Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: riotorange

This here be my sketchbook!
I mainly do 3D modeling of creatures/ characters, and particularly enjoy the sculpting part in programs like Zbrush & Mudbox. I originally am a traditional sculptor, so naturally that part is muh favorite!
I also enjoy animation (stop motion) and seriously would love to do animation for games/ movies one day.


I'll be trying to post at least once a week from now on, starting 9-7-13. I really am very motivated and dedicated to improve my skills and land a job in the games industry. I've just started learning Maya, and will be moving on to animation shortly. Can't wait!

Any critique/comments are very much wanted and appreciated :)


  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    Very cool, can't wait to see what you've got. Everyone's gotta start somewhere :)
  • riotorange
  • riotorange
    Little Goblin guy I made back at Guildhall for Capstone. A few weeks ago I re-did his diffuse and spec when I got 3D-Coat on Steam. I love 3D-Coat!

    I like that we can post sketchfab on here. Here's the goblin's 3D view

    I got some really good feedback on porfolio presentaion for this guy at the IGDA Senioritis event at UTDallas on Friday, and have been working on fixing things according to those suggestions. I would really love some more opinions on what still isn't working / advice on how to present anything better. Thanks!




  • riotorange
    Made this guy from concept art I saw on the Wildstar site.
    Still a WIP but getting pretty close to finished.
    9,402 tris 1024 x1024 map for legs, 1024x1024 map for body

    This is the first time I ever modeled a high poly hard surface piece, and I learned a lot by making a lot of mistakes. For example I now know to unwrap by smoothing groups. Didn't know to do that with this one..but next project will benefit :)

    I learned how to explode my model for baking, using the link tool to move floating geo easily. I've never had anything with so many pieces (152) and learned using Layers in 3dsmax is very useful! I also baked my first AO map in 3dsmax, and decided it's a pretty awesome addition for the diffuse.

    Can't wait to get this guy finished up and to start on my next project with all my cool new knowledge. haha






  • riotorange
    I re-arranged the bolts on the body, added some more detail to the diffuse & worked on the spec for the wires & stuff on the bottom. I am trying to get some lighting improvement, but honestly I think I have a lighting-disability. Sort of like people who can't do math, but with lighting.




  • GxD11
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    GxD11 polycounter lvl 12
    Great stuff man, i really like the way you worked the shading on the goblin, id say add a version of the goblin posed in the environment you made in sketchfab as well, other than that presentation looks great. Ive never used 3d coat, how different is it texturing in that than in something like zbrush or mudbox, and do you see any advantage it has over other programs?
  • riotorange
    Hey thanks for the feedback! I'll try and load the small enviro & pose into sketchfab again, I had issues last time with the tree alphas, but I'll give it another go.

    With 3Dcoat, for me anyway, I like it because it's simple and it works every time. I could use it the first time I opened it without any need for tutorials. It's close to Photoshop in its brushes, color picker, and layer set up.
    I encountered many weird glitches with Mudbox, the brush randomly would "green out" all my colors while painting, it liked to corrupt my files constantly, and the monster-RAM-consumption has all kept me away from it since late 2011. I've heard things are much better with the 2014 version, so I really need to try it out again.

    I think Zbrush probably has everything that 3Dcoat does, and probably more, it's just not as obvious where those options are or how to use them/customize them. One day I'll learn the texturing side of Zbrush. I have seen some extremely awesome detailed work, so I know it definitely has the capacity, I just haven't taken the time to learn it yet.

    Which do you like best?
  • GxD11
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    GxD11 polycounter lvl 12
    Well i first started sculpting with mudbox and pretty much stayed with it, I picked it up real quick since i use maya for most of my 3d needs and it has a similar interface and shortcuts plus it feels comfortable for sculpting, painting is half and half cause it does have some glitches but i always switch between photoshop and mudbox depending on what im painting. Ive tried zbrush and i know i should learn it but i get frustrated working with the interface, but at some point im gonna have to dive in.
  • riotorange
    Same here, I've really got to do more with Zbrush!

