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Maya "Connect" tool ?

polycounter lvl 10
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martynball polycounter lvl 10
Hey, I was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a tool similar to 3ds max's connect tool?

The reason I want that is because I need to put 2 edges on one 4 sides polygon, but I need to adjust how far from the center these are but keep them equal distances from the center.

If that makes sense ? Anyone who has used the connect tool will understand. The edge loop tool is all well and good for highpoly modelling but I can't use that here as I don't want to go around the entire model removing the un-needed edges.

I did try to extrude and then scale in, but that makes the surface un-even as the face is on an angle.


  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    Connect components, but you might want to use add subdivisions for what you need and just connect vertices.
  • martynball
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    martynball polycounter lvl 10
    That add's 1 edge, I need 2 or be able to add more with the ability to push them from the center at equal distances.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    if you want to put in multiple edge loops use the insert edge loop tool. it works like max's swiftloop but in the options you can enter in multiple subdivisions (up to 10 i believe). though there is no way to pinch or slide them like in max. SOMETIMES if i place down 2 edge loops using that method and then switch to the slide edges tool, it can work as a pinch/stretch method.. but it rarely works.

    for edge constraints.. if you want to constrain edges on edges.. use the slide edge tool.. if you want to constrain verts on edges, hold C (curve snaps) and middle mouse click on the edge you want to constrain to.
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    Can't you add one in the middle and use bevel on that ? it is the same thing as what max does with connect options.
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    martynball wrote: »
    The edge loop tool is all well and good for highpoly modelling but I can't use that here as I don't want to go around the entire model removing the un-needed edges.

    Then I'd suggest you triangulate the faces to the left and right of the one you're editing. When the insert edge loop tool hits a triangle it stops, so you won't have to go around your model removing the un-needed edges (though doing that would be as easy as double-clicking the edge to select the entire loop).

    Doesn't sound like this is as easy as the Max equivalent, but I think that's a recurring theme in Max vs Maya modeling comparisons.
  • wup101
  • martynball
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    martynball polycounter lvl 10
    Oniram wrote: »
    if you want to put in multiple edge loops use the insert edge loop tool. it works like max's swiftloop but in the options you can enter in multiple subdivisions (up to 10 i believe). though there is no way to pinch or slide them like in max. SOMETIMES if i place down 2 edge loops using that method and then switch to the slide edges tool, it can work as a pinch/stretch method.. but it rarely works.

    for edge constraints.. if you want to constrain edges on edges.. use the slide edge tool.. if you want to constrain verts on edges, hold C (curve snaps) and middle mouse click on the edge you want to constrain to.

    Like I said in the first post, I don't want to start removing loads of edges that the edge loop tools adds.

    And cheers for the edge constraints part, that will be useful.
    respawnrt wrote: »
    Can't you add one in the middle and use bevel on that ? it is the same thing as what max does with connect options.

    Yeah just realized I could do that, didn't think of that at first.
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    :D. Oh check for autofit option in bevel when you do that ! You can select multiple segments when u bevel so if you want to keep that middle loop select 2 segments in options and autofit on.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    martynball wrote: »
    Like I said in the first post, I don't want to start removing loads of edges that the edge loop tools adds.

    no need to.. you can specify to add 2 if you want to.. then just use the slide edge tool and move them.. if you're dealing with a straight shape then scaling will work to pinch/stretch the edges, otherwise slide edge tool will work
  • martynball
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    martynball polycounter lvl 10
    Okay cheers guys, I want 3ds max back :( - damn Uni course is making me learn Maya..
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    its worth learning. I tell ya, I use to hate maya too lol.
  • martynball
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    martynball polycounter lvl 10
    I suppose. To be fair, I do like afew things in it, but of course there are things I don't like as well.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    use the ctrl+shift+rmb marking menue to adjust the insert edgeloop tool...

    or use the connect tool in maya...
    just select two edges --> rmb and use the connect component tool...
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    have you tried just dropping one edge loop, than doing a bevel on that loop, which will spilt it and give you control kinda like pinch in max by adjusting the offset attribute.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    its worth learning. I tell ya, I use to hate maya too lol.

    He's completely right, Maya has it, it's just different. Have patience and all will come very handy one day.

    Something that I realize that people starting with Maya, or even people that are with Maya but never researched about it is the hidden marking menus. If you press ctrl+shift+RMB (tool options), shift+RMB (tools menu), or just ctrl+RMB (component options menu), you'll see how helpful it can be.

    There's also the W+LMB, E+LMB, R+LMB, and so on. Get used to them! and you'll see how fast Maya can let you be.
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