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A piece a day.

polycounter lvl 9
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SandmanSeven polycounter lvl 9
So I had to drop out of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh because of money issues, this happens a lot and when it does the student, in this case myself, find him or herself in a rut. You start off strong and you work on your portfolio, but you aren't good enough. That's okay, but it becomes hard. If you're like me your work starts to dwindle, your drive and passion shrivels as you work at a shitty job, (I'm a tech at Office Depot) and get no feedback from your resumes or sites like polycount. Well my friend saw this happening to me, and he gave me a challenge, he said "Ryan, You need to take down your shitty portfolio and start working on art again. You have to make an asset a day, it doesn't have to be large, but it has to be done.

So this is my thread to track my process, join along with me if you find yourself in the same situation.

Today I made a spear. I made it for Huskar, a character in the game Dota 2, and I made all the maps for it for Dota, I'm just having a hard time getting it imported. But thats okay because I got the model done, I can get the import done some other time.

The texture size is 128w x 248h.


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