    It was suggested that I do some variations of some of my models before I start my intended next project ( MECH DEATH HORSE FTW!) So instead I'll try and come up with some new versions. I'll post as I plan and maybe someone can tell me what looks good and what to kill.

    Anyway, no new art to show--so here's an old Swedish Chef sculpt,just because he makes people happy.

  • riotorange
    Alright quick half-serious variations for the goblin, although I really think it'd be fun to make some sort of animal skin headdress thing.
    I was looking at Frodo's orc helm, in case it's not completely 100% obvious. Rather like it though, I may keep it and try to figure out some sort of armor.

  • riotorange
    Found out from a friend there was a contest on deviantart for Scribblenauts, and even though only 3 days were left I decided I'd try to get something done. You could do any DC Comics character you wanted, in any environment, in any medeium so long as it was uploaded as a 2000x550 JPG or PNG.

    I choose to do something from The Sandman,because...The Sandman.Yah.

    Well, I did it! It's finished. Whew.

  • riotorange
    I keep forgetting to post progress here. I'm failing at my weekly goal :poly127:

    I'm doing 3 more versions of the buzzbot to add to that portfolio page,at the suggestion of my professor. He knows these things, so I listen. I'll post those later in the coming week.

    Here's some images on the goblin's newest accessories. The grey images are from Nov.1 and colors ( temporary, until I decide what to use) are from last night. I've got another version going with the armor that I'll post later on in the week.






  • riotorange
    Some more work on the dead ferret thing. I am learning how to use the paint stuff in Zbrush, but these are probably not going to be the colors I wind up with in the end. Just temporary playing around colors. So far it's cool except most of the time all the other subtools that haven't any color on them seem to change to whatever color I'm using on my current subtool. Gotta figure that one out.




  • riotorange
    OK FINE. I fail at updating my sketchbook. I accept it...but I'm going to continue to attempt to stop failing at it!

    This is an axe that I found a concept for a while ago. ( bear with me-I haven't slept more than 15 hours total in the last week. My sentence structure and grammar skills have long since died)
    It is a concept from Project Lodus by Leviathan. They did a successful kickstarter a while back. I found that out after I found the concept..so YAY for them!

    Anyway, this is the current state of my.. I guess it'd be "fan art"?
    It's a cool concept! I'm a fan of it. It works.


  • riotorange
    Worked on the diff & spec with suggestions for improvement from my professor. Think it looks better now but still not quite finished. I liked creating the symbols & font, like how the guns from District 9 are done. It kinda makes it more mine now. I hope if anyone from Leviathan sees this they aren't mad about me adding that. Ah well.
    Any critiques or advice on how to improve things are appreciated. :)

  • riotorange
    I've been working a little as a freelance artist in Dallas for a few months,which is a nice step up from unemployment, definitely, but it's hard not knowing when work will be available :/
    I hope I'll get something permanent soon.

    Forgot to post the finished lodus axe. So here they are, plus the model on sketchfab :)





  • riotorange
    I made a gun based off Zoe Washburne's maresleg from Firefly. I learned all sorts of sub-d magic with this project. Yeah. I'm going to pop it in zbrush this weekend to add some damage, then get started on the low poly & unwrap and hopefully start texturing soon. Woo! :)



  • riotorange
    You can never have too many crates and barrels!!
    These were done quickly ( quick for me. LOL) in about 4 hours total, start to finish for all 3, for a game I'm doing with friends.
    Textures are 256x256 for each.

    Images are huge! I have to go back and resize them definitely.



  • riotorange
    Made this out of sculpey, painted with acrylic paint.

  • riotorange
    Finished the low poly on the maresleg, and got the unwrap done today. Then realized I should mirror some pieces to gain some UV space while trying to pack UVs.. so I'm going to redo some pieces,then re-unwrap them & get this thing ready for baking & texturing


  • Crybaby
    The models are super cool! I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll texture the maresleg, for sure.

