car should be made of the same segments a real one would be.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Here's what the wireframe models from one of the newer Need for Speed games looks like, http://i.imgur.com/lZ7Egq3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nDCTG23.jpg They do not use normal maps for the body of the car, but instead very carefuly control the shading through edge loops. You'll also notice the wireframe is very clean and evenly spaced, and only dense around curves and details. And the topology really follows the curves well.
  • RashedAlmetrami
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    RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10

    Added the underpart of the back bumper.
    Sorted out the topology inside the back of the car and also added in the support frame.


    Added a few more small details such as the brake-pad, suspension and aerial cable.
  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10
    Are you modeling it for highpoly rendering usage?
  • RashedAlmetrami
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    RashedAlmetrami polycounter lvl 10

    No I am not, it will be using shaders in UDK instead.


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