    And that Hellboy is adorable...! I think I love your clay sculpts just as much as your digital ones.
  • Miguel Oliveira
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    Miguel Oliveira polycounter lvl 4
    Nice low poly work, and I love paint style!
  • riotorange
    Thanks Crybaby and Miguel! I appreciate compliments a lot :)

    Here is an update on the Maresleg, with some flat color thrown on it to test out in Marmoset 1. I wish my trial of Marmoset 2 hadn't ended.



  • Sakuyo
    That hellboy is adorable. Are the bigger parts (head, hand, etc) sculpey all the way through or did you make an armature or something?
  • riotorange
    Sakuyo-thanks! I use armatures because Sculpey is really expensive. This is how Hellboy started out:

  • Sakuyo
    Cool - I always kinda wondered how people handled the weight/baking/expense for larger pieces.
  • riotorange
    Had to go out of town for a few days but got back last night and worked a (very) little bit on the texture maps. Hoping to finish this in a few days and move on to a cool sword concept I found



  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Wowza! Nice work my fellow Texan!

    i've got a question for you, when baking your normal maps, how doyou get them to be so clean? also do you hand paint most of your textures or do you use photos?

    PS: if you're not working, theres a game jam happening this weekend at UTD!
  • riotorange
    pmiller-Hi and thanks! :)
    My normal maps aren't that great yet, but I can see that I am improving. I follow tutorials here on Polycount and practice a looooot. I found that it really just comes down to having your low poly modeled well with enough geo, good chamfers,unwrapped properly, and control edges in the right places for the bake.
    Marmoset also seems to render everything super nice looking. haha

    My textures are either straight hand painted, or a combination of hand painted and some photo work. For example, the Probot & the Lodus Axe were hand painted, but I overlayed metal textures from cgtextures onto the colors.

    I'd like to do a game jam but can't this weekend! Currently waiting for an art test, and preparing for Guildhall's career fair on the 30th. Maybe the next one though! :)
  • riotorange
    I made business cards based off Hearthstone this week for career fair at Guildhall on Thursday.


    I know they still need a lot of work, but this is as far as I got.

    -images deleted-
  • riotorange
    I decided to call this "(Kinda like Zoe's) Maresleg" because in the end I changed up the colors and shape some. It's still obviously ( I hope?) inspired by Zoe's gun.

    If anyone has suggestions on a better way to display guns for portfolio, please tell me. This being the first I've done I am at a loss for effective solutions.




  • riotorange
    Some 2D characters I did for an art test at Peoplefun. I didn't get the job unfortunately, but I really enjoyed talking,meeting and working with the guys there while they decided. It's a great company and the game is super fun!!


  • riotorange
    Unused asset created a few months ago for Skyborne.
    The airship is called the Lacuna Beryl, a name a friend picked out.
    Some crates & barrels, because why not.
    I miss that trial of Marmoset2 so much.






  • riotorange
    So I'm still having some trouble with getting things to look correct in sketchfab. I don't know what is causing the dark black line and the shading change on the floor part, but hopefully I'll get that figured out soon :)

  • riotorange
    And also Zoe's maresleg in sketchfab.
    I don't know what is causing the mirror seam in some places(especially the scope) It doesn't show up like that in UDK, 3dsmax, 3dcoat or Marmoset 1.
    Anyone have ideas?

  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    woohoo! more orange stuff! :D
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Question, did you model in those details on the gun, or did you sculpt them in? or did you put them in with Ddo? etc etc.
  • riotorange
    The maresleg was done in 3dsmax and Photoshop, nothing is sculpted.
    Everything is hand painted, except for the wood texture.
    That I did in Photoshop,using 2 wood textures with various layer settings,color overlays, and masks. I painted over parts with a few different brushes, and then used that old nvidia filter to make a normal for it.

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